Dear 3DR

what overload?
This one:

Of course it was fake... Have you ever seen a Monkey fly anything? When you saw the video for the first time did you think "well if that monkey can do it I know I can"???

Return you Solo and quit this forum
Post of the year material here.

Is it really worth all the arguing I knew this trolling bs post full of made up or just blatant lies was going to start an rcg type war. I'm not sure why everybody feels the need to prove which is better just go fly, p3 has issues well known, solo has issues well known, pick your poison and stick with it. Or buy both and have the best and worst of each just go fly and have fun fellas.
I don't know how many units were sold "Solo's" guessing 3 to 5 K? some screw-ups bound to happens Sales/Hardware/Customer relations.
So looking for perfection isn't possible, but 3DR is trying to do right from what i see.
I ordered everything from B&H, in early July, I was told Gimbal ETA was August 17th. Got free extra battery, Free Bck Pak for GP4 Blk. And if Gimbal comes in soon, no problem. And not 1 single problem with Solo!.
Hate it when people got a problem & make it sould like EVERYONE must have the same problem. out of 5k Solos sold, there is maybe 25+ GPS problems Most user errors, "Bad area to get GPS" i can see from this site Not even 1%. How many stress crack on DJI?

Don't like SOLO, 3DR has a good return policy, USE IT.

How did you manage to get a free back pack?
I don't know how many units were sold "Solo's" guessing 3 to 5 K?

Uhhh.. 3 to 5k?

Considering there are over 1,200 members of this site alone, I think your numbers might be a "tad" off. Somehow I doubt that somewhere between 20 to 40+ percent of all Solo owners are members of this site.
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You obviously do not know what the facts are Earl.

I am pretty sure Ryan ordered his a couple weeks prior to when I ordered in April. I was not told the gimbal would not ship with my Solo when talking to sales and I know Ryan was not told that either. All I was told was my "order would ship the end of May".

3 weeks late? It's closer to 3 months late.

Check Retired2Fly's investor updates if you want to see the real gimbal delays.

And you are very correct. DJI is not going to cover a failure when using the Litchi app or any other 3rd party app. As a matter of fact there is a good chance they wont cover a failure on their own part because their support sucks.

However, I can buy a Phantom 3 and almost another complete Phantom 3 for a backup for what I have invested in the Solo, gimbal and Hero 4 black with custom lens to remove fisheye. But I am out flying it and making useful video now which is something we are still talking about "someday" 3DR doing.

On another note I have had 2 Solos. Both failed for issues that are common now. Both had to go back. Having great service really doesn't mean as much to me when you have to use it a lot.

3DR reminds me of old Harley Davidson. Great company and customer service. But leaked oil and had to work on them a lot. LOL

I can't wait to see end user gimbal footage from the Solo. I really don't care about selfie or orbit that much but am really interested in the cable cam.
We have had good discussions, and I have enjoyed your input. I am sorry your bitterness has clouded your judgement, as I think you are just wrong on the facts.

Show me where the gimbal is 3 months late. And forum posts from someone with "inside" knowledge don't count...

The facts matter. All of us make choices and reasonable people can disagree. They can also value different things, and make different choices, and from that buy different things, but the facts do matter.

I have watched every release since before April. As I said before, you can't blame 3DR for blog rumors and assumptions made by people.

I see some people getting their shorts all in a knot because the gimbal is delayed. My experience (having been on the bleeding edge on literally hundreds of things) is that is par for the course and 3DR is hanong a new product with a large demand quite well. You aren't happy. I am happy they decided to do it right rather than release something with a known defect (like the Phantom shell)

This reminds me of people screaming when a new Windows comes out (or is delayed because they found problems). People get in such a fit with thier expectations of something new so blown up, it is beyond reasonable. And people that planned payed jobs based on something they don't have in their hands are just foolish. I would say just like photography in general, if you are looking for the cheapest things that meet a spec, you are in the wrong business.

You don't care about smart shots. You don't care about service. You don't care about warranty. You don't care about down time. You don't care that many repairs have an 8 week turnaround. You don't care about crashes, or that they are all your fault no matter what. Or open source, or manufacturer created applications, etc. etc.

You only care that the P3 has a gimbal today, and that (assuming you don't have GoPro's or see value in that platform) the P3 is cheaper... Fantastic!! You picked the right product and the right company!! Except, since you al;soi don't care about 4K (much less 8K) you probably have savbed even more money and got the Standard...

I will tell you exactly what I told they guy that started the thread. I wish you all the luck in the world with your choice, your Phantom, and with DJI. By all means, buy two or three.

Seriously... I get it. You made a different choice. What I don't quite get is why you stay here and keep saying it over and over, especially to people like me that have thoughtfully made another choice (though I still own both). While saying (for the last month or so) you "won't be here long". I would ask, just who do you think you are saving? Me? I have dealt with both companies and products for quite a while, and many, many others before this.I can assure you, I don't need saving....

