Are drones like coffee shops?

Jul 11, 2015
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I'm feeling like the difference between DJI and 3DR is like choosing between Starbucks and the little mom-and-pop coffee shops. DJI is like Starbucks. Choose Starbucks and you are extremely likely to get a consistently very good product with the rare exception that it will not be what you expected or something is wrong with it. 3DR is like the mom-and-pop coffee shop. You take your chances with the lesser known name. You might end up with something truly excellent. But you might end up wishing you had just gone with Starbucks. At this point with 3DR it's like I took the chance, didn't like my latte, I have asked the barista to fix it, but I'm not sure that the next will be better than the first.

But the real question is why do some Solos, according to their owners, work flawlessly while others have so many problems? With coffee shops, from one owner to the next, there are a lot of variables. How can one product rolling off of one production line in China have so much inconsistency?
Having never tried "Starbucks", I like my "mom-and-pop coffee shop latte". It's flavored right and has performed within my expectations.

Having said that, I actually hate my local coffee shop and typically go to Starbucks. But in that instance, I tried both.
I haven't tried "Starbucks" either - I don't have that kind of money laying around. I bought this one on the promises made, but like the local shop where I have aftermarket work done on my car, it has taken longer, had more foibles, and cost more than what I originally expected. Am I pleased with where its performance? Yes. Up until a few days ago, mine was nearly flawless.

The one big similarity in your comparison is personal service - you'll get the plastered-on grin from the guy at Starbucks, but he really couldn't give a hoot. The folks at the local joint really care about your satisfaction...
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You asked, and given that I frequent both shops, I will answer. I don't agree with the analogy, as Starbucks actually does care.

DJI (in my experience) cares less. Both UAV's have problems. Just different problems. Plenty evidence of that on Phantom forums (and in my personal experience).

I think part of the difference is in two areas. I don't have the stats, but from what I see, there is a difference with percentage of types of owners.

Many people that use DJI products, have for a long time. They know DJI service sucks, they know how the birds operate, and they know what to expect. The ones there are "new" have more problems. Along comes Solo, and it also works a bit different. They expect something else, which causes problems. The clue is, you see much less of this issue with new Solo owners.

Many Solo owners are brand new to RC, quads, aerial photography, etc. though, and that is a double edged sword. Contrary to the monkey commercial, they have a lot to learn, so they are getting their mind around a lot of things, from GPS to shutter speed. And they do things they shouldn't. In my experience, it is also tough to admit that, so with both companies, a lot of pilot error comes out (at least from the owners) as copter problems. I am not saying "all". I am saying a "lot".

And then add that the nature of Solo is different. It is like a slick implementation of Android, where it is nailed down fairly tight, but also highly configurable. It isn't as "locked down" or "vertically integrated" as DJI products.

Things like the Phantom are more like IOS. Slick and tightly integrated, but locked down, and not very expandable.

And then last but not least, is the personal experience. I have a P3P that I "just" got back for the second time. It has spent a total of 13 weeks down since I bought it at the end of May and 11 those weeks either traveling to/from ,or at DJI. In contrast, I had to send in 1 of 2 Solo's and that turnaround was less than 2 weeks.

Is that everyone's experience? No.. And that is the point. I see people that are having problems, thinking that everyone is also, mainly because they are looking for them, based (naturally) on interest in their problem.

If you did that though on Phantom forums, you would see dozens of fly aways and cracked shells, video problems (like mine) etc. etc.

One thing I tell all my friends looking in to getting a "drone" In this class, and asking for advice as to which one...

You are already screwed :) No matter which one you get (or don't) you will regret it at some point.
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But the real question is why do some Solos, according to their owners, work flawlessly while others have so many problems?

According to their owners, is the correct answer. Really your saying that everyone drives the same, we all know that isn't true. Using a flat tire analogy, some expect the tire to never go flat and threaten to sue, some expect the tire to change itself, some expect someone else to change the tire, some can't find the tools to change the tire, some are angry it rolled off the jack when on an incline, some have no problem changing the tire and then others try to figure out what caused the flat in the first place and then modify the tire to never go flat again....or at least try.

I'll argue that comparable percentage of DJI users experience the same misgivings, in whatever flavor. No the Solo is far from perfect, but it is getting closer. Guess you weren't around for P1 and P2 years....P3 frame cracks...really.

Obviously your expectation haven't been met with what you have, for out of the box performance. I'm not sure who you are within the tire analogy. Pick any brand you want, you will eventually have to change a tire.

