Afraid of a flyaway

Dec 12, 2016
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Got my first Solo and it would not take off, tried everything to get it going but it would not get off the ground. Received my second from 3DR (refurb) and it flies but I'm nervous that it will crash into something or someone resulting in a lawsuit. I've heard that manual mode will give you complete control and no worry of a flyaway. Is this true?
It will give you complete control of the drone, but at the price of not holding position. So if you're flying in a breeze you're going to have to compensate for the breeze. Most people tend to set manual mode on one of the preset A/B buttons just in case a fly away starts. I've flown my Solo dozens of times with no issues whatsoever. I wouldn't worry.
It will give you complete control of the drone, but at the price of not holding position. So if you're flying in a breeze you're going to have to compensate for the breeze. Most people tend to set manual mode on one of the preset A/B buttons just in case a fly away starts. I've flown my Solo dozens of times with no issues whatsoever. I wouldn't worry.

Ok. So as long as you preset either A or B as instant manual mode the copter will be fine? I've read a lot that people do that and get no response when they press it during a flyaway.
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Got my first Solo and it would not take off, tried everything to get it going but it would not get off the ground. Received my second from 3DR (refurb) and it flies but I'm nervous that it will crash into something or someone resulting in a lawsuit. I've heard that manual mode will give you complete control and no worry of a flyaway. Is this true?
If you fly in manual you'd better KNOW how to fly well! It's the automatic functioning that makes Solo so easy to fly.
I think you're worrying too much - flyaways are very rare and overhyped.
It will give you complete control of the drone, but at the price of not holding position. So if you're flying in a breeze you're going to have to compensate for the breeze. Most people tend to set manual mode on one of the preset A/B buttons just in case a fly away starts. I've flown my Solo dozens of times with no issues whatsoever. I wouldn't worry.
get a small copter and practice, then the solo will feel like champ

I've had the phantom 4 and typhoon H and returned both due to horrible, horrible cameras. I know how to fly I'm just concerned that the Solo might be more prone to flyaways but I'm sure they all do that.
Solo is far less prone to flyaways. In fact, I can only recall a scant few that were true flyaways and not hidden operator error. Search the forums - you'll see that the vast majority of suspected cases were resolved.
DJI and Yuneec drones fly away as reliably as Ohio geese in the fall. I started out with Parrot, went to DJI, Yuneec, and darned near every other brand available (that I could afford). I still like my DJI quads and have a Mavic on order - but I'm not kidding myself.
Solo is far less prone to flyaways. In fact, I can only recall a scant few that were true flyaways and not hidden operator error. Search the forums - you'll see that the vast majority of suspected cases were resolved.
DJI and Yuneec drones fly away as reliably as Ohio geese in the fall. I started out with Parrot, went to DJI, Yuneec, and darned near every other brand available (that I could afford). I still like my DJI quads and have a Mavic on order - but I'm not kidding myself.

Ok thanks
I think you are not understanding what a fly-away is. It's when it takes off on it's own, disregarding user control from the controller. It doesn't matter what buttons you have set for what modes. If it is not or cannot receive those commands, it's moot. This is exceedingly rare.

People like having manual mode handy for cases of the GPS lock getting squirrely. If it starts to drift or have trouble holding position, you can hit manual and it will stop trying to use bad GPS data. You have manual control with the sticks. If the solo detects the GPS signal is bad (or lost), it will switch to manual automatically. At which point, you again have control with the sticks.

None of this is an excuse for not reading the guides, not watching the training videos, or flying in unsafe or unsuitable areas.
I think you are not understanding what a fly-away is. It's when it takes off on it's own, disregarding user control from the controller. It doesn't matter what buttons you have set for what modes. If it is not or cannot receive those commands, it's moot. This is exceedingly rare.

People like having manual mode handy for cases of the GPS lock getting squirrely. If it starts to drift or have trouble holding position, you can hit manual and it will stop trying to use bad GPS data. You have manual control with the sticks. If the solo detects the GPS signal is bad (or lost), it will switch to manual automatically. At which point, you again have control with the sticks.

