Several Questions on 3DR Solo

Nov 7, 2015
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I haven't flown my Solo since November I think.

I finally break it out and charge batteries, etc. but realized I now have iPhone instead of Android.

1. Will iPhone 7+ work as well as Note 4, for flying Solo?

I also noticed that the company went under and no longer makes the hardware (deep sigh).

2. Is there any other drone on the market that has the open source that Solo does?

3. Has DJI or others caught up to Solo with the many autonomous features like selfie, cable cam, orbit, etc?

Also see something about Solex but it sounds like Android only. Is that true?

I'm wondering if I ought to dump my Solo and play in a different sandbox.

I'm just a casual enthusiast at this point...really enjoy it but never seem to have the time.
1. Yes - plus you now have the option to run SidePilot on your iPhone
2. No, not with the 2 computers and same level of capabilities
3. No - they've gotten better, but haven't caught up. There are some benefits to some of DJI's products such as portability, but you have to spend more and they won't fly or be as stable in high winds.

Solex is Android only - SidePilot is now a new option for Apple products.

Keep Solo - if you need something more portable grab a Spark or Mavic, but you'll find they won't replace your Solo.

There has been a lot going on as far as development for new hardware and firmware for the Solo. Check this forum for lots of info. Begin by searching for "Green Cube" and "OpenSolo"
Thanks for the info.

So my biggest concern is if my gimble or a motor goes out.

Are there replacement parts that will work?
If the gimbal goes out you'll have to buy a new one.

No spare parts are being manufactured. Everything solo has already been made.

If you do go with the solo buy two...two quads, two controllers, and two gimbals, and multiple batteries.

Cool thing is you can buy two of everything for less than one DJI phantom.

Thanks for the info.

So my biggest concern is if my gimble or a motor goes out.

Are there replacement parts that will work?
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And there are other drones that have features like follow me, orbit, selfie, etc. Some even respond to hand signals and have obstacle avoidance.
Thanks. I have had the Solo for over a year. I had to buy one new motor. I've got 4 batteries.

So if my gimble or a motor breaks my only option is to buy something off eBay, etc?
Yes. If the gimbal breaks you gotta get a whole new one.

Check out the gimbal subthread here.

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