3DR Solo 2.0 Coming Soon New Carbon Fiber Body & New Motors

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Sep 22, 2019
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Tampa, FL
What's up everybody? I've been working with a couple guys on creating a whole new body for the solo using a combination of PLA and Carbon Fiber 3D printers to make this possible. Ideally we are aiming to be able to run DSLR rigs on the solo and larger batteries but still have the same set up that we're used to running on solex and open solo with a much greater flight time. I have a friend working on the python scripting now and hopefully within the next six months we will have something available for everyone as well as fully integratable hobby grade series batteries to operate on with xt60 or xt90 connectors using power modules instead of the original BMS setup for tracking telemetry accurately.

If any of you have any input I'm something you might want to be available on the body of the unit for future installation please reply with your ideas below. Once we finish a 3D print of the entire body we will start a mold casting kit for complete carbon fiber molding for all future body shells.

The solo is not dead it just needed someone to redefine the idea and concept of its original abilities the downside so far has been limited Tech based on release year we're hoping to change all that for a very reasonable price for anyone wanting to make their solo more of a Matrice style setup to give DJI a new punch in the gut from an old company lol

I look forward to hearing your ideas and please do not reach out to me asking if you can assist with the project the team I have chosen has been carefully selected due to past issues that have arisen I'm sure the majority of you will understand ?


  • 3DR-Solo-banner.jpg
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Good news.
An interchangeable gimbal connector, similar to the DJI in operation, but hopefully it could be done better.
These days we use many more sensors than just RGB.
DW what up this is what P2P has a to say ABOUT THE 4.0 Dev BRICKING


Well this is just brilliant. Your entire video is non-sense. I will explain in detail why. I suspect it won't sink in based on the history. But it's worth a shot.
  • You repeatedly said that nobody should do this because "Open Solo 4-dev will brick your solo" and you "don't care what nobody says". That is lie. Literally everyone that has done it except for you has it working great without bricking. I guess the part about you not caring what anybody says is actually accurate then...
  • You repeatedly slandered this forum, claiming that you got no help on this forum. That is a lie. In one morning, you made 6 impatient posts all over the forum about this. Multiple people responded to your multiple posts. In fact, I just counted 30 posts all related to your problem trying to help you. Myself, and multiple other people.
  • You refuse to answer questions or provide meaningful information. On multiple occasions, I have had to ask you the same question multiple times and every time, you say something else that also doesn't answer the question. Sorry, neither I nor anyone else can read your mind.
  • Your video is complaining that nobody was responding to you between 11pm and 4am. Some of us sleep at night. What exactly were you expecting?
  • You said DroneWorship told you I just go around calling everyone an idiot. DroneWorship has long history of lying on social media behind people's backs so they can't respond, and this is no different. The best is when he talks shit and lies in writing to other people, as if those other people are not going to show me what he said. No real surprise here, and it's what I was expecting. I generally ignore him because it's pointless. But anyway, apparently you already forgot about the amount of time I spent trying to help you (just you, not even anyone else), and didn't call you an idiot. But that's ok. You and DW can stick together and probably will get along GREAT!
  • In your video, you claim I never responded to your post asking "P2P WHICH FIRMWARE". I didn't respond, because you never hit the post button and still haven't. You're showing a draft post that you you never posted, complaining that I never responded to it.
  • I suggested you hook up to the cube by USB and load firmware manually. According to your video, that is exactly what you did and it worked. So you did exactly what I suggested you do, and it worked.
  • You said "the solo group sucks. And yet, here you are with a working solo because of this group.
  • You said "I'm deleting my page" from this solo group that sucks. I have no complaint or debate with this one.
You just copied and pasted what I said from another thread, which can be found here: opensolo 4 DEV controller install Failure

Since your video was filled with lies, misinformation, your own mistakes, and other nonsense, I decided to list it all out for you. But anyway, if DW wants to build a drone using Solo stuff, he's more than welcome to do that. Sounds pretty cool and it's all open source. You are more than welcome to use it too. Best of luck. I think you two will get along great!
DW what up this is what P2P has a to say ABOUT THE 4.0 Dev BRICKING


