Is this behavior normal & explainable

Jun 22, 2017
Reaction score
Saint Paul MN
Quick Solo Behavior Question on an oddity just went through last night.

Solo began flying somewhat erratic in fly mode after takeoff. Motors were cutting down power and then back up again real quick while in aire. It was also drifting badly in “fly” mode with good gps lock. I set it down quickly in haste and I recalibrated it on my deck and still same problem remained after take off. I then went in back yard in grass away form everyhing and recalibrated again as well re ran through setup compass. Flew perfect after that. What would cause this? I did take off from my deck and on my deck just before this issue came up I do have a steel table that was approximately 4’ away from takeoff. If the answer to to my quesiton is "follow what the manual says stupid" that would be fair as I just did everything I am not suppose to as explained in manual. Just wondering if this is normal behavior for stupidity or do I have something to worry about.

Additionally when it first takes off as says no GPS briefly when it first lifts off but looking down it shows good GPS in fly mode. I am assuming this is just a false positive. It does this taking off from back yard away from house/metal etc.. I think I did remember someone saying in forum this is a false/possitive.

Level calibration needs to be done on an actual level surface. Compass calibration needs to down out in an open area away from structures, vehicles, metal furniture, reinforced concrete pads, MRI machines, building rooftops, etc. Also if you're wearing magnetic jewelry or accessories, it will screw that up. What you've described sounds like a bad calibration that you fixed.

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