GPS booster? and connectivity


Mar 15, 2016
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This could be a dumb question but just wondering if anyone knew if there is any device that could potentially boost the availability of satellite connectivity? If I am in an area of no satellite coverage (which happens regularly in remote areas) and I want to fly Solo, at the moment its fly manual only and if the conditions arent right then you just dont fly Solo. Problem I see is that the app needs to connect to the controller via wifi and if you can only set one wifi provider on your device then how can you get better reception from the potential gps booster?? I am out of my league so anyone can tell me I'm dreamin.
Short answer is no. You can't boost something that isn't there. What does the WiFi connection have to do with the GPS though?
This could be a dumb question but just wondering if anyone knew if there is any device that could potentially boost the availability of satellite connectivity? If I am in an area of no satellite coverage (which happens regularly in remote areas) and I want to fly Solo, at the moment its fly manual only and if the conditions arent right then you just dont fly Solo. Problem I see is that the app needs to connect to the controller via wifi and if you can only set one wifi provider on your device then how can you get better reception from the potential gps booster?? I am out of my league so anyone can tell me I'm dreamin.

As P2P said, you can't amplify a signal that can't be detected. It seems you may have a few ideas a bit muddled so I'll do my best to lay it out. Forgive me if this is stuff you already know.

WiFi -- this is used for app-controller and controller-Solo communication of control, telemetry and video data. This is 2.4 ghz radio and is subject to interference from WiFi networks in the area. Range without any interference (in the boonies where you say you fly) should be about as far as the battery will take you so long as you stay within line of sight (don't fly behind a hill and be careful going through heavy tree cover).

GPS -- this is used both by Solo and by your phone to position you in space on earth. This is pretty complicated but suffice it to say, the satellites are sending a signal to the GPS antenna and the devices use that to figure out where they are. Although some radio interference here is possible, it is highly unlikely since these frequency bands are generally reserved for GPS signals. As a result, interference here usually comes from physical obstructions such as tree cover or steep canyon walls. GPS requires multiple satellite signals for a location lock so the more you have and the better the signals are coming in, the more accurate and reliable the GPS lock will be.

Cell service -- maybe this is what you were talking about with satellites? This actually comes from cell towers and is strongly influenced by rocks and hills and stuff and slightly less by trees and bushes (lower frequency). It's used to download maps, imagery and app updates. You don't really need it to fly but it's nice sometimes.

It sounds like you may be having issues with the GPS. There are a few things to try/consider: 1) Try waiting longer for the GPS lock when you power on Solo. 2) Try that GPS fix with the cardboard or maybe the new GPS shield 3DR is selling (only if you have the rev A GPS board)--check youtube and the forum for more information here. 3) if you don't wait for a GPS lock when you take off, you could have issues with RTH if you lose signal while flying in manual mode--be careful! 4) again, canyons and tree cover are not your friends.
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Thanks aidanlou, maddog and P2P. I guess I didn't think about it long enough, but yeah it has nothing to do with the wifi from device to controller. Just wanted to see if there was a way to get better gps connection as I am often in places that are off the beaten track and has tree coverage or valleys, mountains etc. I guess I have to practice more in manual flying.
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