Brand New Solo $129 at B&H

ADDED: I just noticed you said you too off with GPS lock.

ERR Subsystem 10 is "failed to enter flight mode." Double check that you didn't take off in sport mode? If you did take off in sport mode and then at any point tried to switch to fly mode, then you could get some crazy flight characteristics. You must have GPS lock before flying but you obviously know this.

With DIY Pixhawk builds it would be standard practice to obtain GPS lock, take off in a GPS mode and switch to sport/across. This way, if a failsafe kicks in it will know where to go.

The right thing to do would be to build a non-gps unit to fly in acro/sport. The Solo was never really intended to fly in sport mode. You can do it because it is built on the Pixhawk but it's more of a video craft.

Just saw this. I always take off in GPS mode and make sure it has a lock on take off position. Even if it says it's safe to take off, I still wait a minute while I am setting up. I always let it hover to make sure it's stable for awhile, as well as quick control checks. I've always done this on all my quads, and probably why I have never crashed any including a bunch of Inspires I flew for work. I fly a lot of manual mode as well on the DJI's.

I was flying around a few minutes in loiter, when I then let it sit and hover for about 10 seconds I selected "Sport" in Solex. That's when it immediately went at least 45 degrees AOA (which I think 45 is limit in Sport?) and I heard the motors go full throttle. I tried to correct it but, it completely ignored me. The err Subsystem I think is when I put it back in "Loiter" but yeah, obviously didn't take that either. This all happened in about 10 seconds.

It's just cosmetic damage at this point on motor 2 and the arm. Not really sure how to fix the road rash on it at this point.
Just got my 159 bundle!

Excited that I got the 3dr backpack!

Now... Here's to hoping I got a Rev B board in the solo!

Update coming soon!


It's a Rev A board.
UK version.
About your Rev A...dont let it discourage you. My Rev A Solo with free cardboard mod acquires sats faster than my Rev B solo with cardboard mod. I've read a lot of comments stating Rev B is superior, not so in my case.
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About your Rev A...dont let it discourage you. My Rev A Solo with free cardboard mod acquires sats faster than my Rev B solo with cardboard mod. I've read a lot of comments stating Rev B is superior, not so in my case.
I bought the $159 bundle from B&H on black Friday...

The next day I bought a used one with a gimbal for $275 from a local seller.

I did the cardboard mod on mine and ordered the shield V2. I haven't installed the shield yet, but I haven't had any issues getting 10-15 satellites in my neighborhood.

I was hoping for a Rev B so I could compare the difference and decide which one to keep.

Now that I won't be able to do that, I'm going to keep the backpack and the spare battery and post the rest of the kit (including the new solo) for $300 on some other sites and buy/sell apps.

Even if I only get $200 for it... I feel like I'll still be waaaayyyy ahead, so I can't complain.
Just saw this. I always take off in GPS mode and make sure it has a lock on take off position. Even if it says it's safe to take off, I still wait a minute while I am setting up. I always let it hover to make sure it's stable for awhile, as well as quick control checks. I've always done this on all my quads, and probably why I have never crashed any including a bunch of Inspires I flew for work. I fly a lot of manual mode as well on the DJI's.

I was flying around a few minutes in loiter, when I then let it sit and hover for about 10 seconds I selected "Sport" in Solex. That's when it immediately went at least 45 degrees AOA (which I think 45 is limit in Sport?) and I heard the motors go full throttle. I tried to correct it but, it completely ignored me. The err Subsystem I think is when I put it back in "Loiter" but yeah, obviously didn't take that either. This all happened in about 10 seconds.

It's just cosmetic damage at this point on motor 2 and the arm. Not really sure how to fix the road rash on it at this point.

Road rash builds character. Your best bet is to post your .bin from that flight and let some of the experts (not me) look at it. You are obviously experienced. I have been flying DIY builds for a while now and never had any crashes besides a few light crashes due to battery low before I got the failsafe figured out. I recommend starting a clean thread if you want help. Good Luck to you.
B&H has the 3DR Solo again for $249- Solo only-
for anyone who got short changed from their Black Friday Sale and after ordering, were told they no longer had Solos left- it’s time to call and hold B&H’s feet to the fire-
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They have the Solo
They have the legs
They have the batteries
They have the LED covers
They have the charger
They have the sun shade
They have the extended battery for controller
And they have employees who can count- so start counting and put together the $159 Solo bundle for the folks who ordered this on Black Friday without excuses. And throw in an extra battery for inconvenience.
And call it the “B&H Merry Christmas Solo Bundle” for the guys who received the Grinch’s “we ain’t got the Solo bundle you ordered” grief.
That might be a canceled order or discrepancies between their inventory database and what is in the stockroom. Don't be too hard on them. Lol
It’s not a return- they have Solo listed for $249- I received everything I ordered but rompec, who ordered his at 12:10a.m.( had to be one of the first members to order and then told us about the deal on this thread) received an email a few days later telling him they ran out and therefore could not fill his order - I’m not sure how business works but I would think orders would be filled in the same order they were placed. B&H.... are you listening?
Hi I'm obviously new here!
I was able to snag 2 b&h bundles @ 159.00 I got the lowepro carriers and the back packs
First shipment was the waiting for the solo and accessories!
I didn't say return. I was assuming people are canceling orders. Probably Ebay flippers.
Hey Perspective-
I think B&H uses different vendors to get their products- I have seen multiple times where B&H sells out of a product and then a couple days later it pops back up. I have seen a couple of the $159 packages on ebay already for $400. I’ve purchased 9 Solos on B&H since summer- deals would start then be discontinued and then start again; but it looks like the Solo surplus is getting critically low.
Keep your eyes open for 3 boxes per bundle,
Backpack or Lowepro
Accessories- ( this is the money box)


Do you keep these cardboard cylinders on?


What a beauty [emoji106]


Black, Rev B. Sorry for the bad pic.
I'm missing the 3rd battery and the Lowe pro kit. On backorder 8s the camera holder and phone/tablet holder. Pretty happy with what I received though. Serial# S115A5B. Is that good?
RevB is definitely good, but with stacked OEM and 3DR V2 shield, I've surveyed over 2.5k acres across my two RevA birds and have never had an issue. Granted, I updated the GPS firmware and did some other tweaks, but yeah. I'm happy.

However, no comparison between 3DR and MRO in terms of number of satellites locked in a given location. MRO is nearly always double. HDOP at altitude is similar between the two, typically sub 1.0 with the MRO slightly better.

I've nothing to say on the HERE because I don't have one yet.
I'm missing the 3rd battery and the Lowe pro kit.
I am still missing backpack or substitute from my B&H order. There were only 2 solo batteries. The 3rd battery is a larger capacity battery for the controller in the accessories box. That's what I got and that was what was listed in the bundle/order. I'm jealous you got a Rev B. None of my birds had rev B boards when I picked them up.
In my other spares collected along the way I do have 2 rev B boards that I need to install, also have an mRo board to install. I agree with Saijin, the mRo I have in my first solo typically picks up 15-20 sats with an HDOP of around 0.7.
Hey Perspective-
I think B&H uses different vendors to get their products- I have seen multiple times where B&H sells out of a product and then a couple days later it pops back up. I have seen a couple of the $159 packages on ebay already for $400. I’ve purchased 9 Solos on B&H since summer- deals would start then be discontinued and then start again; but it looks like the Solo surplus is getting critically low.

Oh wow we're tied. I bought a bunch of them on the black Friday sale, thanks to whoever enlightened us on here. Now I'm parting a bunch out. That's how I afford to keep some. Lol.

BTW, thanks for your service, Marine.

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