
  1. A

    3DR/pixhawk Parameters - reset on factory reset?

    Hi all, I recently tried connecting a flytPi to the 3DR, and because of a message I received I updated the SERIAL2_PROTOCOL value to 1. (it was 0 before). Related thread: flytPi+ 3DR Solo Parameters Since then (maybe a coincidence, maybe not), the drone doesn't connect to the remote anymore. I...
  2. divsrfsh

    Green cube install issues- no Wi-Fi after parameter reset

    Help- Purchased cube in December . Waited for the final version to be released before Installing open solo. Tested the drone before opening it up. Installed cube and followed instructions to detail using Solex. After installing parameters lost Wi-Fi connection . Downloaded Winscp and am trying...
  3. Pedals2Paddles

    HERE GPS/Compass parameter packages now in Solex

    If you're doing the HERE GPS/Compass, you can now use Solex to easily set the parameters required for it to work properly. Up until about 20 minutes ago, you would need to dig through the list of 800 parameters in Mission Planner or Tower to find and set the required parameters. This evening I...
  4. Xavier Arthur

    3DR Solo Tutorial/ Learning Style Videos

    This space is dedicated for anyone who wishes to share & watch Solo videos that teach people more about the Solo 3DR Drone :) About Xavier: I am a Instructor/ Teacher by profession. I love my family & Flying Drones. So I make Drone & Tech videos, vlog style with my family. 3DR Solo is one of...
  5. Marcus van Soest

    IRIS+ Parameter file..

    Howdy members, I am new to this group and have a very bad concentration so I am not able to read all forum topics on this issue.. I am a linux user and run APM planner, did a firmware upgrade on my IRIS+ but lost telemetry connection.. At Configuration>Full parameterslist I cannot find a...
  6. Hawkeye88

    Tower Glossary

    Does anyone know where to get a glossary of terms for Tower? I know there's little documentation out there. Especially the parameters are voluminous and I just don't understand what they mean or if there's any benefit to understanding them. I would not dare change anything in the parameters...