who is Unhappy

Jun 23, 2015
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Hey guys & Dolls, I would like to know the numbers of who is unhappy with their 3DR Solo's, well, and how many are happy too I guess. I was going to purchase one BUT, I heard they (3DR) flunk the satisfaction category.How many of you have your gimbals? Thanks a million.
I'm perfectly satisfied with mine as is. Have not had any problems with it that I couldn't figure out on my own. When I get the gimbal, it will be even better.
I have the solo w no gimbal.. I really like mine so far!!
Love mine, no problems. I feel that 80% of the problems people have are originated from the operators. They target their audience as " If you have never flown before", im guessing people are just ignorant. There is a pre-flight check list for a reason. Some people are just not tech savvy. LOL

Oh and no Gimbals yet. They are yet to be shipped. They will be here soon they say but im patient.
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This is my first quad in this price range and I'm on the fence about if I made the right choice going with 3DR. It flies great but with the numerous issues/glitches I have been having lately its leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Another reason I chose the Solo is because I heard how great 3DR's support was but for me its been hit or miss.This, on top of the lack of communication about delays has gotten me a little pissed off.

That being said, I cannot compare my experience with 3DR to what it may be with DJI or Yuneec as I have never owned one of their birds.
Prefer the phantoms and will leave it at that. I think 3dr will get it right eventually as I believe they are a good company. Just don't think it's in near future.

I will probably buy another when it's solo 2.
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I'm not sure what to think yet. I am really scared to fly mine because of all the bad stories people keep sharing. I have one that stays on the ground most of the time. It fly's great and I only had one problem with mine that I believe to have fixed. I lost signal 2 times at 200 ft and it returned to home safely. Verdict is still out.. I do like that they can keep updating the firmware to fix bugs found. So I'm sure it will only get better.
I like mine, but I'm also a little hesitant flying it. I'm worried about having a malfunction that would send it crashing into the trees or into the ground. I'm not sure if I want to keep it or not.
I ordered the gimbal but they've not shipped them yet. The video without a gimbal is not great. Really looking forward to shooting with it. The Solo is pretty amazing. I've never flown any type of RC vehicle before and it's a blast. I have not had to deal with customer support so can't give you an opinion on that. Based on what I've read, we'll have a 30 day warranty AFTER the gimbal ships. So I'll decide at that point if I want to keep the Solo.
I'm not sure what to think yet. I am really scared to fly mine because of all the bad stories people keep sharing. I have one that stays on the ground most of the time. It fly's great and I only had one problem with mine that I believe to have fixed. I lost signal 2 times at 200 ft and it returned to home safely. Verdict is still out.. I do like that they can keep updating the firmware to fix bugs found. So I'm sure it will only get better.
Fly it! If you're just starting out, be conservative until you get used to it. After some time you will gain confidence in it.
There are some that have not had a good experience with it and they will let you know about it. When someone is not having issues you probably won't hear about it. I think those far out weigh the bad.
No problems with mine. I have been flying it since June 25.
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Hey Gary and Tracy, fly your Solos and enjoy them. When you hear about a car wreck, it doesn't keep you from driving does it? You have to remember there are 1000s of Solos in the field now and you are basing your fear on very few. You could find the same thing about problems with Mercedes in a car forum, but the people with problems would be a small percentage.
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This is true.

The stories are much worse than reality. My returning my Solo had nothing to do with concern about its safety in the air or anything GPS for that matter.

Fly the thing !
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The Solo flys really well and is solid. I have two now :) and am accumulating the knowledge and accessories I will need for it to be my "go to" tool. I very much want the gimbal but it isn't released, and wont be for another week or so.

I had problems with one Solo, which needed repair, and 3DR took care of it and got it back in less than two weeks including shipping both ways. That was pretty amazing service given that my other unit (from the other guys) is 3 weeks into an 8 week trip (and wait) for factory repairs, of which I had no choice if I wanted to keep my warranty..

My problem with the first Solo unit (and the result) was one of the major reasons I am going to 3DR. I still need to see the gimbal work for 90% of what I do, but the fact they delayed it two weeks because they wanted it to be right (and gave a long detailed explanation of that) actually makes me feel better about not having it in my hands. Given what I know about gimbals and the underlying platform of Solo, I have high confidence in that last piece (gimbal) being right. When I get that I will have an extendable platform for a while...
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100% satisfied with mine. Great product! The only problems I've had is with that dang gopro camera. Wasted time on a Hero4 Black that kept locking up on me. Now on a Hero4 Silver that works great.
My first quad. I crashed mine first flight. Totally user error. As a regular video game player, I was accustomed to pulling back on the controller to increase altitude. When I panicked I made that mistake. It landed hard, but I fortunately only broke props. (so it is a sturdy shell).
Been happy with it overall. Eager for the gimbal.
I used to fly cautiously thinking it would come falling out of the sky at any time, but it has proved very stable. Now I actually fly full throttle, banking, and descending at the same time, just trying to push it's limits (in stable mode). It always recovers easily.
Ultimately, you need to decide what you're looking for. Is it fun to fly? Yes.
Hey guys & Dolls, I would like to know the numbers of who is unhappy with their 3DR Solo's, well, and how many are happy too I guess. I was going to purchase one BUT, I heard they (3DR) flunk the satisfaction category.How many of you have your gimbals? Thanks a million.

I have 14 hours flight time & not one dam thing wrong with it.
Everything works as promised from 3DR.
Gimbal on it's way.
Happy Customer here.
Hey guys & Dolls, I would like to know the numbers of who is unhappy with their 3DR Solo's, well, and how many are happy too I guess. I was going to purchase one BUT, I heard they (3DR) flunk the satisfaction category.How many of you have your gimbals? Thanks a million.
Hey TomWolves, why haven't commented/reply to any of these comments? Guess you just wanted to hear the bad ones? Not too many so far...
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Hey TomWolves, why haven't commented/reply to any of these comments? Guess you just wanted to hear the bad ones? Not too many so far...

He only posted 4 hours ago. LOL Not all of us dick off while we are supposed to be working. LOL
Lunch time post huh? Lol

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I've been flying both of mine for over a month without problems until this morning. Solo One went into permanent magnetic interference lock. It was a construction site I' been surveying for weeks. Regardless of where I moved it the lock remained. Hours later the thing is still grounded. I sent a ticket to 3dr. But that won't replace the money lost for not being able to do the job. Unreliability is death to a business.
Love mine. Had to get a hold of 3dr once and their customer service was great. I read a lot of forums before buying mine. Seemed to me that people with issues do most of the posting. Based on what I read I shouldn't have bought any make of drone. But as I wanted to try them I guessed I was going to have issues regardless of which make I bought. So I went for the company that seemed to have the best customer service from what I read. Very happy I did.
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