Someone or something munched my solo.

Jul 5, 2015
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I'm just curious if anyone else has noticed this.

I crash a bunch and one of the rubber mounts fell inside so I opened it up to fix and...solomunch1.jpg solomunch2.jpg solomunch3.jpg

I have SN# 1635 and under the Gopro fixed holder I found what looks like a mount for something that is chewed off.

2nd thoughts from 3DR china?
It's hard to tell as the item you are pointing at is not in focus.

I suggest you contact 3DR about the QC issue.
yea, took about 25 shot's with my phone which, like my solo has a flaw that wont go away..
the LED for the camera is stuck on...

there's one there that's ALMOST in focus..

the question would still be, what's your's look like?

somebody took the time to munch on mine hard.
looks like half the threads are still there on half a hole.

no big deal, just curious if anyone happens to open theirs up.

this things not right yet... hope it get's there .

I feel for the guy who lost his in the river. my nightmare.
GPS glitch? whatever.. I'm ONLY flying in wide open / no water/ no trees till someone figures it out.
long distance? yea, right.... LOS with manual on A.
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I remember seeing something like that when I looked in there too.....didn't concern me. Probably a mold Issue that produced some extra flashing or material and had to be snipped.
yea, took about 25 shot's with my phone which, like my solo has a flaw that wont go away..
the LED for the camera is stuck on...

there's one there that's ALMOST in focus..

Pull the phone away from the solo about 3 to 4 feet and use the zoom...should have better focus
Pull the phone away from the solo about 3 to 4 feet and use the zoom...should have better focus
41 megapixel so even digi zoom would have been clearer. I took more than a dozen and closed it up as the focus square kept shifting to some other part and I figured i had enough to get the point across..

moot point now, been confirmed here and by others, somebody changed their mind and snipped (munched) some bracket or other (mine had signs of threads) on all of em. not gonna open again till the gimbal comes..

wonder what it was/suppose to have been?
optic flow mount?

just kidding...

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