Solo or So Long

Jul 9, 2015
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Im at the Breaking point with this thing. I love flying it, but it just isn't safe. That's it end of story.

The last AP drone I had was a 350QX2 and no it did not have smart shots or FPV range of over a few hundred feet, but it was not a $2000 investment with a mind of its own.

My solo has a GPS issue it wants to take off when it loses GPS, it does not switch to FLY and if it is, it is not alerting me at all.

4 major events that I will relate to gps.

1st Event: 1.01 software took off in an open area of a yard, hit RTH saw it was going the wrong way, back to fly moved it to the correct area manually, tried RTH again, wanted to go the wrong area again. So I decide to land
by just holding fly, well no one tells you that at 5-6% battery it does an auto RTH? So it takes off for a quick 40 ft run to where it has been trying to go all along into a tree top. I fought it and got it back but the props ticked the limbs of the tree before I got control back.

Ticket submitted and all they could say was you took off by a tree, uh no, no I didn't your GPS set the home point in the wrong area. upgrade to 1.05. Yeah free props.

2nd Event: 1.05 software took off to fly in a canyon, yeah you might expect gps issues there, flight was good a little drift but I kept it safely out of the trees and rocks, bring it back up to the bluff to set it down... Not a RTH.
hover over the bluff but safely on solid ground hold FLY to land It starts flying hard right, so I have to grab the leg which makes it go full power, I have to reach under and power it down without getting sliced. Conclusion, coming up out of the canyon it started reacquiring satellites and decided to take off on a correction of its own authority.

3rd Event: 1.05 software took off same place as event one, flying out in the open over a cemetery, hovering, going up and down and back up a few times give it altitude and forward pitch and the thing does a complete 360 clockwise roll in the left to right axis... wtf was that? so I move it a little lower it down just watching, nothing, bring it closer and leave it hovering nothing, leave it up a while for a total flight time of about 8 minutes. nothing else strange. RTH and land, goes to the correct spot. Gets down, bounces, pitches back and crams the back props into the Dirt. Had to use DOWN and AB to kill it . It then says crash detected.
Mission planner shows Horizontal Axis error or something in the flight at the mysterious roll.

4th Event: 1.05 software. Took off and flew one battery just fine, flew up and down an area for 20 mins filming, battery change, flying the same area again. Flew under the same area of low gps that I passed through on the first flight, albeit slower. I guess GPS decided to correct itself because it shot forward and left without my control striking a wall, I countered with down and back and pause. but no effect it ended up going forward and over hitting the wall again and ending up full speed upside down into a puddle. Of course I run to get it and my tablet drops from the holder... busting the screen. And I have to grab it still going 100% balls to the wall and drag it out into the open reach up again and power it down.

I have $2000 tied up between case, gimbal, and batteries and I can tell you this, GPS should not be correcting regular flight by a degree more than a few inches. GPS loss should switch to fly manual and not accept GPS corrections that move the vehicle. Being completely beyond 70 or even 90 degrees for more than a second should kill the props. Up-F&^king-side down should kill the motors at zero altitude.
GPS should not allow correction within the last meter of descent.

And FFS did they have to put the GPS right above the GoPro. It 100% affects the GPS acquisition test it yourself. It also affects the Wifi connection. While we're at it 49 ft RTH altitude? lots of trees are 75 to 100ft Who made that default?

Am I just trashing and bashing my solo. No, all I had was rash on the props and a quick change and its good as new. But am I gonna trust this thing to do a Selfie or a Cable cam in proximity to my family... Hell No. I don't want a 40 ft gps correction into my 5 year old daughter. But this is what they sold to us. And its not even properly implemented without the Gimbal.

Really 3DR Really?
Why are you continuing to fly if you continue to have GPS issues? Your issues are NOT indicative of the entire community and the squeaky wheel does get the grease. I never had a GPS issue, never ever ever. Most people didn't have the GPS issue that some people experienced, why are some having problems and others none? No idea. My major complaint with Solo was; at one point my controller would lose signal with the bird and it pissed me off. 4 days later, with due diligence on my part, I had my problem resolved.

You should send back your Solo and get a P3P. DJI has worked out all it's kinks since the Phantom 1. The Solo will be updated and a V2 will hit shelves but trust you me, it won't be for a long time as this version of Solo is very modular.
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Im at the Breaking point with this thing. I love flying it, but it just isn't safe. That's it end of story.

The last AP drone I had was a 350QX2 and no it did not have smart shots or FPV range of over a few hundred feet, but it was not a $2000 investment with a mind of its own.

My solo has a GPS issue it wants to take off when it loses GPS, it does not switch to FLY and if it is, it is not alerting me at all.

4 major events that I will relate to gps.

