3dr solo RTH Rewind

Dec 23, 2016
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So I opened at ticket with 3dr and they said that feature only works when we hold the pause button.

On a youtube video collin guinn said it was designed for orbit shot that signal lost the bird doesn't fly through a building. mine almost did that....

anyone know the truth?

The original design intent of rewind was to be part of the failsafe for lost signal. And it was advertised as such in videos and publications as an upcoming feature. During beta testing, people were getting "confused" by it's settings and actions. 3DR was unwilling to put forth more effort into it's design, and was on the verge of killing further development anyway. As such, that design intent was killed in beta. It is now only a feature you can activate by long pressing the pause button. The on/off in settings does nothing. The version was released with little to no information on this because 3DR was laying off all their developers. So that's what it is, and what it will always be.
Maybe solex will do it. Honestly I would buy an android tablet just for that feature. Orbit shots alone would
Make it worth it. I know I can change the rth to include a taller height but rewind would be better for riskier shots.
Nope, it will not. It has nothing to do with the application on your phone/tablet. It's the firmware on the Solo itself that drives this. Plus, think about what you're asking Solex to do... you want the application to make the Solo rewind when it has lost it's connection to the solo.... That's like me asking "ok everyone, raise your hand if you're not here."

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