
Dec 18, 2017
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I realise you are new here, but what these replies are trying to say is what you've posted isn't a very sensible activity.

If you're new to drones too (I see three in your avatar, so maybe not) a good place to start might be by having a look at the FAA guidance on safe flying here.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Click on 'getting started' and it gives you some basic guidance on what you should and shouldn't do and some considerations for flying safely.

I'm in the UK but the rules are pretty similar and the issues the same.
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For those of us that fly commercially, what channels did you go through to get the permission? Flights like these can get some great footage.
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I got paid for that flight a-holes , with permission
HAHAHA. Permission from who? Santa clause? You do not get "permission" to fly in class C airspace, let alone at night with a drone not equipped for night flight. And "getting paid" does not authorize you to do anything. In fact, it further restricts what you can do. So you're either lying, or have no clue what you're doing.

Did you get your part 107 certificate and FAA exceptions from a cereal box?
For those of us that fly commercially, what channels did you go through to get the permission? Flights like these can get some great footage.
used a tail camera pointed strait down went up to 3000ft, i was asked to do it by a friend who works at the airport , for a project for a class
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used a tail camera pointed strait down went up to 3000ft, i was asked to do it by a friend who works at the airport , for a project for a class
HAHAHA! So now it's "a friend that works at the airport asked you to do it"? You can't even make a good lie. And even if that is true, that doesn't make it ok or legal or even remotely intelligent. If your friend asked you to play in traffic, would you leap in front of a car?

What you did is illegal and dangerous. It doesn't matter what fantasy you come up with to justify it.
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what is this snitch-o-site? Get a life dorks
Thank you for confirming you lied about having any certification or authorization to do anything. Also, your other thread shows you did this with a green laser attached to the drone. Even better.

But to answer your question... no this is not the snitch-o-site. This is the we-dont-condone-endangering-lives-with-reckless-behavior site. It's also the we-dont-like-lying-fools site.

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