Me personally, regarding hardware, I've picked Solo because I can change the tire even though it's a Formula 1 race car.. The other brands thinks I'm incapable of changing a tire or at least made it so the tire couldn't be changed with common tools. I'm in the last group of tire changers, fwiw.

A year ago August, I stood where you are today. I had no desire to be a MR mechanic, I just wanted to fly issue free. Sorry to say, you will have to tinker with whatever you choose to fly or pay someone else to. Solo is by far the very best platform available in the RTF arena today, my opinion. Experience will reveal the truth when comparing platforms, how you'll decide is based on that experience. Good luck!
According to their owners, is the correct answer. Really your saying that everyone drives the same, we all know that isn't true. Using a flat tire analogy, some expect the tire to never go flat and threaten to sue, some expect the tire to change itself, some expect someone else to change the tire, some can't find the tools to change the tire, some are angry it rolled off the jack when on an incline, some have no problem changing the tire and then others try to figure out what caused the flat in the first place and then modify the tire to never go flat again....or at least try.

I'll argue that comparable percentage of DJI users experience the same misgivings, in whatever flavor. No the Solo is far from perfect, but it is getting closer. Guess you weren't around for P1 and P2 years....P3 frame cracks...really.

Obviously your expectation haven't been met with what you have, for out of the box performance. I'm not sure who you are within the tire analogy. Pick any brand you want, you will eventually have to change a tire.

Me personally, regarding hardware, I've picked Solo because I can change the tire even though it's a Formula 1 race car.. The other brands thinks I'm incapable of changing a tire or at least made it so the tire couldn't be changed with common tools. I'm in the last group of tire changers, fwiw.

A year ago August, I stood where you are today. I had no desire to be a MR mechanic, I just wanted to fly issue free. Sorry to say, you will have to tinker with whatever you choose to fly or pay someone else to. Solo is by far the very best platform available in the RTF arena today, my opinion. Experience will reveal the truth when comparing platforms, how you'll decide is based on that experience. Good luck!
I partially agree with you Rich. Obviously everyone has different expectations and some people will complain about anything, even things that are the result of their own actions or deficiencies. I don't think my expectations are unreasonable. I just want my Solo to fly, do the things they said it would do and shoot usable video. It's a tool and I just want it to be able to do the job. But using your analogy I feel like I have changed the tire multiple times following all the proper procedures to a tee, and the tire still wobbles and makes my car unusable. I mean, really, I think I've gone above and beyond trying to make Solo work. This is my second Solo. I just did my 4th gimbal reinstalll using some of your suggestions. I reshaped the hdmi cable to try to keep it away from the dampers. I also used someone else's suggestion to tie the hdmi to some other wires to keep the routing away from the shell and the gimbal. It really shouldn't be this hard! I didn't sign up for a model aircraft kit to build.

I can't fly right now because it's raining so i don't know if gimbal installation #4 is a success or not. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow. If not, I guess I'll need to proceed to whatever 3DR can suggest next.
Dear Jon- if you don't like Solo or 3DR, why don't you just take your phantom or whatever and go hang with your movie buds?

It makes no difference why one is or isn't better than the other- it is what it is. I welcome constructive input that helps solve a problem.

I'm not interested in endless bitching and whining just for the sake of whining. I can get that at home.:D

In case you haven't noticed that is exactly why I am here. I am on my second Solo and have been getting suggestions and constructive input from others on how to make it work. I'm continuing to modify it to try to get acceptable performance. Isn't that what this forum is all about. You don't seem to understand what "whining for the sake of whining" is. My Solo doesn't work. I am communicating with others here to get suggestions to make it work. And I'm not sure why the fact that I work in the film industry makes you feel that you need to be condescending. Solo was launched at NAB, an association of television and film professionals.
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You asked, and given that I frequent both shops, I will answer. I don't agree with the analogy, as Starbucks actually does care.

DJI (in my experience) cares less. Both UAV's have problems. Just different problems. Plenty evidence of that on Phantom forums (and in my personal experience).

I think part of the difference is in two areas. I don't have the stats, but from what I see, there is a difference with percentage of types of owners.

Many people that use DJI products, have for a long time. They know DJI service sucks, they know how the birds operate, and they know what to expect. The ones there are "new" have more problems. Along comes Solo, and it also works a bit different. They expect something else, which causes problems. The clue is, you see much less of this issue with new owners.

