Camera control with cablecam?

Nov 8, 2015
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Nashville TN
Don't yet have a Solo. Gathering as much info as I can. I've already ordered the flat hdmi cable upgrade and wifi cards. I digress.

When running a cablecam mission, do we have gimbal control if we want? Or is that alway autonomous as well?

And if 3dr is monitoring. Any chance they can add gimbal control via the solo controller during tower waypoint missions? I know you can drag your finger in the live view window, but would be nice to have control using the controllers controls.

I think the idea is that it is all controlled by the computer as a feature.
So you dont have to think about controlling the gimbal.

Thats is why they call them smart shots

I could see an advantage in having the smart shot just handle flying and let the user do the gimbal, I think there is even a setting that might be that.
You can manually fly along the cable using your sticks rather than having the computer fly the bird
You would lose the ease in and ease out built into the automated cable.
I do like the idea of automation. But maybe there are points along that path I'd like to make it into the shot and not just framing start here and framing end here.

Been studying up on Tower, I'm thinking I'll be able to do a lot of this within that app. Using their "watch me" waypoints and so on.
yes towers points of interest rock.
There is a sequence in the launch video of solo that was supposed to be cable cam but I think it was tower
if you fly directly over a POI in tower the solo will approach and pan down, the turn 180 degrees and continue panning back up.
Tried to do that in cable and it just dont work.

I need to check that setting in solo but they may be in the options (...) on cable cam, there is a setting that implies it effects how the gimbal will act. Like clicking it might leave camera control to the pilot. But it could also mean start and stop recording. not sure
Nope, just control the gimbal! Never had to turn anything off and on. It explains how in the app.
interesting, didnt seem to work for me. Figured out by not hitting the point a or b I could fly along the cable manually, but could not change the gimbal angle
Preset control doesn't work under smart shots but manual tilt via the paddle will.

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Preset control doesn't work under smart shots but manual tilt via the paddle will.

What he said. Or more directly, the right-side shoulder controls don't do anything during Smart Shots, but the left side shoulder paddle does still work. BUT, (unless they changed something in the recent updates) when you release the left side shoulder paddle during a smart shot, it will return to the preset camera angle gradually and smoothly.

One thing that may interest OP about gimbal controls/angle during Smart Shots, when you set point A, it takes note of where the camera is aimed...then you when you set point B, it also notes camera angle. Then when you start running between the 2 points, IF you don't touch the left shoulder gimbal control, it will gradually transition from camera angle in point A, to camera angle in point B...if that makes sense. So if you have point A with the camera facing south, and point B with the camera facing north, it will gradually swing a 180 pan during the transit from A to B, then reverse that pan during the transit from B to A. Pretty sweet.
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