Solo Owner's Guide - FAQ - Troubleshooting - Mods - Read First!

Jul 17, 2015
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Western NC, USA
*Work in progress...

Ok I think we could use a central thread for new owners to get up to speed before bad things happen. Plus we could have a goto list of modification videos and walkthroughs for easy reference. Please reply with some links to content you feel should be common knowledge, and I'll update these first posts. Hopefully we can get this Stickied by one of the Mods and keep it growing and updated.

FAQ - Suggestions

  • Assign FLY:Manual to Button A and practice using it from time to time to get comfortable with it for emergency situations. FLY:Manual just holds altitude with no GPS assistance, so the quad will drift around a bit in wind, and carry momentum when changing directions, but it's not that difficult to get used to, and will come in handy eventually. Some users even recommend always taking off and landing in FLY:Manual mode just to avoid potential problems with maintaining GPS lock when getting close to ground.
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Don't forget the largest and probably most overlooked FAQ on the Solo and be sure to use the tabs along the top of the page for more FAQs. I recommend that all Solo pilots who haven't already read through this, regardless of experience. There is something in there for everyone....SOLO FAQ Page
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Should I go ahead and add these to the FAQ we already have on the Help section?
I was trying to point out that it is on this forum - it's a sticky at the top of the Help section. The FAQ doesn't go into mods, but makes a mention at the bottom. The problem with putting mods on it is that they often change and there are competing types which makes for some confusion - not really appropriate for a general FAQ. That's why the FAQ refers them to the threads discussing them so they can make their own decisions.
I believe there is a request in to the higher powers to create a mod section. Perhaps they can organize it such that competing mods are shown under a more general mod topic. imho (as a newbie) having a organized mod section would be very helpful.
Great idea. But it would be ideal if all the various links and comments are put into one single organized post, as opposed to spread throughout a long thread. Hopefully @Killboy is up for that, because it would be super useful.
I spoke with the moderator and he said if we put something together, he'd run it up the flagpole. One caveat: I was told that it can't be too commercialized.
I spoke with the moderator and he said if we put something together, he'd run it up the flagpole. One caveat: I was told that it can't be too commercialized.

Understood, I am not affiliated with any businesses related to Solo, but if any current or future links are too commercialized, feel free to let me know and I'll remove them.

There is a request to combine all info into one post. I'm not opposed to this, but prefer to get more than one opinion on the matter before making irreversible change. Keep in mind this list could grow with embedded videos, lists of information, etc, and the reason many other forums break it up into multiple posts is so that people can link to the post with a relevant information, for example if there is a discussion on Mods they would just link to the Mods post here. But, I also agree that people could figure it out if they were all in one single post.

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