None of this is an excuse for not reading the guides, not watching the training videos, or flying in unsafe or unsuitable areas.

Right. Completely agree with you. I am just trying to make the determination on whether this is a problem I should be very concerned about and sell my new Solo or double down and get another Solo drone before 3DR runs out of current stock and they are gone forever.
As others have said, it is exceedingly rare. All the other major brands, the biggest joke is how often they go rogue and fly away.
And you may want to keep in mind the instant kill switch of simultaneously holding A, B and Pause in the event of an emergency. I've only had to use it once after I flew it (more or less directly) into a tree.
least likely drone to fly away, it takes more to prearm a solo or any pixhawk based UAV than others.
that bugs some people cause they say well my buddies DJI took off no problem, yep probably true, and because of that its more likely to keep flying on off
I had a true fly away once with a P2V+, the only thing that saved me is the alt hold switch (FLY:Manual). I believe switching out of GPS mode (FLY) and back in again the bird was able to establish a new location reference rather than the bad data it was flying off to.

I agree Solo, even with all the GPS scare, has been the least prone to have a fly away. If anything we have learned this on 3DR's dime, as they have always warrantied and fully disclosed the cause of any defective type failures. Great bird, with no worries.
This just occurred to me :
Does it seem likely that, with the amazing deals offered by Best Buy and others, the introduction of so many Solos into the world at large is likely the biggest single "shot" of drones in history? I'm not speaking of $49.95 toys... but real, full -fledged models. For four hundred bucks people are in business.
This amounts to an awful lot of new flyers out there, likely only a fraction of which find themselves here with us. What percentage actually register with the FAA, I wonder? There's absolutely no question that most folks - after buying a cheapie model - just yank it from the box and toss it into the air.
It's one thing when talking about a gadget weighing a dozen ounces or so. But - how many are simply taking their spanking new four-pound Solos and tossing it into the wild blue with absolutely no real grasp of proper flight etiquette or even the basics of successful operation?
What I'm trying to say - in a long, meandering way - is that it's a minor miracle that we've not seen a nationwide epidemic of anti-drone sentiment in the last couple of months.
Some how, some way, all of these Solos are apparently not dropping like bombs into baby carriages or snapping photos of sunbathing celebrities.
I'd call that a pretty good testament to the fundamental soundness of Solo's design, and honestly can't imagine any other comparable drone succeeding as well. Yes, Solo can at times need tender loving care, but it is a very forgiving machine as well.
I certainly haven't heard of mass sightings of runaway black drones flocking across the country, anyhow.
After 100's of flights on my original release Solo I haven't had anything close to a fly away. I've had dozens of WiFi disconnects, app crashes and forced landings due to low battery; Solo always returned home.

Things are a lot better today; after the first few software releases WiFi disconnects were pretty much a thing of the past. With my M8 GPS I get 23 satellites and .5 hdop I don't even think about flyaways.

Now my P3P seems like it wants to fly to China everytime I arm it.
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I've talked my neighbor and three coworkers into buying a Solo (or two). Some of them have NO experience, whereas a couple have as much or more experience than I do (I've built 3 quads and a hex, and now own 3 Solos). Regardless of their experience level I'm very careful to get them started off in the right direction (recommending this forum is part of my Solo 'education' to them). Reaching out to the newbies is a great way to help ensure the public understands multi rotors and hopefully keeps them from being 'that guy with a drone'. I want this hobby to live a long and healthy life!

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the sad truth is most new people see any unexpected behavior as the drone failing and call it a fly away. when most of the time the drone is doing what it is supposed to do in a failsafe condition and the flyer is unaware
...What I'm trying to say - is that it's a minor miracle that we've not seen a nationwide epidemic of anti-drone sentiment in the last couple of months.
Some how, some way, all of these Solos are apparently not dropping like bombs into baby carriages or snapping photos of sunbathing celebrities....
Wait until after Christmas when even more will take to the air...
I think that you're thinking of $400 not being that much and everybody can just go smack down all that money, plus like $300 for a GoPro. And I know that many people don't live in Alaska, but I only know one other person with a drone, so I think this is a bit of an overreaction.

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