Many Solo owners are brand new to RC, quads, aerial photography, etc. though, and that is a double edged sword. Contrary to the monkey commercial, they have a lot to learn, so they are getting their mind around lot of things, from GPS to shutter speed. And they do things they shouldn't. In my experience, it is also tough to admit that, so with both companies, a lot of pilot error comes out (at least from the owners) as copter problems. I am not saying "all". I am saying a "lot".

And then add that the nature of Solo is different. It is like a slick implementation of Android, where it is nailed down fairly tight, but also highly configurable. It isn't as "locked down" or "vertically integrated" as DJI products.

Things like the Phantom are more like IOS. Slick and tightly integrated, but locked down, and not very expandable.

And then last but not least, is the personal experience. I have a P3P that I "just" got back for the second time. It has spent a total of 13 weeks down since I bought it at the end of May and 11 those weeks either traveling to/from ,or at DJI. In contrast, I had to send in 1 of 2 Solo's and that turnaround was less than 2 weeks.

Is that everyone's experience? No.. And that is the point. I see people that are having problems, thinking that everyone is also, mainly because they are looking for them, based (naturally) on interest in their problem.

If you did that though on Phantom forums, you would see dozens of fly aways and cracked shells, video problems (like mine) etc. etc.

One thing I tell all my friends looking in to getting a "drone" In this class, and asking for advice as to which one...

You are already screwed :) No matter which one you get (or don't) you will regret it at some point.
I agree. When you mix technology with moving parts, stuff fails.I just want my Solo to work, that's all. I'm trying pretty hard to make that happen, but so far it hasn't. I'll keep at it for a while.

As far as DJI vs 3DR, they obviously both have their issues. With that said, you have been one of the lucky ones with Solo. So far - knock on wood - I have been lucky I guess with DJI. While first waiting to get Solo, then returning, then buying again, then trying to get it to work well I bought into some DJI products to cover me until Solo is doing the job for me. So far I have 4 DJI products, 3 Phantoms and an Osmo. I haven't had a single problem yet with any. Is there a DJI failure in my future? I would bet there is. Do I see DJI as the be-all end-all. Of course not. That's why I bought Solo - twice. But for now they are working ok and making me money.

Tomorrow I will fly Solo after my recent adjustments. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I would love to see stable video
I agree. When you mix technology with moving parts, stuff fails.I just want my Solo to work, that's all. I'm trying pretty hard to make that happen, but so far it hasn't. I'll keep at it for a while.

As far as DJI vs 3DR, they obviously both have their issues. With that said, you have been one of the lucky ones with Solo. So far - knock on wood - I have been lucky I guess with DJI. While first waiting to get Solo, then returning, then buying again, then trying to get it to work well I bought into some DJI products to cover me until Solo is doing the job for me. So far I have 4 DJI products, 3 Phantoms and an Osmo. I haven't had a single problem yet with any. Is there a DJI failure in my future? I would bet there is. Do I see DJI as the be-all end-all. Of course not. That's why I bought Solo - twice. But for now they are working ok and making me money.

Tomorrow I will fly Solo after my recent adjustments. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I would love to see stable video
Just curious. Do you work under a 333 exemption?
Nope. I haven't yet met anyone who does. How about you?
I don't need one. I don't work for "clients". I am a cameraman, and use tools... Solo is just another tool

What kind of clients do you have?
My clients are mostly commercial. Also some corporate. And television. An occasional movie. Drones are a new "tool" in my repertoire. I'm mostly a gaffer (lighting guy)
My clients are mostly commercial. Also some corporate. And television. An occasional movie. Drones are a new "tool" in my repertoire. I'm mostly a gaffer (lighting guy)
And the camera guys don't have them?
And the camera guys don't have them?
Many do because they are so affordable. The trend that I started to notice was everyone has one but very few are any good at flying them. My goal is to develop my ability to get shots that can't be done without skills and practice. As you know, it's not the camera, it's the guy behind it
That looks like a cool client. I like working on creative content. Where are their web series available?
It just got picked up for distribution, and It is now on Amazon in the US along with a bunch of foreign pay sites. Soon on Netflix. Start filming second season in 3 weeks. Just got done with "Customer 152" Is in editing now...
I loved the idea of Solo because from the promos it seemed almost like cheating :) And like I said, I know 50 people who own DJI gear but none who own a Solo. I really hope I can get mine working. You seem to have the magic touch. Want to trade Solos? :)
I'll have to look for those on Amazon. Did you get the ever more elusive screen credit?

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