Solo hour meter?

Jul 17, 2015
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Clyde, Ohio
Question from someone still growing w the Solo. Does anyone know if it is possible and how to look at something like the air frame total time (TT) along with seeing each battery time and # of cycle cycles. I'm looking to stream line the aircraft flights, maintenance and pilot in command(PIC) logs for FAA documentation. Also, think of having five batteries, 10 months from now and decide which is best for a more important flight. How many hours did I have on this make, model and type of aircraft.

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This is something that DJI does for me with my Inspire 1 with the GoPilot software. I don't see why 3DR couldn't incorporate it with Solo software.
Agreed and the data might already be there. With the different regulations coming our way I feel more information is better. I see my future drone flying as one filled with more responsibilities, type of thrill harden against getting old, buying some nice toys and having them paid for. Finally seeing this industry as one I can migrate from my tried and true work passions around CNCs and become a quad geek.Life is good.

post my finally, Flying responsible is easy when we are all intelligent. If you drive in the left lane you should consider not getting a drone class listed here. Really sorry if this hurts 3DR sales but dimwits and Darwin examples bring about big news and new rules.
Learn to download and read your logs. (Use Mission Planner if you want to generate graphs and sort the data). All PixHawk based drones log extensive telemetry and other data, including flight time and more. Not sure about the number of cycles on Solo's smart batteries as they are new, but the logs do track battery voltage, etc. Email this question in to 3DR Support and they will probably send you numerous links to instructions and walk through videos on reading and storing your logs. Check out the arducopter wiki and the forums at diydrones (arducopter or solo groups) for more info.
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Learn to download and read your logs. (Use Mission Planner if you want to generate graphs and sort the data). All PixHawk based drones log extensive telemetry and other data, including flight time and more. Not sure about the number of cycles on Solo's smart batteries as they are new, but the logs do track battery voltage, etc. Email this question in to 3DR Support and they will probably send you numerous links to instructions and walk through videos on reading and storing your logs. Check out the arducopter wiki and the forums at diydrones (arducopter or solo groups) for more info.

Very cool erikgraham. On my list to study. Thank you

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