1st Event: 1.01 software took off in an open area of a yard, hit RTH saw it was going the wrong way, back to fly moved it to the correct area manually, tried RTH again, wanted to go the wrong area again. So I decide to land
by just holding fly, well no one tells you that at 5-6% battery it does an auto RTH? So it takes off for a quick 40 ft run to where it has been trying to go all along into a tree top. I fought it and got it back but the props ticked the limbs of the tree before I got control back.

Ticket submitted and all they could say was you took off by a tree, uh no, no I didn't your GPS set the home point in the wrong area. upgrade to 1.05. Yeah free props.

2nd Event: 1.05 software took off to fly in a canyon, yeah you might expect gps issues there, flight was good a little drift but I kept it safely out of the trees and rocks, bring it back up to the bluff to set it down... Not a RTH.
hover over the bluff but safely on solid ground hold FLY to land It starts flying hard right, so I have to grab the leg which makes it go full power, I have to reach under and power it down without getting sliced. Conclusion, coming up out of the canyon it started reacquiring satellites and decided to take off on a correction of its own authority.

3rd Event: 1.05 software took off same place as event one, flying out in the open over a cemetery, hovering, going up and down and back up a few times give it altitude and forward pitch and the thing does a complete 360 clockwise roll in the left to right axis... wtf was that? so I move it a little lower it down just watching, nothing, bring it closer and leave it hovering nothing, leave it up a while for a total flight time of about 8 minutes. nothing else strange. RTH and land, goes to the correct spot. Gets down, bounces, pitches back and crams the back props into the Dirt. Had to use DOWN and AB to kill it . It then says crash detected.
Mission planner shows Horizontal Axis error or something in the flight at the mysterious roll.

4th Event: 1.05 software. Took off and flew one battery just fine, flew up and down an area for 20 mins filming, battery change, flying the same area again. Flew under the same area of low gps that I passed through on the first flight, albeit slower. I guess GPS decided to correct itself because it shot forward and left without my control striking a wall, I countered with down and back and pause. but no effect it ended up going forward and over hitting the wall again and ending up full speed upside down into a puddle. Of course I run to get it and my tablet drops from the holder... busting the screen. And I have to grab it still going 100% balls to the wall and drag it out into the open reach up again and power it down.

I have $2000 tied up between case, gimbal, and batteries and I can tell you this, GPS should not be correcting regular flight by a degree more than a few inches. GPS loss should switch to fly manual and not accept GPS corrections that move the vehicle. Being completely beyond 70 or even 90 degrees for more than a second should kill the props. Up-F&^king-side down should kill the motors at zero altitude.
GPS should not allow correction within the last meter of descent.

And FFS did they have to put the GPS right above the GoPro. It 100% affects the GPS acquisition test it yourself. It also affects the Wifi connection. While we're at it 49 ft RTH altitude? lots of trees are 75 to 100ft Who made that default?

Am I just trashing and bashing my solo. No, all I had was rash on the props and a quick change and its good as new. But am I gonna trust this thing to do a Selfie or a Cable cam in proximity to my family... Hell No. I don't want a 40 ft gps correction into my 5 year old daughter. But this is what they sold to us. And its not even properly implemented without the Gimbal.

Really 3DR Really?
Sorry to hear of your ongoing issues Chris. I have followed them on both forums. Like Dodge, I have never had a GPS issue but know that many people have. Why the discrepancy among users? Good question but since it is not 100% either way, tells me it is a QC problem. The only constant I saw in your 4 events, is that you never went to manual. Having a GPS issue and hitting pause or fly will not help as they are the same GPS dependent mode you were already in, so they couldn't help you. Manual would level it self and hold altitude.

Probably should get an RMA from 3DR and get your refund. I know it is a very frustrating time you were having.

Take Care..
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Why are you continuing to fly if you continue to have GPS issues? Your issues are NOT indicative of the entire community and the squeaky wheel does get the grease. I never had a GPS issue, never ever ever. Most people didn't have the GPS issue that some people experienced, why are some having problems and others none? No idea. My major complaint with Solo was; at one point my controller would lose signal with the bird and it pissed me off. 4 days later, with due diligence on my part, I had my problem resolved.

You should send back your Solo and get a P3P. DJI has worked out all it's kinks since the Phantom 1. The Solo will be updated and a V2 will hit shelves but trust you me, it won't be for a long time as this version of Solo is very modular.

The problem is, I unlike a lot of users don't fly my MRs in a flat open back yard/ soccer field/ cornfield all of the time, but if it has had issues in those areas, and it is having issues on mountains, canyons, and lake areas, then well your right, This one is probably just a bad one. But that said they've only got 2500 of these in the wild. If 25 of them totally fail that's still just 1% rate of failure. Most people would accept that, but its the 25 people with a significant investment that really get rubbed the wrong way.

