Dear 3DR I love pixhawk FC and used it for years,, But Solo *********

The problem is this isn't new technology other than the app? 3dr has had pixhawk flying for a long time, then they have iris, iris+, x4,X8 etc.

AND surprisingly the apps actually work, it's the issues with gps flight, gps landings, and the gimbal that keep being problematic.
Anyone who has been into RC planes for a long time knows that these things are tricky, touchy, break often, and require a lot of tender care and attention to detail. Therefore when those folks complain about a rare but resolvable GPS issue, or 3DR canceling their first Solo order upon launch and then write off 3DR completely, it makes me question their expertise. You didn't fly your first RC plane, crash it and then go crying about the company all over the internet and say you'll never use their products again. You picked it up, fixed it, and were delighted when it flew it again.

The whining, complaining and hatred for the most trivial of issues has gotten so ridiculous in the drone community, its hard to comprehend. Issues are expected with new technology. 3DR has had excellent customer service with MOST folks who had issues and were reasonably understanding. DJI may have CS issues but they have solid products that most people are enjoying.

I personally really enjoy hearing everyones reviews (positive and negative), learning about fixes and workarounds and mods from the community, etc. But anyone who is trying so hard to let everyone know how much they know or how much of an expert they are, I read it with a grain of salt. Esepcially when anyone that experienced would know better than to write off the devices for some random issues, as if new technology is infallible or something.
You hit the nail on the head Kneel. Having been in RC since the 80s, there is an old saying 'RC=build, fly, crash, repeat". I have certainly crashed and rebuilt my fair share of nitro helis mostly. But must say that of them all the Solo has been the most reliable and I have yet to have a problem and still flying the original props. I know Chris has had a tough time of it, but he is certainly the exception and not the rule as far as his Solos have been concerned. But in the last couple of weeks he has turned it up a bit and it is getting a little old. I hope his 3rd Solo works as well as many others have.
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The problem is this isn't new technology other than the app? 3dr has had pixhawk flying for a long time, then they have iris, iris+, x4,X8 etc.

AND surprisingly the apps actually work, it's the issues with gps flight, gps landings, and the gimbal that keep being problematic.

I occasionally take a few minutes to get a "lock" but GPS in and of itself is somewhat spotty and flawed, its looking for satellites in the sky and the sky is not always clear. Phones, TomToms and other navigational equipment for decades has suffered from similar issues.

I do think Solo should allow GLONASS reception as well out of box. Not sure what implications this has, but others have done it and I believe so have Solo owners with mods.
Anyone who has been into RC planes for a long time knows that these things are tricky, touchy, break often, and require a lot of tender care and attention to detail. Therefore when those folks complain about a rare but resolvable GPS issue, or 3DR canceling their first Solo order upon launch and then write off 3DR completely, it makes me question their expertise. You didn't fly your first RC plane, crash it and then go crying about the company all over the internet and say you'll never use their products again. You picked it up, fixed it, and were delighted when it flew it again.

The whining, complaining and hatred for the most trivial of issues has gotten so ridiculous in the drone community, its hard to comprehend. Issues are expected with new technology. 3DR has had excellent customer service with MOST folks who had issues and were reasonably understanding. DJI may have CS issues but they have solid products that most people are enjoying.

I personally really enjoy hearing everyones reviews (positive and negative), learning about fixes and workarounds and mods from the community, etc. But anyone who is trying so hard to let everyone know how much they know or how much of an expert they are, I read it with a grain of salt. Esepcially when anyone that experienced would know better than to write off the devices for some random issues, as if new technology is infallible or something.
it's the so called "throw away culture " we live in today, if it don't work throw it and get a new one. Walk into many hobby shops today and you can't find anything but bind&fly crap. No one builds from planes anymore. I can't even find a good balsa supplier in town for my own projects. But again back in the day it was a given that there was going to be issues with 72 mhz radios and many issues of the day. Now with everything so perfect in most major electronics it's expected all the time. I personally sent mine back because I have enough projects I'm working on and dont need ro add to my pile.
I can't trust it in my son's hands I will wait and purchase another Solo when I feel it is to the point that it was hyped up to be.Until then there are a few in town that recieved there's and I will continue to help them with there Solo..
Anyone who has been into RC planes for a long time knows that these things are tricky, touchy, break often, and require a lot of tender care and attention to detail. Therefore when those folks complain about a rare but resolvable GPS issue, or 3DR canceling their first Solo order upon launch and then write off 3DR completely, it makes me question their expertise. You didn't fly your first RC plane, crash it and then go crying about the company all over the internet and say you'll never use their products again. You picked it up, fixed it, and were delighted when it flew it again.

