So what is the resale market like for Pixhawks? I mean with everyone going to green cubes (ok, maybe there's still at least 2 people out there who haven't converted yet) there's got to be a surplus of stock cubes for the solo. So is anyone buying? I have some spares which I have no use for, 2 used, 1 brand new (bought it as a spare part about 1 month before the green cube came out). Just wondering if it's worth my while to sell em? Let me know your thoughts on that one. If it's worth the time, I'll post actual ads in the classifieds section.
Same with GPS, I have some Rev A's, Rev B's and an MRO (soon to be three MRO's). Anyone interested? Oh and call me crazy, but I'm thinking I should try to keep at least 1 solo original and... bad. Rev A Board, Last official solo software versions. Sort of like a museum piece. Anyone else feel that way or am I just as nuts as the voices in my head say?
The HERE GPS. I installed it, works fine, calibrated fine. So just my quick thoughts on this one. I think it's worth upgrading to move the compass out of the leg and get the GPS away from the body. It looks awesome also. However, if you live in an area where you're getting a poor GPS signal anyway, I honestly didn't find it to be a major improvement. Would I spend the money to upgrade my other two birds with a HERE system? Well actually yes, because I love the look of it, but it's not an instant "must do" upgrade. Now my reason for this is that all birds were already upgrade to MRO gps (the previous version, not the latest) and right now, that's "good enough" and a vast improvement over the Rev A board.
Polar Pro Lights. I have them on all three birds, however I'm noticing that on one of the birds, the connection seems loose and will often "drop out" of the slot underneath the bird. Any way to secure this a little bit better without gluing it in place?
Plenty of advice about best gopro settings in the forum, but anyone want to include what filters they are using also? What conditions you use them with? Wondering if it would be a good idea to even do up a "Cheat sheet" for people to get the best footage possible. So you know, sunny days, cloudy days, evening light etc. Also, anyone using gradient filters?
For those out there who have done surveys, how big an area have you done in one flight?
Added to the above, is there a hardware option to adjust altitude based on distance from the ground? Mainly asking because I want to survey an area that's on a slope and would love if there was a way for SOLO to maintain the same distance from the ground while doing said survey (it's a very uneven sloped area with peaks and valleys). So anything existing or forthcoming for that one?
Same with GPS, I have some Rev A's, Rev B's and an MRO (soon to be three MRO's). Anyone interested? Oh and call me crazy, but I'm thinking I should try to keep at least 1 solo original and... bad. Rev A Board, Last official solo software versions. Sort of like a museum piece. Anyone else feel that way or am I just as nuts as the voices in my head say?
The HERE GPS. I installed it, works fine, calibrated fine. So just my quick thoughts on this one. I think it's worth upgrading to move the compass out of the leg and get the GPS away from the body. It looks awesome also. However, if you live in an area where you're getting a poor GPS signal anyway, I honestly didn't find it to be a major improvement. Would I spend the money to upgrade my other two birds with a HERE system? Well actually yes, because I love the look of it, but it's not an instant "must do" upgrade. Now my reason for this is that all birds were already upgrade to MRO gps (the previous version, not the latest) and right now, that's "good enough" and a vast improvement over the Rev A board.
Polar Pro Lights. I have them on all three birds, however I'm noticing that on one of the birds, the connection seems loose and will often "drop out" of the slot underneath the bird. Any way to secure this a little bit better without gluing it in place?
Plenty of advice about best gopro settings in the forum, but anyone want to include what filters they are using also? What conditions you use them with? Wondering if it would be a good idea to even do up a "Cheat sheet" for people to get the best footage possible. So you know, sunny days, cloudy days, evening light etc. Also, anyone using gradient filters?
For those out there who have done surveys, how big an area have you done in one flight?
Added to the above, is there a hardware option to adjust altitude based on distance from the ground? Mainly asking because I want to survey an area that's on a slope and would love if there was a way for SOLO to maintain the same distance from the ground while doing said survey (it's a very uneven sloped area with peaks and valleys). So anything existing or forthcoming for that one?