Gimbal quivers

Aug 30, 2018
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hey guys, i am having a problem with my gimbal, drives me when i begin my flight, all usually starts are ok...but at some point during my flight, the gimbal will start to shake or quiver left to right...i will shut things down, i will try to pull it out of its quiver by different flight situations...but no firmware is 1.3.6 there anyone out there that might know how to fix this? thanks
I'm curious to what a quivering gimbal does. Could you post up an example of an in-flight video. I'm sure it would be helpful to determine the cause. I've seen a few bad gimbals, but never a quivering one...
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Quivering might not be the best choice of words now that I look back on it... As it's in flight, the camera will just move back and forth... Left to right left to right and so on... And it continues until I land and power off
Check that the gimbal's yaw motor and/or data wires are fully connected. While there, inspect that the gimbal isolators (black balls) are seated properly.

And as well, check to make sure the various gimbal arms are perpendicular to each other, looking for bent, twisted or otherwise. An imbalance from a bent arm will disorient the gimbal. You can inspect while Solo is off.

I assume you bought a used gimbal or had a "slight" crash. IMHO the gimbal is fairly robust, but only to a certain level.

Yeah, quiver was an interesting descriptive. I couldn't help but to know more...hopefully we can get you squared away and back in the air...less the quivering.
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Check that the gimbal's yaw motor and/or data wires are fully connected. While there, inspect that the gimbal isolators (black balls) are seated properly.

And as well, check to make sure the various gimbal arms are perpendicular to each other, looking for bent, twisted or otherwise. An imbalance from a bent arm will disorient the gimbal. You can inspect while Solo is off.

I assume you bought a used gimbal or had a "slight" crash. IMHO the gimbal is fairly robust, but only to a certain level.

Yeah, quiver was an interesting descriptive. I couldn't help but to know more...hopefully we can get you squared away and back in the air...less the quivering.
I finally got some time to set this up and show u how this is behaving...I checked the wiring...all looks good...the 4 rubber bumpers are seeded has been in a few accidents but the gimbal looks unscathed...any other thoughts? Thanks

After further review apparently infant send a file cause it is not supported...if I desire a video I can send it via email... [email protected]
]that post was a train wreck...if u desire...and (I can't) instead of infant
Well, I reckon I can tell you without fail - exactly - what the problem is.
( It's always great when someone else has already, 'Been there, Done that!' - especially when it's to your benefit. )

The pancake motor responsible for panning, believe it or not, has had its shaft 'fractured loose' from the respective motor's casing.

This should explain your Gimbal's wanton desire to hunt left-and-right after a short period of time - as once this loose shaft manages to wriggle free and break itself 'loose enough', it just goes all Stevie Wonder, until you kill it...

I had this exact issue with one of my Gimbals, and it took me a little while to work this out.

Poke around in here a bit, ( RichWest truly is the man concerning all things Gimbal - G'day once again Rich! ), and try and find a step-by-step pictorial guide for Gimbal disassembly.

Once you've managed to get your Gimbal pulled down, you'll be in a better position to permit you to 'lock' the movement of the motor housing, and thus be able to visually confirm the shaft's ability to freely move - when compared to the motor housing that you've otherwise locked.

Perhaps some fierce "Dremmel-damaging" of this shaft - ( specifically where it pokes through to the outside face of the casing ) - in order to give some high quality two-part epoxy something to 'grip' onto when attempting to re-bond it back onto the motor casing, will get you back in the game...

Lemme know how you get on -

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