I seriously do not want a P3. I want what was sold to me. I don't want more videos to sell more units that they don't even have. I want a product delivered as described that functions correctly and safely. Ask yourself Do you want to set a selfie and set down the controller and let it run its course knowing that it could correct 40-50 ft through you or into that tree/car/kid over there?

Can you honestly say 3DR has delivered the Solo as it was sold? Does it function as well as any other equivalent brand be it phantom, chroma, yuneec, devention, walkera, etc?

This isn't 3DRs first drone, how did it become so hard to build a gimbal or locate the GPS safely away from interference? And a lot of the safety issues are programming, it just needs coded and added and quickly.
Is this a confirmed number? I was wondering how many they have sold. If it is confirmed can you post your source?
Someone received a drop shipped replacement from china this week, it was almost 2500 serial number, his first was under 500 serial number.
I can promise you that in Philadelphia, there are no flat, open, non wifi congested areas for me to fly in either but I'm not here to argue with you about your GPS issues.
Did you submit your logs after every incident? Have you emailed them about all these issues? I would be on the phone asking for a replacement or a refund. $2000 is nothing to sneeze at or give up on. Do your due diligence and contact them.
I can promise you that in Philadelphia, there are no flat, open, non wifi congested areas for me to fly in either but I'm not here to argue with you about your GPS issues.

Yeah and as far as control they say go fly were there's little or no wifi... they wont admit that wifi is another weak link.
Someone received a drop shipped replacement from china this week, it was almost 2500 serial number, his first was under 500 serial number.
That just seems like an awfully low number. that would be under 15,000 for a 12 month period. that is $15,000,000 gross. after parts and labor, R&D, Support personnel, Warranty, etc. I would be surprised if they made a 30% profit. $4.5 Million net profit on your flag ship device over 12 months just seems not worth it. Not to mention the factory they built dedicated to these.
That just seems like an awfully low number. that would be under 15,000 for a 12 month period. that is $15,000,000 gross. after parts and labor, R&D, Support personnel, Warranty, etc. I would be surprised if they made a 30% profit. $4.5 Million net profit on your flag ship device over 12 months just seems not worth it. Not to mention the factory they built dedicated to these.
A company can make $1.00 profit from one sale and it is a profit. You make enough sales, you've made a good profit. 30% profit would be a very high profit margin.
When I worked for Dell, there profit margin on a laptop was under 5%. They made about $10 on each laptop by the time they figured everything in.
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That just seems like an awfully low number. that would be under 15,000 for a 12 month period. that is $15,000,000 gross. after parts and labor, R&D, Support personnel, Warranty, etc. I would be surprised if they made a 30% profit. $4.5 Million net profit on your flag ship device over 12 months just seems not worth it. Not to mention the factory they built dedicated to these.

We have no info about their projections. In business, a 30% profit is decent. Apple had a 40% profit margin and Microsoft, 38%.
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A company can make $1.00 profit from one sale and it is a profit. You make enough sales, you've made a good profit. 30% profit would be a very high profit margin.
When I worked for Dell, there profit margin on a laptop was under 5%. They made about $10 on each laptop by the time they figured everything in.

You beat me to the punch.
Im at the Breaking point with this thing. I love flying it, but it just isn't safe. That's it end of story.

The last AP drone I had was a 350QX2 and no it did not have smart shots or FPV range of over a few hundred feet, but it was not a $2000 investment with a mind of its own.

My solo has a GPS issue it wants to take off when it loses GPS, it does not switch to FLY and if it is, it is not alerting me at all.

4 major events that I will relate to gps.

1st Event: 1.01 software took off in an open area of a yard, hit RTH saw it was going the wrong way, back to fly moved it to the correct area manually, tried RTH again, wanted to go the wrong area again. So I decide to land
by just holding fly, well no one tells you that at 5-6% battery it does an auto RTH? So it takes off for a quick 40 ft run to where it has been trying to go all along into a tree top. I fought it and got it back but the props ticked the limbs of the tree before I got control back.

Ticket submitted and all they could say was you took off by a tree, uh no, no I didn't your GPS set the home point in the wrong area. upgrade to 1.05. Yeah free props.

2nd Event: 1.05 software took off to fly in a canyon, yeah you might expect gps issues there, flight was good a little drift but I kept it safely out of the trees and rocks, bring it back up to the bluff to set it down... Not a RTH.
hover over the bluff but safely on solid ground hold FLY to land It starts flying hard right, so I have to grab the leg which makes it go full power, I have to reach under and power it down without getting sliced. Conclusion, coming up out of the canyon it started reacquiring satellites and decided to take off on a correction of its own authority.