Well this is just brilliant. Your entire video is non-sense. I will explain in detail why. I suspect it won't sink in based on the history. But it's worth a shot.
  • You repeatedly said that nobody should do this because "Open Solo 4-dev will brick your solo" and you "don't care what nobody says". That is lie. Literally everyone that has done it except for you has it working great without bricking. I guess the part about you not caring what anybody says is actually accurate then...
  • You repeatedly slandered this forum, claiming that you got no help on this forum. That is a lie. In one morning, you made 6 impatient posts all over the forum about this. Multiple people responded to your multiple posts. In fact, I just counted 30 posts all related to your problem trying to help you. Myself, and multiple other people.
  • You refuse to answer questions or provide meaningful information. On multiple occasions, I have had to ask you the same question multiple times and every time, you say something else that also doesn't answer the question. Sorry, neither I nor anyone else can read your mind.
  • Your video is complaining that nobody was responding to you between 11pm and 4am. Some of us sleep at night. What exactly were you expecting?
  • You said DroneWorship told you I just go around calling everyone an idiot. DroneWorship has long history of lying on social media behind people's backs so they can't respond, and this is no different. The best is when he talks shit and lies in writing to other people, as if those other people are not going to show me what he said. No real surprise here, and it's what I was expecting. I generally ignore him because it's pointless. But anyway, apparently you already forgot about the amount of time I spent trying to help you (just you, not even anyone else), and didn't call you an idiot. But that's ok. You and DW can stick together and probably will get along GREAT!
  • In your video, you claim I never responded to your post asking "P2P WHICH FIRMWARE". I didn't respond, because you never hit the post button and still haven't. You're showing a draft post that you you never posted, complaining that I never responded to it.
  • I suggested you hook up to the cube by USB and load firmware manually. According to your video, that is exactly what you did and it worked. So you did exactly what I suggested you do, and it worked.
  • You said "the solo group sucks. And yet, here you are with a working solo because of this group.
  • You said "I'm deleting my page" from this solo group that sucks. I have no complaint or debate with this one.
Dude I'm not here to start a war with anybody Matt and me both know how we feel about each other but I also have given him props and still do for the work that he does with the solo. I still think open solo has much to be desired as I always have but it is what it is I'm not trying to change his mind and I'm not trying to change your mind I just saw your video on YouTube because I'm subscribed to you and you comment on my stuff every once in awhile. However I'm not going to let you pit me against the rest of the guys we've already been down that road it's really played out at this point I'm moving forward with my own solo projects just like these guys are and if anybody wants to take advantage of what I have to offer they will regardless of Matt going around saying that I have sociopathic tendencies and that I'm lying about everything I honestly could care less. By the way you should upgrade to 3.7 in my eyes it is still the most stable open solo yet.
You just copied and pasted what I said from another thread, which can be found here: opensolo 4 DEV controller install Failure

Since your video was filled with lies, misinformation, your own mistakes, and other nonsense, I decided to list it all out for you. But anyway, if DW wants to build a drone using Solo stuff, he's more than welcome to do that. Sounds pretty cool and it's all open source. You are more than welcome to use it too. Best of luck. I think you two will get along great!
As for you Matt I'm not here to create trouble or bring up the past I'm just here as an avid solo fan doing my thing as I always have. Through a couple of years on Facebook groups I decided there is lots of deception in the background people twisting your head telling you things about other people honestly I don't even care anymore I basically dropped out of all the groups I don't give a flying f*** what anyone thinks anymore lol I do what I want to and how I want to do it and if I need something solved or have a question I will ask whoever I need to ask if they're willing to respond I will have future questions for you if you're willing to take them but as far as you and me go I think we have both chosen our own path and it's probably for the best but I always think progressively so my intention is to keep the solo moving forward because it's a one-of-a-kind bird if that is your goal then we definitely have something in common still. Now you can choose to treat this like the normal Matt call me a dick head tell me I'm a pathological liar and I write messages about and you've seen all the screenshots and everything I've said about you or you can move forward from here and we can come to a mutual understanding that both of us want the same thing from this fun Tech Adventure over the past 5 years. Either way it makes little difference to me I'm going to keep doing what I do and I'm positive you will keep doing what you're doing but if we don't have to go back and forth I find it will probably be a lot easier. ? anyways head up man and tell Phillip we're still waiting on that Optical flow sensor it's been 2 years now I don't know how much longer I can hold out ?
Good news.
An interchangeable gimbal connector, similar to the DJI in operation, but hopefully it could be done better.
These days we use many more sensors than just RGB.
Well that's probably going to be kind of a hard one it will definitely definitely increase the cost of this rig so that might be a custom job for certain people if they want a setup like that the majority will go for basic DSLR it's a good suggestion though we might be able to fit something in the future
I still think open solo has much to be desired as I always have but it is what it is I'm not trying to change his mind
And yet you have never once made a single suggestion, contribution, or assisted in any way with anything at all to do with Open Solo. You just tell people that in messages and youtube comments that it is not good, and steer them to your channel. Then lie about it when someone calls you out.

