Android 2.4 Beta and Solo FW ( Update Available..

Yes, but the Android Beta App was 2.4.1-3 the day before yesterday - and that's exactly what Play Store said it would be. That 2.4.1-3 App updated the Solo and controller to 2.4.1-3 at that time. In other words, the App and subsequent Solo/controller update matched. Now they do not.
In other words, the App version # appears to be going backwards and the Solo and controller are going forward - which is what we would hope and expect with an update.
I think what everyone is hoping is that we can just enjoy the update and discuss it without all the boohaa
I agree, but I cannot enjoy the release when I cant even keep up with the friggin name!!! Cant even find it in Playstore by searching "3DR"..need to search Solo Beta Release or now Im on FW version2.4-06~3niner and controller firmware 2.398-0.15 ...i mean seriously..clear as MUD
Bad day today Jib?.. If you already have the beta, your tablet will tell you there is an update available. You will see the release date is today, August 4th, so obviously the latest regardless of version #s.
yes bad day, dont turn on the news. :eek: I just want to fly and would like a firmware parity with the iOS VIP class. Instead its weeks/months of waiting and then release naming/numbering system that is confusing. I am not happy with 3dr business decision to treat Android as 2nd class citizens ... I paid just as much as iOS customers

ETA, anyway thanks to you guys for posting and keeping on top of this for those who dont have the time to deal with wading through 3drs mess...sorry if I offended anyones sensibilities
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yes bad day...

ETA, anyway thanks to you guys for posting and keeping on top of this for those who dont have the time to deal with wading through 3drs mess...sorry if I offended anyones sensibilities
If I had any sensibilities I wouldn't hang out in this forum. :p
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folks 3dr is down to almost no-one working on this.
I for one will be glad if they just stabilize it don't care what number they put on it
folks 3dr is down to almost no-one working on this.
I for one will be glad if they just stabilize it don't care what number they put on it
I wonder if 3dr reads the nonsense on this forum?!
there was a pretty good presence here at one time, but I think a lot of them either do not work there anymore, or don't come here anymore.
the ones left are still pretty active on FB though
That's exactly right, because the app is being developed (as well as the IOS app as well as the firmware) and sometimes, especially during the beta process, the version numbers will diverge until the "release" is made.
THis is all good as it demonstrates that development is ongoing (at least we all hope so).
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HEY 3DR , could you make this any more painful for your customers?!!!! this is getting ridiculous @Vu.3DR
Just a word of caution- you are attempting to fly beta code. The reason for beta is to find defects, to formally document and report such issues and to retest the fixes before a public release goes out.

There is always the risk of running into issues and problems, up to a crash.

If you are not willing to deal with this simply don't install it.
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And also remember that both IOS and Android (and Tower, Mission Planner and APM2) depend on Arducopter, DroneKit, Linux Kernel, Gstreamer, Mavlink, PX4 and a lot of other code.
Solo is a very complex software environment with quite a few CPUs running various real time OS components.
An Stm32 runs the user interface to the sticks etc.
An iMx6solo runs Yocto linux with real time kernel extensions runs the video receive, HDMI video output and WiFi interface to the tablet/phone.
PixHawk has an Stm32 as well and runs NuttX a real tome OS that runs Arducopter as an application
An iMx6solo runs Yocto linux with real time kernel extensions runs the video acquire/encode/transmit and the WiFi interface to the Controller.
3 TMS320 DSP chips, one for each axis run "god knows what".

There are lots of other software components as well in addition to the above.

Bugs abound in both the beta and released code. It's just the nature of software.
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Hurry up and release it.... oh wow there is a beta it mus be released .... o crap the beta has bugs ........ Hurry up and release it
repeat until you have a mental breakdown
For those in various stages of anxiety, may I announce as well that 3DR Services was updated overnight to 1.6.0-beta 2, (from 1.5.3) adding "support for Solo Pano, Solo Return to Me, Solo Zipline shot messages."

I feel it in my bones, that the final release of Android 2.4.X is just around the corner. Or maybe that's just age I feel in my bones. I'll let y'all know!

ETA: Looked at 3DR Services release date though, and it says July 24, 2016....
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they are coming for sure, and the drift is being addressed by going back to the old rebase prior to 2.4
early indications are there are still a couple of bugs to squash, but it is getting closer
it'd be nice if came out before most of summer is over
because the gimbal pretty much missed all of last summer's golden opportunities

3dr gon' 3dr...let's hope i'm wrong

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