
May 6, 2016
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Perhaps not the right discussion, but FB has decided that I can no longer have an account that doesn't have my name on it. Out Here.
Perhaps not the right discussion, but FB has decided that I can no longer have an account that doesn't have my name on it. Out Here.
Just delete all your posts delete all your friends delete your name.
I did that when a girl I dated from 14 - 17 found me. Nothing good can come from that. Ive been happily married for over 20 years.
So.. I share photos with friends and family by email. I don't need any drama.
Trust me you can live without facebook
Great advice Jerryn . Only thing FB is good for is remembering people's birthdays. All else is petty self serving garbage
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Fake Book also good for recipes, fool of interesting things
Search Engines can replace your source for recipes. Trust me the Facebook drama isn't worth it. I don't want to know what my sons and their girlfriends are up to. If they want to share something they can send pictures by email, call, or come over and visit. No Facebook account gives us plenty to talk about when we see them in person. It drives my wife's family crazy that we don't have a Facebook account because the family barbecues, birthday parties, graduation parties and such all get sent primarily by Facebook. My wife and I .. well you have to at least call us.

I prefer it this way.
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Search Engines can replace your source for recipes. Trust me the Facebook drama isn't worth it. I don't want to know what my sons and their girlfriends are up to. If they want to share something they can send pictures by email, call, or come over and visit. No Facebook account gives us plenty to talk about when we see them in person. It drives my wife's family crazy that we don't have a Facebook account because the family barbecues, birthday parties, graduation parties and such all get sent primarily by Facebook. My wife and I .. well you have to at least call us.

I prefer it this way.

I agree with you completely. My oldest daughter’s friend came to visit her and both were texting other people the whole time….that was the visit!!..? . I asked them both if they thought they were good at communicating?…their response was immediate "Of course we are on Facebook". I had to point it out to them that they did not know how to communicate Face to Face. Real communication! Well at least they learned to read. LOL and type with their thumbs, a life skill these days. so annoying when folks drive and text, just a lack of respect for human life.
You can change your privacy settings so people you're not friends with can't see or contact you. Deleting yourself from the internet to avoid a high school ex-girlfriend seems kind of nuclear.
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Private Facebook settings are not private. In fact nothing to you do on the internet or your phone is private for that matter.

Facebook is one social network I can do without.
Of course. But that's life. All I'm saying is if someone doesn't want random people they aren't already friends with to see or interact with them on facebook, that is one mouse click to set.
Facebook can be used for a person's benefit or not...just depends on how you wanna use it.

Most of my family and extended family is on it, and use it as one of their primary methods of communication, and yes, it's a pain for them to have to keep track of the couple of family members who aren't on Facebook, who have to be kept in the loop by other means...phone...email, etc. Can't blame them.

I agree that Facebook is generally a blight, but I bet folks who always wrote letters though that phones and then email was a blight...and then made it a pain for their family members to communicate with them because they didn't wanna get a phone and then a computer.

Sometimes I think you just gotta do what you have to do...these days it's pretty much de rigueur to have a Facebook account to make it easier to stay in the family loop...just like phones and email were...it just is what it is.
Most scammers use it to gleen personal data. Law enforcement uses it to collect data. What if someone you thought you knew did something despicable ? To make matters worse you are one of his/her Facebook friends Congratulations you are now under suspicion due to association.

There is software out there written to harvest data from social networks.

I don't have anything to hide but I limit the forums I join.

I don't disagree...I feel the same way...it's just that at some point (I was slow to join Facebook), being a pain to family and/or not getting updates/pics, etc, becomes a bigger hardship than what you mentioned. It's different for everyone.

I have an Uncle who won't do Facebook (and who previously wouldn't leave dial-up for broadband, even though the cost was the same-ish)...so every time I wanted/want to share something with him, I have to spend time repackaging it, and (in the past) down-sizing the pictures, just so he could see them...it was/is a real pain in the ass.

But yeah, I agree...all this exposure on the interwebs sucks.
Search Engines can replace your source for recipes. Trust me the Facebook drama isn't worth it. I don't want to know what my sons and their girlfriends are up to. If they want to share something they can send pictures by email, call, or come over and visit. No Facebook account gives us plenty to talk about when we see them in person. It drives my wife's family crazy that we don't have a Facebook account because the family barbecues, birthday parties, graduation parties and such all get sent primarily by Facebook. My wife and I .. well you have to at least call us.

I prefer it this way.
I have seen just as much if not more drama here than on facebook
Have no fear. I'm sure it's on Trump's list of things to 'fix'.
and someone goes unnecessarily political tell me how this is different than facebook again?
I wouldn't touch farcebook with a 10 foot pole! Too many hacks and virus going around. Just my opinion, but it seems a whole lot of those users are "look at me" type people. Not for the hermit, like myself.
I wouldn't touch farcebook with a 10 foot pole! Too many hacks and virus going around. Just my opinion, but it seems a whole lot of those users are "look at me" type people. Not for the hermit, like myself.
There is no such thing as a facebook borne virus or hack.
The most alarming thing might be what FB is doing behind the scenes. They have a giant contact list of all the people you know, even ones not on FB. Addresses, phone numbers, ect.. I can't wait for FB to go the way of myspace.

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