Anyone in Florida?

Jul 11, 2015
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I'll be in the Keys in a few weeks and was hoping someone here could give me some notes on droning in FL. Where you can and can't fly. Any laws I need to know about?

I'm in Florida and as far as any law's, the only ones I _know_ of is that you cannot fly in State and 'possibly' County parks. And of course if standard AMA rules are followed you should be OK, like staying below 400ft AGL, no flying over private property without permission, etc.

Flying in the Keys should be great, get some good video of the ocean, wildlife etc. and share with us. Enjoy your trip and have fun.

I lived in the keys for 18 years, moved a year ago but I think an awesome place to video is the old 7 Mile bridge. You can still go out on it (no cars) from the Marathon side. It may be a state park now, not sure. Just keep in mind that you will have water all around you so if you have a problem,,,you will most likely go home "Sololess". Also, just about every place that you have access to the water and open space will either be a county (Monroe) or a state park. Good luck!
I lived in the keys for 18 years, moved a year ago but I think an awesome place to video is the old 7 Mile bridge. You can still go out on it (no cars) from the Marathon side. It may be a state park now, not sure. Just keep in mind that you will have water all around you so if you have a problem,,,you will most likely go home "Sololess". Also, just about every place that you have access to the water and open space will either be a county (Monroe) or a state park. Good luck!

I can attest to that, been a long time since I've been down there. Have a good trip, capture some good video, and keep your Solo dry.

Hi!! I live in Pembroke Pines, FL and I researched this because I fly rc aircraft all over the place.

Florida Rule: 62D-2.014 prohibits "take off from or land in any park." These links should still work:

The rule states:
"(15) Aircraft. No person operating or responsible for any aircraft, glider, balloon, parachute, or other aerial apparatus shall cause any such apparatus to take off from or land in any park except in an emergency when human life is endangered or where a designated landing facility may exist on park property."​

It's prohibited in National parks (Everglades) also. Local (county, city) parks it's case by case. The local authorities may or may not have rules about "drones." So far Pembroke Pines does not have any.

However, if you use common sense (don't endanger people, wildlife or property) chances are you no one will stop you from flying. The following assumes you fly safely, not doing anything creepy, and are polite to authorities and the general public. Given the media's unfavorable portrayal of "drones," trying to be assertive is not likely to work even if you are right.

If park rangers do see and approach you (some times they just stare and move on if you are not causing any trouble) they will eventually ask you to leave. But if you're friendly they will first ask questions (how much does it cost? is it easy to fly? etc.), they will hang out for a while, but in the end it's their job to ask you to land.

It's not a big deal and with all the tourists we get they're used to it. The rangers will probably emphasize that the rule states "take off or land," in other words if you just fly around safely they're not going to bother you. Some times it's local police, but they behave the same way.

I have a Yuneed Q500 4K and I always fly it last and have it ready to go so I can ask the ranger/police office if they want try it out. The Q500 is very easy and safe to fly on "turtle" mode and people just can't resist trying it out. I wouldn't let them try the Solo (too risky) or my Inspire 1 (too expensive). If you have some other cheaper quad that you can risk, I think it will work for you too.

I have been approached by "hostile" bystanders and as soon as I offer to let them fly something they change, it's like they become another person. Their faces are priceless when they are deciding whether to take me up on the offer to fly or not! It's an old saying I heard long time ago: if you bring them into the tent, they are less likely to burn it down.

If you get defensive, combative or if you fly recklessly expect handcuffs, guns pointed at you and bye bye quad(s). But you might become a youtube star!

All of this assumes you fly safely, not doing anything creepy, and are polite to authorities and the general public. Given the media's unfavorable treatment of "drones," trying to be assertive is not likely to work even if you are right.

Have fun, enjoy the keys, there are tons of places down there to get awesome video! Now you made think about it and I'm considering driving the 45 minutes to Key Largo as soon as the weather is better.
Hi!! I live in Pembroke Pines, FL and I researched this because I fly rc aircraft all over the place.

Florida Rule: 62D-2.014 prohibits "take off from or land in any park." These links should still work:

The rule states:
"(15) Aircraft. No person operating or responsible for any aircraft, glider, balloon, parachute, or other aerial apparatus shall cause any such apparatus to take off from or land in any park except in an emergency when human life is endangered or where a designated landing facility may exist on park property."​

It's prohibited in National parks (Everglades) also. Local (county, city) parks it's case by case. The local authorities may or may not have rules about "drones." So far Pembroke Pines does not have any.

However, if you use common sense (don't endanger people, wildlife or property) chances are you no one will stop you from flying. The following assumes you fly safely, not doing anything creepy, and are polite to authorities and the general public. Given the media's unfavorable portrayal of "drones," trying to be assertive is not likely to work even if you are right.

If park rangers do see and approach you (some times they just stare and move on if you are not causing any trouble) they will eventually ask you to leave. But if you're friendly they will first ask questions (how much does it cost? is it easy to fly? etc.), they will hang out for a while, but in the end it's their job to ask you to land.

It's not a big deal and with all the tourists we get they're used to it. The rangers will probably emphasize that the rule states "take off or land," in other words if you just fly around safely they're not going to bother you. Some times it's local police, but they behave the same way.

I have a Yuneed Q500 4K and I always fly it last and have it ready to go so I can ask the ranger/police office if they want try it out. The Q500 is very easy and safe to fly on "turtle" mode and people just can't resist trying it out. I wouldn't let them try the Solo (too risky) or my Inspire 1 (too expensive). If you have some other cheaper quad that you can risk, I think it will work for you too.

I have been approached by "hostile" bystanders and as soon as I offer to let them fly something they change, it's like they become another person. Their faces are priceless when they are deciding whether to take me up on the offer to fly or not! It's an old saying I heard long time ago: if you bring them into the tent, they are less likely to burn it down.

If you get defensive, combative or if you fly recklessly expect handcuffs, guns pointed at you and bye bye quad(s). But you might become a youtube star!

All of this assumes you fly safely, not doing anything creepy, and are polite to authorities and the general public. Given the media's unfavorable treatment of "drones," trying to be assertive is not likely to work even if you are right.

Have fun, enjoy the keys, there are tons of places down there to get awesome video! Now you made think about it and I'm considering driving the 45 minutes to Key Largo as soon as the weather is better.

Thank you very much for the links, I was told by a friend about this. Great info!


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