The whining, complaining and hatred for the most trivial of issues has gotten so ridiculous in the drone community, its hard to comprehend. Issues are expected with new technology. 3DR has had excellent customer service with MOST folks who had issues and were reasonably understanding. DJI may have CS issues but they have solid products that most people are enjoying.

I personally really enjoy hearing everyones reviews (positive and negative), learning about fixes and workarounds and mods from the community, etc. But anyone who is trying so hard to let everyone know how much they know or how much of an expert they are, I read it with a grain of salt. Esepcially when anyone that experienced would know better than to write off the devices for some random issues, as if new technology is infallible or something.

Hammer meets nail. Well said...

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If the copper shielding is installed correctly in the first place which should be the case with all Solos now then you wouldn't have a problem, so it's in no way 100% of Solo, just some.
That makes sense. (Although Solo number 1 was from an early batch - i'm going to keep an eye on its GPS performance, especially now that I have Solo 2 to compare it against)
That makes sense. (Although Solo number 1 was from an early batch - i'm going to keep an eye on its GPS performance, especially now that I have Solo 2 to compare it against)

Morning. Can you expand on what a 'Solo 1' is compared to 'Solo 2'. Is there any physical differences that you can describe? Still interested in the shielding issue. I've hear to shield the GoPro itself. Can anyone elaborate?

Morning. Can you expand on what a 'Solo 1' is compared to 'Solo 2'. Is there any physical differences that you can describe? Still interested in the shielding issue. I've hear to shield the GoPro itself. Can anyone elaborate?

He's talking about his 2 Solos, there is no Solo 1 and 2.
That's what I thought, thanks.

BTW: any input on the shielding mod? That's what sparked my interest if newer Solo's being shipped were modified or revised since first release.
I like the Ian Soler mod, it's clean, if nothing else it's a good idea as when you install the gimbal, you know with a plastic cover there's no chance of the wiring pressing against the GPS either. That's just my own personal view.
I like the Ian Soler mod, it's clean, if nothing else it's a good idea as when you install the gimbal, you know with a plastic cover there's no chance of the wiring pressing against the GPS either. That's just my own personal view.

Fixing to do that this morning as I received my gimbal yesterday. Thanks for the heads up.

Morning. Can you expand on what a 'Solo 1' is compared to 'Solo 2'. Is there any physical differences that you can describe? Still interested in the shielding issue. I've hear to shield the GoPro itself. Can anyone elaborate?

My bad. I just meant that I have 2 Solos. I refer to the first one I received as Solo 1, and the second as Solo 2.
Anyone who has been into RC planes for a long time knows that these things are tricky, touchy, break often, and require a lot of tender care and attention to detail. Therefore when those folks complain about a rare but resolvable GPS issue, or 3DR canceling their first Solo order upon launch and then write off 3DR completely, it makes me question their expertise. You didn't fly your first RC plane, crash it and then go crying about the company all over the internet and say you'll never use their products again. You picked it up, fixed it, and were delighted when it flew it again.

The whining, complaining and hatred for the most trivial of issues has gotten so ridiculous in the drone community, its hard to comprehend. Issues are expected with new technology. 3DR has had excellent customer service with MOST folks who had issues and were reasonably understanding. DJI may have CS issues but they have solid products that most people are enjoying.

I personally really enjoy hearing everyones reviews (positive and negative), learning about fixes and workarounds and mods from the community, etc. But anyone who is trying so hard to let everyone know how much they know or how much of an expert they are, I read it with a grain of salt. Esepcially when anyone that experienced would know better than to write off the devices for some random issues, as if new technology is infallible or something.
Exceptionally well said and completely true.
When I flew my first Sig Kadet - built from a friend's set of plans from scratch with scrounged balsa, an old Fox engine, an Ace transmitter and Sanwa receiver with a mix of servo brands (not to mention a seriously crappy silk span covering job with red and black dope), I was nervous with seriously good reason - I proceeded to re-kit my plane within thirty seconds of takeoff.
I kept at it with that plane, rebuilding it four times. Before I could fly it, though, I went through twelve other planes teaching myself to fly. There weren't any RC clubs or instructors where I lived! All were hand built.
So, folks with a background like this tend to look at problems like those discussed here as pretty darned trivial - with no one to blame and dependent on our ability to fix it.
I sure wasn't going around town blaming Sig Mfg. for crappy plane design or Ace for sub-par radio performance.
I'm not referencing any individual here, but rather trying to shed some light about our perspective - I, for one, am absolutely delighted with my Solo. Tell the truth, in comparison to my early days in remote flying, it literally seems like witchcraft.
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Seems like I wasn't too clear.
The Solo is performing as well as I'd ever imagined it would. I expect to have issues with products, and I've never yet found any aircraft that truly delivers as-advertise.
I've spent more than $1400, having bought the gimbal, backpack, and spare batts, and am completely satisfied.
Seems like I wasn't too clear.
The Solo is performing as well as I'd ever imagined it would. I expect to have issues with products, and I've never yet found any aircraft that truly delivers as-advertise.
I've spent more than $1400, having bought the gimbal, backpack, and spare batts, and am completely satisfied.

