Frustrated with lost connection to Solo, constant RTH.

Mike, when I get in an area where there is a lot of wifi noise, I try to not fly too far out, and I make darn sure I have good gps home lock. I also double check my rth altitude setting, and make sure my manual button is set. I have flown in high wifi areas with no problems, but I like to know what is in the area before I take off. Hope this helps.
Yes, thanks! I learned all of that the hard way. Now I am always looking at the path Solo would take at all times should RTH engage at any moment. I have my RTH alt set to 100 to clear trees, and I have noticed that if I am *higher* than that, Solo does not drop down to 100' (which is a good thing).
Im probably going to be shot down for this, as I may be wrong, but if anyone knows for sure can you please chime in and confirm.

Mike the reason I asked what order you turn your equipment on is this...
My preference is scenario 2, but you are doing scenario 1, this may be adding to your problems.
Scenario 1.
You turn on Solo first. It boots up and stays on the channel it was on the last time you turned it off, eg channel 6. Channel 6 was fine the last time you flew but in a new location channel 6 is now swamped with wifi. Then you turn the controller on, it sees Solo is already on channel 6 and handshakes with it, and both stay on channel 6. This is fine at close range, but as soon as you go a short distance your signal is overridden by the local wifi interference and you disconnect and RTH.
You reset the craft and controller and turn on in the same order, no surprize, problem is repeated.

Scenario 2.
If you turn the controller on first, it scans the wifi landscape looking for vacant or less noisey channels and scanning for Solo. Then you turn solo on, it talks to the controller on channel 6, controller who is the originator of the wifi network handshakes with Solo and changes Solo from whatever channel it was on (6) to the clear channel it has now chosen, channel 4 for example.
All is good, both controller and Solo are on a clear channel and long distance comms can occur.

In short, turn Controller on first, let it boot and establish wifi network, then turn Solo on.

Or the longer version.
1. Gopro on (it needs a few seconds to boot as well, or you may get the "GoPro needs firwmare update eror message)
2. Controller on
3. Tab on, and connect Solo app to confirm wifi network is active with Tab. Will show controller connected - waiting for Solo.
4. Solo on, app shows connection to Solo, then waiting for GPS.
5. Fly.

Your mileage may vary, but this has worked faultlessly for me ever since I started doing it consistantly.
Thank you so much, Roland, excellent information. I'm anxious to try that out!
Question: what is Tab? I use an iPhone.

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