this guy have attitude problem? or this guy work in dji?

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Oh no! Not him. I'm not even going there........we have a name for this dude on the DJI forum (can't mention it here).
He is a screwball deluxe!
Oh god this idiots a large part of why I left rcg he's a well known moron who spouts off worthless Wikipedia like info to sound intelligent. I think he may be a bit slow in all honesty he says he's been trolling since ham radio came out but also claims to be a non biased reviewer. When I left rcg he'd never even seen let alone flown a solo he's a plague on the human race.
Find it hard to believe he even flys he sits on rcg about 20 hours a day and I never even logged into any but the solo owners thread. So take it for what it's worth very very little, you see plenty of dji phan boy kids on rcg since they sponsor the site. They offer zero to any thread and just troll trying to annoy folks and rcg moderators give little reprimand points to those who have anything but praise for the trolls or dji. Saddest thing is this guy is their grown leader and the home he's in doesn't have the heart to take his net privileges away.
Find it hard to believe he even flys he sits on rcg about 20 hours a day and I never even logged into any but the solo owners thread. So take it for what it's worth very very little, you see plenty of dji phan boy kids on rcg since they sponsor the site. They offer zero to any thread and just troll trying to annoy folks and rcg moderators give little reprimand points to those who have anything but praise for the trolls or dji. Saddest thing is this guy is their grown leader and the home he's in doesn't have the heart to take his net privileges away.
I think, he thinks he will get hired by DJI for his unrelenting support of their products. He's trying to get Tahoe_Ed's job..:D
I'm pretty sure they have him pegged already. What a LOSER!!
Yea I actually thought Ed was pretty cool even after criticizing dji he helped me through issues with my p2 and even was offering ideas on things that worked for them that may carry over like tablets. Blade was less helpful and got into the back and forth more but both offer more service there than dji has in the years they've been around so I'll give em credit. Craigiri as his name is there on the other hand is just bat $h/) crazy and does his best to try and sound like less of a fool than everyone knows he is. Honestly of the lame phan boys I never blocked him like the rest as he was so delusional it was actually laugh out loud in front of my screen funny reading his rants and totally off topic mumbling every day, the guy truly believes he's god like and above other mere mortals. Yet still can't keep his bs straight 2 posts in a row contradicting back and forth if you actually pay attention to what he says.
Yea I actually thought Ed was pretty cool even after criticizing dji he helped me through issues with my p2 and even was offering ideas on things that worked for them that may carry over like tablets. Blade was less helpful and got into the back and forth more but both offer more service there than dji has in the years they've been around so I'll give em credit. Craigiri as his name is there on the other hand is just bat $h/) crazy and does his best to try and sound like less of a fool than everyone knows he is. Honestly of the lame phan boys I never blocked him like the rest as he was so delusional it was actually laugh out loud in front of my screen funny reading his rants and totally off topic mumbling every day, the guy truly believes he's god like and above other mere mortals. Yet still can't keep his bs straight 2 posts in a row contradicting back and forth if you actually pay attention to what he says.
Once I saw his post where he said as a teenager he smoked dog sh*t, I thought 'well that explains it!' and makes him easier to feel sorry for. Poor guy's brain is fried!
I wouldn't mind so much about the trolling but the Solo comes with a money back guarantee so it can be tried and returned.

I guess the Solo must be seen as a threat as the Iris never got trolled even 1% as much as the Solo has.

I did a demo of the Solo to a Phantom owner who'd previously used APM and he had been put off buying a Solo by this blog, but when he saw the Solo in action and had a fly he was very positive about it and said it was now a future potential purchase as long as the gimbal was good, which is fair enough.
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Once I saw his post where he said as a teenager he smoked dog sh*t, I thought 'well that explains it!' and makes him easier to feel sorry for. Poor guy's brain is fried!
Saw that one too was it you that said that too him at the time. "Yea this explains a lot." Or now it makes sense or something.
I wouldn't mind so much about the trolling but the Solo comes with a money back guarantee so it can be tried and returned.

I guess the Solo must be seen as a threat as the Iris never got trolled even 1% as much as the Solo has.

I did a demo of the Solo to a Phantom owner who'd previously used APM and he had been put off buying a Solo by this blog, but when he saw the Solo in action and had a fly he was very positive about it and said it was now a future potential purchase as long as the gimbal was good, which is fair enough.

Yea me and most knew there would be bugs or issues but phans are definitley nervous since theyve blown any issues up to be much more than they are. The p2 having just as many initially and even 3 still having them I really don't think 3dr did too bad on its first mass produced quad at all. You just see all the negative posted a lot but the positive ones are flying instead of on forums commenting. I'm happy myself long as gimbals good which it will be.
Saw that one too was it you that said that too him at the time. "Yea this explains a lot." Or now it makes sense or something.
Yeah, I told him that after I knew what he smoked, I better understood him and could see why he was so off the wall, or something to that effect. From then on I could give him the ol' southern treatment, and when he spoke I could just say 'bless his heart, he don't know no better'
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The biggest flaw here with this opinion piece the author wrote is that from the sound of it he's never personally tried the Solo. You can't write a review of a device without testing it first.
Yes, the gimbal delay is big, but from what 3DR has been up front about makes sense why they're delaying. I wouldn't want an inferior device attached to my unit--I'd want something fully vetted.
And the money-back guarantee negates most of what he wrote. Got a problem? Refund. Simple.
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The biggest flaw here with this opinion piece the author wrote is that from the sound of it he's never personally tried the Solo. You can't write a review of a device without testing it first.
Yes, the gimbal delay is big, but from what 3DR has been up front about makes sense why they're delaying. I wouldn't want an inferior device attached to my unit--I'd want something fully vetted.
And the money-back guarantee negates most of what he wrote. Got a problem? Refund. Simple.
You are right. Never has and never will. He is a blowhard on the DJI forum which several of us did not like.

I as well as others called him out several times on things when I was on the forum. For a while several of us were flagging all his posts. I got to where I didn't even read them because they would tick me off.

Flyaways to him, were never the Phantom's fault, always pilot error. Never offered real help to anyone. There was never a "sorry to hear about your bird". He was just a Phan boy to the max and a total idiot. Claimed he had many years of RC experience. I really think he has it in his head that DJI will hire him because he is a "super genius".

He is nothing but a disgrace to the UAV community.
Couldn't agree with both the above posts more kinda hard to review without purchase or at least flying the thing. He really thinks he's brilliant though it's hilarious.
You are right. Never has and never will. He is a blowhard on the DJI forum which several of us did not like.

I as well as others called him out several times on things when I was on the forum. For a while several of us were flagging all his posts. I got to where I didn't even read them because they would tick me off.

Flyaways to him, were never the Phantom's fault, always pilot error. Never offered real help to anyone. There was never a "sorry to hear about your bird". He was just a Phan boy to the max and a total idiot. Claimed he had many years of RC experience. I really think he has it in his head that DJI will hire him because he is a "super genius".

He is nothing but a disgrace to the UAV community.
im think this guy had been a medical problem history before, i really dont like his attitude.
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Just like my sticker says.

YAW don't like my ALTITUDE - Then ROLL on PITCH! lmaoooo.


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