Interesting, I had initially thought it would have a safe flight time of about 18 minutes. I thought the claim of 20 was a stretch but 13 safe minutes is not what I expected. Imagined that it would fly out close to mile without issue or upgrades, not much of an problem for most good transmitters today. Just about anyone can build a quad that can do those things; so how did 3DR miss the boat on the basics.
Ok, I suppose times vary, but just this afternoon I made two recordings on the same flight, the first nine minutes ten seconds, the other eight minutes forty five seconds, neither including landing or takeoff.
Seems like I wasn't too clear.
The Solo is performing as well as I'd ever imagined it would. I expect to have issues with products, and I've never yet found any aircraft that truly delivers as-advertise.
I've spent more than $1400, having bought the gimbal, backpack, and spare batts, and am completely satisfied.
I'm new to all of this, have purchased the same, and am equally satisfied.

here is what I don't get.
Most people who are, or have been in this field, own many RC craft talk about the disappointing limits of the range of the solo. Anything less than a mile is sub standard.

Maybe I'm just too old but I can barley see the bird after 500ft.
Isn't LOS what I think it is? Is that not one of the safe flying "rules"?
I'm too scared to let $2k get out of sight.:eek:
I'm watching everyone talk about these mods to go beyond 2 miles?
where the hell are they going?

I'm stock (except for a couple alpha panels) and getting GREAT stuff with the gimbal.
where I can still see the damn thing.

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I'm new to all of this, have purchased the same, and am equally satisfied.

here is what I don't get.
Most people who are, or have been in this field, own many RC craft talk about the disappointing limits of the range of the solo. Anything less than a mile is sub standard.

Maybe I'm just too old but I can barley see the bird after 500ft.
Isn't LRS what I think it is? Is that not one of the safe flying "rules"?
I'm too scared to let $2k get out of sight.:eek:
I'm watching everyone talk about these mods to go beyond 2 miles?
where the hell are they going?

I'm stock (except for a couple alpha panels) and getting GREAT stuff with the gimbal.
where I can still see the damn thing.

By rights and by the RULES
It's not so much about getting beyond 2 miles, If you can get a system that is capable of having a range of two miles or more without radio lockout or Fail Safe issues. Flying LOS 3500 to 5280 feet away you should not have any radio link issues in most areas.
This why Dragon link or other LRS radio systems are used in many expensive aircraft like a 20 grand jet.. less chance of radio failure if you're flying LOS with a radio system capable of 10 miles or more.
If I'm flying in an area that is prone to radio issues I would prefer Dragon link but this isn't an option with Solo without some work..
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By rights and by the RULES
It's not so much about getting beyond 2 miles, If you can get a system that is capable of having a range of two miles or more without radio lockout or Fail Safe issues. Flying LOS 3500 to 5280 feet away you should not have any radio link issues in most areas.
This why Dragon link or other LOS radio systems are used in many expensive aircraft like a 20 grand jet.. less chance of radio failure if you're flying LOS with a radio system capable of 10 miles or more.
If I'm flying in an area that is prone to radio issues I would prefer Dragon link but this isn't an option with Solo without some work..
I'm def a noob.
LOS or "line of sight" does not mean you can actually see the bird?
Just that it's in line with your sight.

I still don't get where everyone is going and back in less than 15min.
I bought it to take some video for my projects/venues and don't recall any PR about going long range out of sight adventures from 3DR so I just wonder why anyone would complain about that part.

For those who need that capability, probably get a P3P or I1 then right?


Ok , i'm done. (and off topic):oops:

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