3DR/pixhawk Parameters - reset on factory reset?

Apr 10, 2018
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Hi all,

I recently tried connecting a flytPi to the 3DR, and because of a message I received I updated the SERIAL2_PROTOCOL value to 1. (it was 0 before). Related thread: flytPi+ 3DR Solo Parameters

Since then (maybe a coincidence, maybe not), the drone doesn't connect to the remote anymore. I did multiple factory resets, but the behaviour is the same.

Below dropbox link are logs from the drone - taken via SFTP - IP, user: root, the default pass. I can also connect via SSH to the drone, but I can't figure out if that parameter was reset or not.

I believe running some python script from /usr/bin would print all the params, but I'm now sure which one (or if you have better idea).

Mission controller using UDP doesn't connect. - or I could have check from there.


What do you guys think? Are parameters reset when doing a factory reset of the drone?

No, it does not reset the parameters.

Can you connect with Tower? If so you should be looking to set SYSID_SW_MREV to 0 (zero) and after a reboot of Solo the parameters will be reset.
Thanks for the reply. i cannot connect with tower - using UDP method. I tried.

I can connect to the drone directly via SSH. And I can run the python scripts onboard the drone in /usr/bin

There must be a way to set a parameter locally if you have SSH access right? (also SFTP access).

From the second log (3dr-telem) it seems like Mission Control should be able to connect right? (but it doesn't...). I will try to create my own wifi network - without the remote, and try like that.

In the drone logs (3dr-solo.log) I found this (then keeps repeating sending start packet forever...):

Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local1.info pair: network already up
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local1.info pair: establishing connection...
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local1.info pair: controller version "2.4.2"; firmware "1.2.11"
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local1.info pair: switching to runlevel.READY
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local1.info dl: dataflash_logger starting: built Sep 22 2016 15:30:50
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local1.info dl: df-tfc: connecting to telem-forwarder at
Apr 10 10:53:31 3dr_solo local1.info dl: mh-dfl: sending start packet to (0/0)
Apr 10 10:53:31 3dr_solo local1.info dl: mh-dfl: sending start packet to (0/0)
Apr 10 10:53:32 3dr_solo local1.info dl: mh-dfl: sending start packet to (0/0)

And in 3dr-telem.log:
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +842 tlm: telem_forwarder starting: built Sep 22 2016 15:31:01
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +846 tlm: serial port: /dev/ttymxc1
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +847 tlm: serial baudrate: 115200
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +847 tlm: serial hw flow: true
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +852 tlm: UDP dest port: 14550
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +852 tlm: use GPS time: true
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +852 tlm: tos: 0x7f
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +852 tlm: opened port 14560
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.info +853 tlm: opened serial port /dev/ttymxc1
Apr 10 10:53:30 3dr_solo local4.err +955 tlm: poll returned zero
Apr 10 10:53:31 3dr_solo local4.info +088 tlm: adding new client
Apr 10 10:53:31 3dr_solo local4.info +088 tlm: ARP: Seen (254/17) from client=0x7647cc44
Apr 10 10:53:31 3dr_solo local4.info +089 tlm: ARP: Seen (57/57) from client=0x7647cc44
Apr 10 10:53:33 3dr_solo local4.info +205 tlm: adding new client
Apr 10 10:53:33 3dr_solo local4.info +205 tlm: ARP: Seen (255/0) from client=0x7647cc44
Apr 10 10:53:40 3dr_solo local4.info +859 tlm: down: 0 m/s, 16 b/s, 0%; up: 1 m/s, 31 b/s, 0%
Apr 10 10:53:50 3dr_solo local4.info +860 tlm: down: 0 m/s, 16 b/s, 0%; up: 2 m/s, 35 b/s, 0%
Apr 10 10:54:00 3dr_solo local4.info +860 tlm: down: 0 m/s, 16 b/s, 0%; up: 2 m/s, 35 b/s, 0%
Take a look at pixhawk.py:

There is a function called resetParameters--that's the guy you want to execute. Then reboot the pixhawk (stop and start Solo).


I can see in the logs this file is being executed (below logs)

I was thinking of editing it, and just before pixhawk.py finished, I could add a call to resetParameters. Then after a reboot, restore the original file.
I suppose that should work right? I have to wait until tomorrow as I don't have physical access to the drone right now.

Thanks for the suggestion, will let you know if it works. :)

Apr 10 10:53:02 3dr_solo local1.info pix: pixhawk.py starting
Apr 10 10:53:02 3dr_solo local1.info pix: checking baud...
Apr 10 10:53:05 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 115200
Apr 10 10:53:07 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 115200
Apr 10 10:53:10 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 921600
Apr 10 10:53:12 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 57600
Apr 10 10:53:15 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 230400
Apr 10 10:53:17 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 460800
Apr 10 10:53:20 3dr_solo local1.info pix: not at 1500000
Apr 10 10:53:20 3dr_solo local1.err pix: not detected at any baud
Apr 10 10:53:20 3dr_solo local1.err pix: finding baud
Apr 10 10:53:20 3dr_solo local1.err pix: pixhawk status: no response
Apr 10 10:53:20 3dr_solo local1.info pix: no new firmware file
Apr 10 10:53:22 3dr_solo local1.warn pix: no version hashes received
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.warn pix: no build version received
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.info pix: now running:
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.info pix: build_version unknown
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.info pix: ardupilot_git_hash unknown
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.info pix: px4_git_hash unknown
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.info pix: nuttx_git_hash unknown
Apr 10 10:53:24 3dr_solo local1.info pix: pixhawk.py finished
Hi all,

Thanks for your help!!!

It worked - eventually - I ran into one more issue which is: during factory reset, the pixhawk.py file was replaced with a default one.
Without factory rest there was no connection to the pixhawk - so I did the factory reset - without the first flight update.

Then connected to the drone via SFTP, there was no pixhawk file then - so I pasted mine - along with some .pyc files it needed (which I saved before), and then via SSH I ran the pixhawk file with the -u option - check USB. And I also changed the code to reset parameters if verify_usb is true - which means it was able to connect to the pixhawk via a USB serial connection (internal to the drone).

That way the parameters were reset - I knew they were because gimbal was no longer level. After that I did a factory reset of the remote also, and the mandatory update via the phone app, and after compass + level calibration everything was fine again. :)

Thanks again and have a great day :)

More technical details below:
save all files from /usr/bin before starting.

Attaching used file if someone needs it someday (just remove the .txt extensions).

Do this at the point of all blue lights, after the disco lights - many colors. Wait for drone to connect to remote WiFi (or keep trying SFTP connection for about 1-2 minutes).

Connect to remote WiFi, then via a SFTP client (I used filezilla), use

username: root
password: TjSDBkAu

via SFTP:
Copy pixhawk.py to /usr/bin,
And all the .pyc files saved earlier

Then via SSH (same credentials),

cd /usr/bin, then run:
python pixhawk.py -u

At this point the parameters should be reset - after a restart (power off / on).


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