Solo DOA

I now have version info on the controller and solo and the solo is connected but controller still says preflight update required. System info says all is up to date.
I now have version info on the controller and solo and the solo is connected but controller still says preflight update required. System info says all is up to date.

That sounds similar to how my update went. I just followed through the prompts again. It's like I updated twice.
This reminds me of the old days trying to translate German to English to build my Mikrokopter.
I think it was mandatory. But not sure.
Rich i just went outside with the solo with the props off.
went through the normal setup took little while for sats to come up.
than it promped me to hit fly to start motors than prompted me to hit fly to take off.
did this and motors wound up like it was going to take off.
guess you can fly with out making this firmware up date.
probably not mandatory.
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Rich i just went outside with the solo with the props off.
went through the normal setup took little while for sats to come up.
than it promped me to hit fly to start motors than prompted me to hit fly to take off.
did this and motors wound up like it was going to take off.
guess you can fly with out making this firmware up date.
probably not mandatory.

Thanks Dirby.

Waiting on engineering.
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Solo #2 was delivered last Thuesday. I unboxed and did the initial update last Friday. It has been back in the box until this morning. Finally a day off to test this second Solo, and my maiden flight this morning was flawless! Flew an entire battery without a single issue - but I was never prompted to perform a new update? I better go check and see what version I have, and hold off on the update for now.
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Solo #2 was delivered last Thuesday. I unboxed and did the initial update last Friday. It has been back in the box until this morning. Finally a day off to test this second Solo, and my maiden flight this morning was flawless! Flew an entire battery without a single issue - but I was never prompted to perform a new update? I better go check and see what version I have, and hold off on the update for now.
i got an e mail from 3dr and they recomended that i do the up date.
On the update today. I flew twice today for 35 minutes (2 batteries) WITHOUT doing the update.
I tried but the download took to long in the field so I didn't do it and flew anyway with no problems.
I was finally able to get thru the update. Not sure what it issue was as I was trying a lot of different things but I believe that downloading the app update to my ipad mini and starting the update process is what got everything going. The controller and solo updated and now seems ready to fly. I will update info after my first flight ( if it ever stops raining ).

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My update process was a little glitchy. When installing, it said the controller would power off for a minute then power back on. Seemd like 2 or more minutes. Then got the check mark and said the update was comple, press the"A" button to continue. Pressing A would not do anything, controller would not power down so I removed the battery. Reinstalled the battery and re powered Solo and controller, started app and everything was normal. Flew a battery yesterday evening after a drenching rainfall and everything was great. Had good streaming video and good imagery maps.
I was able to update with no problems. I downloaded the App update first not connected to the solo. As a rule I always start the app last. I powered on the Controller, then the Solo, then the App. Went thru the upgrade, controller powered off and then came back up with the green check mark that the upgrade was complete. I have not flown it yet but will tonight.
This was a post on the #DR Solo Owners Page on Facebook:


David Merrill
Hello! I work for 3DR, and have a couple notes about doing your software update:
You shouldn't need to power-cycle Solo (the vehicle) during the update. Let the update run its course. When the controller shows that the update is complete, that's actually only for the controller - Solo may still be finishing its update, so you don't want to switch it off. A few customers have power-cycled Solo too early, and wound up needing to factory-reset their system. Only power-cycle Solo if the update has been going for more than 5 minutes, and Solo is in a state where the LEDs on the arms haven't been changing colors at all for a couple minutes.
If you DO think you need to do a reset to factory settings, give the controller and Solo one more power-cycle before you do, just to be sure.
The current draft of the manual doesn't make it clear enough that whenever you do a reset to factory settings, you should reset BOTH the controller and vehicle and make sure the reset is complete before you update.
Where the manual refers to Solo's LEDs flashing orange in the description of factory reset (9.7.2), that's actually referring to an orange LED that you can see if you look into the little hold labeled PAIR - not the arm LEDs.
If you do reset Solo and the controller to factory settings, you must re-pair them before doing the software update. Even if the controller is showing the "preflight update" screen, you can pair them. If you want to know if the controller and vehicle are paired, connect to the WiFi (the controller is the hotspot) tap the menu -> settings -> Solo. If you can enter the "Solo" menu, Solo is connected, and they are paired.
If you're performing a factory reset on Solo and it gets to a point (several minutes into the process) where it's just sitting there for several minutes with the arm LEDs showing a lavender color and not changing, power-cycle Solo. I just tried this on my kitchen table with a from-the-factory unit, and after that power cycle, Solo started up with green LEDs, made a startup sound, and after a minute or so was showing the blue/red LEDs meaning it's ready.
I hope this helps! Our actual support team will be back in Monday, and in the meantime some of us from the product and flight teams will be answering what we can.


Welcome, This forum is accessible by all users. That means young people as well. Flaming, disrespectful, derogatory comments towards anyone, will be deleted and the account banned. This site is for the 3DR Solo Owners Group, Over the next few weeks, as we await Solo shipments, please take the time to think about whether you want to be a productive member of this site and community.


PLEASE, if you have issues that are 3DR related, contact [email protected].
We also don't take kindly to questions or comments regarding 3DR's business model, we are not employees of 3DR. Those comments or questions should be directed to 3DR.
Please keep comments on posts, relative to the topic, it's unfair, to the original poster, trying to get information, or share footage, etc.
DO NOT post questions related to the delivery of YOUR Solo, we have no idea. Having said that, we will post all information as it becomes available, and confirmed.

If you are here to learn about all that Solo has to Offer, you can critique, you can ask questions, and you can disagree with comments. But please do so respectfully. We are here, because we are either owners of, or prospective owners of, 3DR SOLO and other 3DR Products, We do not need to show non bias against other brands, as this is the reason for this specifically named site.

Promotion or branding of any company, website, Personal or commercial, constitutes spamming, unless prior permission is granted by a site Admin.

Please search for questions you may have before posting another topic, Chances are, the topic has been covered.

PLEASE DO NOT TAG 3DR PERSONNEL WITH QUESTIONS, They Follow the board and will reply when they can. Questions are fine, but Tagging of 3DR Techs or personnel should be left to the admins.




The ONLY places to preorder your Solo are listed at

No exceptions!

If you wish to sell Solo, please contact the Austin office, and get a supply secured before taking orders.
Hey Dodge,
Be sure that when it says to hit A to continue that you check to be sure that your tablet has re-connected with the Solo first. Then hit the A key.
good Luck..
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I think my joint bricked just red and blue solid lights on Solo.. My controller told me to recycle the Solo battery and I did, now no connection.. I'm going to wait another couple of minutes before power cycling it again.
3DR may have you try a reset to roll it back. I tried that with now luck.

Its funny 3DR tells you how to do a reset in manual but tells you not to do it without calling tech support.

So why even put it in the manual?
@rrmccabe - I'm all good brother... I powered off the controller, powered off Solo, and then restarted the app. I started up the motors however, I didn't fly because I had the props off AND I'm sitting in my office.. Going out in about an hr or so ...
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