Speaking of lying. I've never told anyone you have sociopathic tendencies. Or used the word pathological. Or called you a dickhead. You completely made all that up too.

Through a couple of years on Facebook groups I decided there is lots of deception in the background people twisting your head telling you things about other people
By "people twisting my head", you mean people sending me screenshots of you private messaging people talking shit, making up lies, blaming everyone else for your problems, and then redirecting them to your youtube channel? Oh right.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your projects. I would prefer you do those projects without posting a bunch of misinformation and lies. Or at least keep the lies and misinformation to private messages like usual so I don't have be annoyed by them.
And yet you have never once made a single suggestion, contribution, or assisted in any way with anything at all to do with Open Solo. You just tell people that in messages and youtube comments that it is not good, and steer them to your channel. Then lie about it when someone calls you out.

Speaking of lying. I've never told anyone you have sociopathic tendencies. Or used the word pathological. Or called you a dickhead. You completely made all that up too.

By "people twisting my head", you mean people sending me screenshots of you private messaging people talking shit, making up lies, blaming everyone else for your problems, and then redirecting them to your youtube channel? Oh right.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your projects. I would prefer you do those projects without posting a bunch of misinformation and lies. Or at least keep the lies and misinformation to private messages like usual so I don't have be annoyed by them.

??? why would I contribute to something I don't use or care about in the slightest open solo has never done anything magical for anyone... Lookout people Matt the savior is here to rescue the solo Community with open solo! it makes it easier to install third-party application and if the 3DR app and 2.4.2 ever get pulled we won't be screwed that's your reasoning for open solo. I've already figured that one out too so as far as I'm concerned open solo does nothing for me all these people installed it but when you ask them what the benefits are they can't give you any answers because they realized they just did it to do it maybe 6% of solo owners will actually benefit from the open solo in the fashion that you intended most people are just upgrading because they think they have to or it's going to offer them some new mind-blowing experience lol. Having flown open solo and stock setup with solex the difference to me is marginal on such a small scale so no I could really care less about open solo but it may have a place in my future build

I have the screenshot of you calling me a sociopath in 2017 In This Very site lol. It's okay Matt we don't always remember the things we say or write about people but the funny thing is you responded exactly like I expected you too. It's almost sad how predictable you are ? but on the flip side of that coin you just showed everyone your douche tendencies and I was really rooting for you. Now just because I don't give a s*** I'm not even going to read your entire comment cuz I can see it matt being Matt and there's no arguing with Matt there's no winning there's no scenario where I'm correct in your not so why waste my time? Like my grandma used to say save it for the souls of purgatory and on that note I bid you adieu chode master you can't say I didn't try to get along ??
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Case in point. Says it leaves a lot to be desired. Deflects from actually saying what or how, launches ad-hominem attack instead. Unsurprising. It would be great to integrate suggestions you and your channel members may have to make it better for everyone. But if you're not willing to do so, or don't actually have any suggestions, we'll keep chugging along.

You're certainly entitled to your opinions on it, despite having no grounding in fact or reality. I'm sure you have some people who follow your channel that agree with you too, and they're also entitled to that opinion. I have no plans to push it on anyone, never have, and never will. So you all can keep being happy without it if you're happy without it. I've explained in detail what is better about it, in great detail, in many places, so I'm not going to repeat it here again. Based on the responses from the many people using it, your opinion does not seem to be substantiated by reality.

