Solo crash on take off prop ejected in flight

Dec 27, 2015
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So today I was goin to get some shots of my neighbors roof. Pretty checked and took off. Flew aprox 15 or less to setup camera I was in the air for about 5 min with no issues. Noticed that the Iso was set to high so I landed to adjust camera functions to get a better video. Took back off under GPS mode. Had line of sight. Heard a different sound from the props so I banked left to avoid a hard landing on concrete. Prop ejected from solo and climbed to an estimated 40 feet from solo. Solo banked and nose dive into the ground. Popped the GPS cover off and slight buried left fwd motor slightly. Solo is In grea condition following crash. But Gimbal is inop. Took gimbal off and checked all leads for connection. Everything is tight. Still have video feed but app does not pick up gimbal. Props are self tightening but had one completely unscrewed while in flight. Wanting to know if anyone has had a similar issue. I did send a log to 3DR and going trough the first of the formalities. Hope to get an answer back from 3DR on this. SucKS my gimbal is dead any thought?
Possibly a motor pod failure, 3DR will be able to tell from the logs.
3DR was fast on this. I had a motor failure on #3 during a really hard inspection I found that my #4 motor stud thread was striped. They have asked to send me a referbished unit to replace my Solo and Gimbal. Costumer support was all over this on a Holiday. Very pleased 3DR owner.
Can you spin the motor no 3 with your hand ?
Tell me does it seized or very high friction or how ?

One of the way a self-tightening prop can spin out of its thread is when motor come to a very sudden stop from a high RPM, so prop speed is faster than motor speed and bye bye prop.
The logs said it was an ESC failure on #3 motor. I have boxed it up and shipping back to 3DR. So I can receive a new Solo replacement.
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Okey Big, thanks....I am so curious :)
I can un-spin the prop also with simply doing full throttle and immediately cut power by removing battery( found out by accident :) )
I have heard the way the old school guys did this was turn the props upside down
cant do that with solo
Received my new Solo today going to take it up and give it a test run. Have to say 3dr support is awesome. 1 week and I'm back up and flying. Can't wait for the Rewind feature to come out

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