First Flight went Great

Jun 3, 2015
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So I had a pre-order with B&H and got an e-mail yesterday saying that I was still back ordered. The did not say when I could expect my order to be fulfilled. So, I went over to Best Buy and they had one in stock. They did not have any extra batteries, but they gave me a $150 gift card to buy one from another store or online. I walked out of Best Buy and called B&H to cancel my order.

At home, I charged the controller and the battery. Once charged, I updated with the preflight update using my iPhone 5S. It worked perfectly and was done in about 5 minutes by following the directions on the phone and controller. After the update, I took the Solo outside without props and let it get its first GPS lock. It took a few minutes as I was close to my house and there are trees. It locked in with 6 satellites and good HDOP . Shut everything down.

Today, I went to a park and took my first flight. Auto fly, auto land, RTL and did low level box maneuvers to see how it would respond. Stayed within 300 ft and no higher than 150 ft. Everything worked perfectly and flew for about 20 minutes to 30%. I did not attach a GOPRO, so I did not get a chance to test the video feed. It was fun to fly, and I can't wait to get better and do more with it. Later today, I try some other flight modes.

I did log a ticket to get my flight logs. Instead of sending them to 3DR, I sent them to myself. When I got into the office, I opened them with Mission Planner and watched my flight and log data. Really cool, I also exported the log to Google Earth and saw my flight path with roll, pitch and yaw data for each point. This thing is seriously cool!
Ok..just so I'm totally NOT confused. I pre ordered my Solo on May4....have not received it. and yet folks are walking into Best But today and getting them off the shelf? Whats wrong with this picture?
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Ok..just so I'm totally NOT confused. I pre ordered my Solo on May4....have not received it. and yet folks are walking into Best But today and getting them off the shelf? Whats wrong with this picture?
I know. Makes me want to start beating my head against the wall...o_O:confused::eek::D
just go to bb and get one.
i pre ordered one from B H on 4/20 15.
got one from bb on sat.
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I did log a ticket to get my flight logs. Instead of sending them to 3DR, I sent them to myself. When I got into the office, I opened them with Mission Planner and watched my flight and log data. Really cool, I also exported the log to Google Earth and saw my flight path with roll, pitch and yaw data for each point. This thing is seriously cool!

So is that a KMZ file? Is this something you would share?
I did the same thing also,,,B&H to BB walk-in and out with machine. Same experience,,,,,way cool!!! Going for a sundown flight along an isolated lake shore this evening. RMM, youre gonna love this thing!
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I did the same thing also,,,B&H to BB walk-in and out with machine. Same experience,,,,,way cool!!! Going for a sundown flight along an isolated lake shore this evening. RMM, youre gonna love this thing!

Thanks David. Wonder if you can put the camera on random shots and still get video feed? You have a better chance of getting some decent footage that way.
I just pulled the trigger on my BB purchase (I'm in Boston right now but they have/had some in Philadelphia as well) but I had to grab an additional battery. I doubt 2 batteries is enough flying time. Going to pick it up after I leave the office. I will cancel my DroneFly order tomorrow.
In my opinion, I think 3DR has a lot riding on the brick & mortar retail launch of this product. So it would make sense that the early production runs would favor the retail outlets like BB or Frys vs. online pre-orders. I don't know crap about this stuff but that's my common sense thinking on it.

Now if all you people who pre-ordered at B&H would stop going to BB so that I can snag one at BB I'd appreciate it! :cool:
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I lucked out and grabbed a Solo yesterday (6/18) at BB. First flight was today with nothing out of the ordinary. Started out in very slow mode, and after a few minutes landed and bumped up the speed. I had a variable wind between 5 - 10 mph with some gusts, but nothing Solo couldn't handle.

I was very methodical in my pre flight checks and followed the most recent operators manual precisely. At first while calibrating level and compass I had a magnetic interference warning on the controller display, but once I finished the calibration sequence that never returned. I flew totally line of sight and didn't spend a lot of time looking at the display, just to reference Solo's orientation at distance. Didn't attempt any Smart Shots, just flew around getting used to how Solo responds to different inputs.

RTH and pause did what they were designed to do. RTH was within a 3 foot circle on the 3 times I used that function. Pause was just about instant and let Solo hover in a tight bubble (against variable wind). After Solo's battery hit 30 % I wisely landed her and checked the motors. They were not very warm which made me happy since I had read a few posts regarding hot motors.

All in all I am pleased with the performance and plan on taking her out tomorrow (weather permitting). I am new to the quadcopter world (have a micro that I pilot around the house, but not a pro) and am starting to feel the hook being set. Now all I need is a budget big enough to match.

My only advice is for noobs to the quadcopter world, be slow, precise and methodical in everything you do and treat Solo (or any bird you fly) as if you were in the cockpit and not standing on the ground.

Thanks to the OP for the tip on the flight logs... that will be my next task after putting my flight notes to paper

btw... I neglected to mention that I had an NVidia Shield Tablet connected to the controller and had no app issues at all
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I lucked out and grabbed a Solo yesterday (6/18) at BB. First flight was today with nothing out of the ordinary. Started out in very slow mode, and after a few minutes landed and bumped up the speed. I had a variable wind between 5 - 10 mph with some gusts, but nothing Solo couldn't handle.

I was very methodical in my pre flight checks and followed the most recent operators manual precisely. At first while calibrating level and compass I had a magnetic interference warning on the controller display, but once I finished the calibration sequence that never returned. I flew totally line of sight and didn't spend a lot of time looking at the display, just to reference Solo's orientation at distance. Didn't attempt any Smart Shots, just flew around getting used to how Solo responds to different inputs.

RTH and pause did what they were designed to do. RTH was within a 3 foot circle on the 3 times I used that function. Pause was just about instant and let Solo hover in a tight bubble (against variable wind). After Solo's battery hit 30 % I wisely landed her and checked the motors. They were not very warm which made me happy since I had read a few posts regarding hot motors.

All in all I am pleased with the performance and plan on taking her out tomorrow (weather permitting). I am new to the quadcopter world (have a micro that I pilot around the house, but not a pro) and am starting to feel the hook being set. Now all I need is a budget big enough to match.

My only advice is for noobs to the quadcopter world, be slow, precise and methodical in everything you do and treat Solo (or any bird you fly) as if you were in the cockpit and not standing on the ground.

Thanks to the OP for the tip on the flight logs... that will be my next task after putting my flight notes to paper

btw... I neglected to mention that I had an NVidia Shield Tablet connected to the controller and had no app issues at all
Very nicely done. Good to see someone take it slow and methodical, and I think it paid off. I feel a great deal of problems are user error from people that believed the hype that 3DR (wrongly) put out in their marketing. They get their first quad, charge it up and take it out for a spin in a crowded neighborhood without proper set up and cautions.
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