As for the sociopath thing:
  • I searched before posted. I find no posts other than your own even using the word.
  • I'd never even heard of you until September of 2017, when you invited me onto your live stream talking about this stuff.
  • I had no problem with you at all, and never talked to you again for almost a year.
  • I found out some things almost a year later in July of 2018.
  • That was my second and only interaction/conversation with you in July of 2018 on facebook messenger. At which time, you admitted in writing to this stuff and blamed your girlfriend.
  • You just joined this forum last week, so I'm pretty sure I didn't message you here in 2017 and call you a sociopath, or anything else.
  • If I did say that, and you actually have some evidence of it, I would certainly stand corrected on the matter of not saying that.

I'll stick with facts, data, and honesty all day long, even if it is seen as "douche tendencies" by some.
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Lol you still seem to think I care for some reason? I already tipped my hat to you sir I'm now having breakfast with my beautiful girlfriend having the most wonderful cup of coffee then working on my boat. And yes you searched for the wrong thing on here to find your comment maybe someday I'll share what you said just to make a point lol welbro the coffee's kicking in I think I'll go take a big dump I need to concentrate on how many wipes I don't think it's going to be one of those ones where you only have to wipe twice it's probably going to be more like a eight or nine wipe situation but I digress it will be one for the ages ? later Master of the chode ?
You seem to care enough to keep replying with one claim after another that you then refuse to substantiate or cannot substantiate. What's next? Did I run over your cat in 2015? But anyway, I hope everything comes out ok and that you don't run out of toilet paper.
Are you sure you want to go down this road? I may have had the date wrong for your comment but honestly I don't think it changes the the face value. I have a video I've been compiling for the past 2 years just to show everyone exactly what you guys have been up to in the background and how the majority of it has been money-oriented. You seem to think you were the only one that was receiving messages about me or being shown screenshots it goes both ways lol the five of you made quite the team when it comes to taking advantage of the solo group and the people still involved in the platform lots and lots of deception. But as I said when I'm ready I will release my findings as you so eloquently put it proper research proper data and then release your findings for the assessment of all. Good advice

You will also be getting a video about my thoughts on open solo so far when I'm ready to put it out I will not before not after and certainly not on Matt's schedule lol

Slow your roll bro you'll have plenty of time to find out what my plans are for the future.

Well I think that about sums it up until our next interaction you can't say I didn't try to be friendly when I joined this forum...
  • Haha
Reactions: DeadBeatDaddy
Ah. So that's November of 2018, not sometime in 2017. I found the thread for anyone that wants the full context. Instead of a picture, here is the whole thing: BMS Calibration I have nothing to hide, it was a public post, and I stand by what I said. I said "It's very intentional and reminds me of a sociopath's behavior". I did not say you have sociopathic tendencies, which is a very different statement and completely different context. The context is extremely important here.

For the record, I have never made a single dime on anything at all whatsoever. In fact, I've had people message me asking if I have a tip jar on paypal or something and I've declined even donations for my time and efforts I do not want to make money on this, I prefer to just do my thing and if people like it, they can use it. This is a hobby that I enjoy, and I like sharing my work with others. Your accusation that I, am somehow racking up a scheme of profits on this, is absurd and libelous.

Those who do have a business and sell things are entitled to do so. They made no secret of being a business selling things, and no purchase was ever required. They did so at little to no profit at all, while providing free support too. I know you don't like them for a variety of reasons. But I don't think you're on the right track with that conspiracy. Certainly not as it relates to me, which is just crazy.
  • Haha
Reactions: DeadBeatDaddy
As for making videos, that's fine too. as long as you have your facts and data. not opinions and exaggerations.

I'm not being sarcastic when asking what could be better. I've been asking for years what could be better. In fact, I would be happy to join you on a live stream to discuss the pros and cons of it (because yes there are indeed cons and I'm not oblivious to that). I know what they are and don't hide them. If you want to have a friendly, honest chat about it with no preconceived intents from either side, I'd be happy to participate. If you want to do a "here's why it sucks video" with no input and ignore everything else, you can certainly do that. I think it would be awfully one-sided and biased. For the same reason I'm not suggesting making a "Open Solo is the best" video.
Lol I'm saying as a whole each one of you had your role to play whether you meant to or not you all had some role.

