Solo announcement at NAB

Nice chunk of real estate for a 'dead' company..... :rolleyes:
how are they a dead company? if anything they are growing and towards the professional market for filmmakers specifically or people in industries that can utilize features such as sitescan. Colin Guinn stated some high end cinema companies and other high end camera companies are looking to develop cameras for the Solo. If anything they are alive and growing?
how are they a dead company? if anything they are growing and towards the professional market for filmmakers specifically or people in industries that can utilize features such as sitescan. Colin Guinn stated some high end cinema companies and other high end camera companies are looking to develop cameras for the Solo. If anything they are alive and growing?

I edited my post to indicate the sarcasm in my post. It is mostly referring to the drama in another forum
Indeed - it worryingly exposes the 3DR forum members as a bunch of lemmings

Folks, typing "I agree to abide" has zero influence on anything.
"lemmings" LOL.... Yup.
I was the first lemming, but i knew what he was trying to say " a
quote" But just a "Knee Jerk" to add some sort of compliance... I watch it grow & grow till, Look what i contributed to?
It's all in good fun....
Lemmings LOL, i used to play that game.
are you at NAB now?
Yes. My NAB started Thursday with both private and (today) public training.


Setting up the Blackmagic Ursa Mini for one of my teaching sessions.


My BMC 4K on a DJI S1000


Setting up


What I did today. :)

I can be found in the NAB Post Production World Conference as the tech chair for Production, mostly teaching in room N261, but also at the UAV Pavilion, and teaching at the FMC Technical Campus in the South Hall.

Hope to meet a few of you.
Yes. My NAB started Thursday with both private and (today) public training.


Setting up the Blackmagic Ursa Mini for one of my teaching sessions.


My BMC 4K on a DJI S1000


Setting up


What I did today. :)

I can be found in the NAB Post Production World Conference as the tech chair for Production, mostly teaching in room N261, but also at the UAV Pavilion, and teaching at the FMC Technical Campus in the South Hall.

Hope to meet a few of you.
thats amazing I have always wanted to go always nice new goodies for me. I am more of a filmmaker with the drone stuff not a tech person and Solo is amazing for this. Tell me what you think of it?
For most things, I use the Solo. I use my Solo a bit differently than others; I too am a film/production imagineer than a drone person, and the Solo fits my needs well. It's easier to deal with than the X5 or the Cinestar, and I prefer how it feels compared to say, a Phantom. The easiest comparison is that the Solo is a Sachtler vs a Velbon... Both can hold a camera, but that's where the similarities end. The Phantom is more of a Velbon. Lighter weight, maybe flies longer, but it's a completely different "feel."

I've been sponsored by Sony for 20 years; I'm now moving deeply into Blackmagic design, and the MicroCinema HD (11oz) is mind-boggling on the Solo. If there was a gimbal, we'd have a smokin' setup.;)

The response of the faithful has just been amazing!

Yes, I was quoting a message to a friend of mine who is part of the media/press at this year's NAB.

He wouldn't disclose any more, but based on the size of 3DRobotics booth at the show and little hints here and there about software upgrades, I don't think we have to worry about 3DR and the Solo platform dissappearing in the near future.

Patience everybody--we will have some exciting news within 58 hours!

I just searched on google ... 3dr Solo NAB 2016 and there is a lot of software upgrade one of them is for ground scanning and also support for sony camera.
Yes. My NAB started Thursday with both private and (today) public training.


Setting up the Blackmagic Ursa Mini for one of my teaching sessions.


My BMC 4K on a DJI S1000


Setting up


What I did today. :)

I can be found in the NAB Post Production World Conference as the tech chair for Production, mostly teaching in room N261, but also at the UAV Pavilion, and teaching at the FMC Technical Campus in the South Hall.

Hope to meet a few of you.
Thanks for the Update
For most things, I use the Solo. I use my Solo a bit differently than others; I too am a film/production imagineer than a drone person, and the Solo fits my needs well. It's easier to deal with than the X5 or the Cinestar, and I prefer how it feels compared to say, a Phantom. The easiest comparison is that the Solo is a Sachtler vs a Velbon... Both can hold a camera, but that's where the similarities end. The Phantom is more of a Velbon. Lighter weight, maybe flies longer, but it's a completely different "feel."

I've been sponsored by Sony for 20 years; I'm now moving deeply into Blackmagic design, and the MicroCinema HD (11oz) is mind-boggling on the Solo. If there was a gimbal, we'd have a smokin' setup.;)

do you think they may eventually take the res up on that camera?
I was sad they dropped global shutter, but that is a lot to fit in an 11oz camera. I cant help but believe Feiyu and other gimbal makers will not find a way to stabilize these new cameras. Gopro only support leaves little room for growth as a company
Remember, GoPro has a huge stake in this NAB too, so watch for announcements from there too.
Wow, I guess Craig Issod was right. With such a pathetic booth, it sure does look like 3DR is on the brink of going belly up! ;)

LOL, what a joke! I wonder if he is going? He is a member of the "press" after all....... :rolleyes:

Just heard from a trusted source:

"3DR will be coming out with announcements this year at NAB regarding a suite of transformative new software for the Solo Smart Drone platform that will make it more powerful, safe and versatile.

If you can agree to abide to an embargo that will lift on April 18th at 9AM PST, I’d be happy to share additional details + the press release with you. "

So, for the rest of us, we will speculate until Monday at 9am.
Agree to abide... Exciting g stuff

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