3rd Event: 1.05 software took off same place as event one, flying out in the open over a cemetery, hovering, going up and down and back up a few times give it altitude and forward pitch and the thing does a complete 360 clockwise roll in the left to right axis... wtf was that? so I move it a little lower it down just watching, nothing, bring it closer and leave it hovering nothing, leave it up a while for a total flight time of about 8 minutes. nothing else strange. RTH and land, goes to the correct spot. Gets down, bounces, pitches back and crams the back props into the Dirt. Had to use DOWN and AB to kill it . It then says crash detected.
Mission planner shows Horizontal Axis error or something in the flight at the mysterious roll.

4th Event: 1.05 software. Took off and flew one battery just fine, flew up and down an area for 20 mins filming, battery change, flying the same area again. Flew under the same area of low gps that I passed through on the first flight, albeit slower. I guess GPS decided to correct itself because it shot forward and left without my control striking a wall, I countered with down and back and pause. but no effect it ended up going forward and over hitting the wall again and ending up full speed upside down into a puddle. Of course I run to get it and my tablet drops from the holder... busting the screen. And I have to grab it still going 100% balls to the wall and drag it out into the open reach up again and power it down.

I have $2000 tied up between case, gimbal, and batteries and I can tell you this, GPS should not be correcting regular flight by a degree more than a few inches. GPS loss should switch to fly manual and not accept GPS corrections that move the vehicle. Being completely beyond 70 or even 90 degrees for more than a second should kill the props. Up-F&^king-side down should kill the motors at zero altitude.
GPS should not allow correction within the last meter of descent.

And FFS did they have to put the GPS right above the GoPro. It 100% affects the GPS acquisition test it yourself. It also affects the Wifi connection. While we're at it 49 ft RTH altitude? lots of trees are 75 to 100ft Who made that default?

Am I just trashing and bashing my solo. No, all I had was rash on the props and a quick change and its good as new. But am I gonna trust this thing to do a Selfie or a Cable cam in proximity to my family... Hell No. I don't want a 40 ft gps correction into my 5 year old daughter. But this is what they sold to us. And its not even properly implemented without the Gimbal.

Really 3DR Really?

Please return it to 3DR.
30% profit? id jack that up a bit.
Margin on these things is sky hi.
Id be very surprised if they werent in the 65-70% margin when you factor in the Quad + Gimbal
and even more when they start selling more batteries. those have insane margin in them. I bet battery margin is in the 90% range.
Ive got a pretty good handle on this stuff btw :)
The problem is, I unlike a lot of users don't fly my MRs in a flat open back yard/ soccer field/ cornfield all of the time, but if it has had issues in those areas, and it is having issues on mountains, canyons, and lake areas, then well your right, This one is probably just a bad one. But that said they've only got 2500 of these in the wild. If 25 of them totally fail that's still just 1% rate of failure. Most people would accept that, but its the 25 people with a significant investment that really get rubbed the wrong way.

I seriously do not want a P3. I want what was sold to me. I don't want more videos to sell more units that they don't even have. I want a product delivered as described that functions correctly and safely. Ask yourself Do you want to set a selfie and set down the controller and let it run its course knowing that it could correct 40-50 ft through you or into that tree/car/kid over there?

Can you honestly say 3DR has delivered the Solo as it was sold? Does it function as well as any other equivalent brand be it phantom, chroma, yuneec, devention, walkera, etc?

This isn't 3DRs first drone, how did it become so hard to build a gimbal or locate the GPS safely away from interference? And a lot of the safety issues are programming, it just needs coded and added and quickly.

I've not had a single GPS issue. I live in the Pacific Northwest, where I'm flying in trees, forests, ravines, the beach, neighborhoods full of wi-fi, and on the flanks of Mount Rainier. Never had an issue.
Return your Solo.
Did you submit your logs after every incident? Have you emailed them about all these issues? I would be on the phone asking for a replacement or a refund. $2000 is nothing to sneeze at or give up on. Do your due diligence and contact them.

Ive contacted them to deal with this as a continuation of the initial GPS related ticket related to incident number one.
Theyre aware.

And july 3rd I was told keep flying:

Jul 3, 1:39 PM

By all means, please keep flying and let me know if you experience any issues or have any more questions.

Best regards,

[Technical support engineer]

And of course:

Hey there,

Thanks for contacting the 3DR help desk. We're receiving a high volume of inquiries about the global launch of Solo, so apologies in advance for not helping you immediately: we will get back to you within 1 to 3 days.

Thanks so much, and stay tuned!


Your 3DR customer support team
Last edited:
Is this a confirmed number? I was wondering how many they have sold. If it is confirmed can you post your source?
I read over 30,000 had been sold world wide? Not sure where I read that though.

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