I know how you feel Matt I always have and it still doesn't change the fact that you said what you said and I knew that you were going to say you still stand by it even if I provided the picture ?? you're extremely predictable which is why my future videos are going to be so much fun for you damage control is the best to watch especially when someone's under pressure.

Anyways I'm not asking anyone to believe me or not I could care less I'm what they think of me or any of the above I'm just here to get people's opinions on what they would like for the new body that were making for the solo and possible attachments people are looking for.

It was inevitable that someone was going to say something about me and bring you into it at some point or another so I figured we can just hash it out now and get it over with ?? you can say whatever you want brother we can go in circles for days about this and yet it's still isn't going to change the mind of anyone.

All the people here care about is that there solo continues to fly regardless of who's giving them the information if it works it works that's all there is to it whether it came out of your mouth my mouth or anyone else's mouth if it solves problems then it's a good thing.

Well you have yourself a beautiful morning I'm going to go spend mine with my dad now as you know at our age our parents are only getting older the more time you spend with them the less time you have to argue with paddling Peddlers ?

And my answer is no you will never be on my YouTube channel again unless I'm talking about you or any of the open solo crew or profi CNC guys. The Soloist heading a new directions without the help of you guys you have your own project and I have mine I do not need your help or assistance anymore with anything we are far beyond that now honestly. Like you I went and found my own group of guys with tons of experience and knowledge with a p.m. and Pixhawk driven platform it's actually quite simple the more I learned about it opening up a whole new world of possibilities for future use for the solo.

You have enough data in here to go off of the people on my channel are looking for better options rather than what's available which is why I'm on this path. You guys are still using the solo and its most basic form we are trying to make improvements for a much more professional dedicated system.
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I don't see it as damaging since my thoughts on the matter are pretty public already and so was the post. I doubt many people were like 'Omg, Matt and Dan don't like each other!!??" Everyone knows I'm brash and blunt. The mods and admins probably hate me. Many other people hate me for it. I've gotten actual death threats for it in other unrelated forums. I've had people wish death upon me here and on social media for it. I've even had someone connect my sexual orientation to their failure to follow firmware instructions. So at this point, if you make a video explaining what an asshole I am, as long as you stick to the facts and don't go out of context, I'd probably give it thumbs up and agree completely with it.

we can go in circles for days about this and it yet it's still isn't going to change the mind of anyone.
Well this I agree with completely as that's all we're doing. The likelyhood of me changing your mind on the reasons we dislike one another is about as likely as changing anyone's political opinion with social media comments.

I'm not being sarcastic when I say I hope your frame project works out. I don't expect your or I will see eye to eye on anything else and I'm not sure I even want to. But anything that keeps the Solo living on is a good thing.
Just saw the edit regarding your channel and project....

The offer stands on the discussing it. You can make a new frame, but that frame will still be using the same outdated and buggy firmware from 2016. And the same applications from 2016 that don't work on the current operating systems. ArduCopter 4 will still not work with the old 2.4.2 firmware. And the old way it handles failsafes remains unsafe. I would think putting the latest and greatest firmware on the latest and greatest frame would be the pinnacle of Solo living on. Even if the people behind them don't think highly of one another for a variety of reasons.

I don't design frames. I do not have the capability or experience. My thing is firmware and processes, that's what I know and that's what I do. So the notion that I'm just trying to keep the same old thing being the same old thing is wrong. I'm making better the parts that I know how to make better and they are indeed significantly better. Not because I think nothing else could be better, it's just want I know how to do. Making a new frame and battery is no more a complete solution than just making new firmware.

BTW, I saw in a video you were talking about getting the old 2.4.2 firmware from 3DR so it doesn't go away when they eventually shut it down. That's already out and available, straight from their servers. It was also open sourced with everything else. It's on the github page under releases. OpenSolo/OpenSolo. 3DR unfortunately elected not to open source the applications. Thankfully we have Solex and SidePilot to fill that void.
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