Really.... With all due respect we have had this conversation now several times. If you want to try and save somebody else from their terrible fate of buying a..... Solo... (Gasp)

OK..... misguided... but..... OK.....

I can assure you though I am a big boy, and can make my own choices. In fact, to date I have been quite successful at it.

PS: Keep an eye out for cracks in your back legs. I am STILL waiting to get a P3 back that has been in China for 5 weeks. Only 3 more weeks!!. To bad my warranty won't be extended by 8 weeks. So far I haven't decided to sell it on Ebay. If I do, I will make sure to get hold of you on PhantomPilots....
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Of course it was fake... Have you ever seen a Monkey fly anything? When you saw the video for the first time did you think "well if that monkey can do it I know I can"???

Return you Solo and quit this forum
Exactly.. It is funny to watch people that say they have returned their Solos, spend SO... much time here.... It's as if they were having second thoughts and are trying to justify their decisions....ROFL
We have had good discussions, and I have enjoyed your input, and I'm sorry but I think you are just wrong on the facts.

Show me where it is 3 months late.

The facts matter. All of us make choices and reasonable people can disagree and buy different things, but the facts do matter.

I have watched every release since before April. As I said before, you can't blame 3DR for blog rumors and assumptions made by people.

I see some people getting their shorts all on a knot because the gimbal is delayed. My experience (having been on the bleeding edge on literally hundreds of things) is that is par for the course and 3DR is hanong a new product with a large demand quite well. You aren't happy. I am happy they decided to do it right rather than release something with a known defect (like the Phantom shell)

This reminds me of people screaming when a new Windows comes out (or is delayed because they found problems). People get in such a fit with thier expectations of something new so blown up, it is beyond reasonable.

Truthfully? It is probably good to shake some of those people out. I would really hate for this place to end up like the P3 forums, where everyone with a problem is a "dumbass".

And people that planned payed jobs based on something they don't have in thier hands are just foolish. They really have no business having jobs.

I would say just like photography in general, if you are looking for the cheapest things that meet a spec, you are in the wrong business.

I will tell you exactly what I told him. I wish you all the luck in the world with your choice, your Phantom, and with DJI. By all means, buy two or three.

I would ask though, just who do you think you are saving? Me? I have dealt with both companies and products for quite a while, and many, many others before this.

Seriously... I get it. You made a different choice. What I don't quite get is why you stay here and keep saying it over and over, especially to people like me that have tnougtfully made another choice. While saying you "won't be here long".

Really. With all due respect we have had this conversation. If you want to try and save somebody else from thier terrible fate of buying a Solo... (Gasp)

OK..... Misguided... But OK.

I can assure you though I am a big boy, and can make my own choices. In fact, to date I have been quite successful at it.

PS: Keep an eye out for cracks in your back legs. I am STILL waiting to get a P3 back that has been in China for 5 weeks. Only 3 more weeks. To bad my warranty won't be extended 8 weeks.

Very well said, sir...
Sorry, but you seem to be the type of person that will defend 3dr to the death no matter what.
If i had audio recordings of 5 people at 3dr telling me flat out NO on a refund, you still wouldnt believe it, so there is zero point in arguing the facts.
Try this with rmmccabe too, who still doesnt have his money back, and just got billed for a gimbal he cancelled long ago. regardless of your experience, it isnt the same for everyone, so sit back, relax and understand that everyone's view of the situation doesnt perfectly match your myopic take on the situation.
go buy a kite.....maybe you can fly it:D
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some people puff a cannabis they saw monkey flying in the sky and flying spagetti monster but a normal people saw nothing.
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@Earldgrayjr, Yes I agree. I enjoy our debates and your knowledge as well.

I will keep this short as I think its been hashed over enough. I know for a fact what 3DR told me the delivery would be when they took my money. They missed it. I know that each new delivery was also on target right up to the last minute and then all of a sudden in the final hour there was a new delivery date and some excuse. Even though you think there is no value in what 3DR was telling their investors (which matches what they told me). Well OK.

As far as staying around. I have no agenda here and my post count has dropped off considerably. Why? Because I have less and less to contribute as 3DR is evolving and I am not part of that change. So not going to chime in on something I know nothing about. Like the new tower app or when the gimbal comes out. Not to mention I am getting old and my memory is short.

We obviously agree on a lot of things and disagree on others. That's great and I respect that.

As far as watching the P3 shell, yes sir I will keep an eye on that. I can tell you one thing. I will not ship it back. A new shell is $59.00 and I will order one and swap it out myself. My flying season in Iowa is short and in my eyes we are flying 2 year technology (solo included) so there is no way I will ship it to China for 5+ weeks.

Cheers :)

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