Stock Antenna Strength?

Jun 21, 2015
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Quick question, I know range is one of the biggest let-downs right now, but curious if there is a factory range strength spec that is comparable or able to test? I.e. should be "xyz" signal strength at 30ft when in a area with limited noise interference?

I just did the update today (all went well and flew fine with quicker GPS acquisition), and it seemed I had drastically less range. Before I had flown ~500yds LOS away and been down to 1 bar but still be fine. But today, flying from my backyard (same general area as before) I was getting auto RTH around ~150yds. I was around 100ft elevation and clear line of slight. I fought it coming home twice and then moved slightly and adjusted antennas some and it then let me get to about 200yds where I was trying to get an image, but I was at 1 bar of signal at that point.

Only thing different today was I did the update prior to flying which was successful, and I also paired a galaxy tab s to the controller so I could use tower to just record the flight to play around. I was using my iphone 6 as the main FPV / control source via the Solo app.

Just thought I'd ask. Didn't know if there was a way to test. That seems oddly short. I was already planning on buying the FPVLR range extender, but I want to make sure there isn't something wrong with the unit or controller beforehand so that I can get the most out of whatever equipment is being used.

Not sure there is a way to test beyond real world flying.

Make sure the back of your Tab S which is metal is away from your antennas. Try your iPhone again.

Results will change from day to do because of humidity and conditions.
Well I do mean partially by real world flying.

I figure with the tap down on the top menu bar you can see the detail signal strength. I was asking if there was possibly a guideline for X strength at Y height and Z distance. I'm guessing probably not, but I wanted to ask first.

The 8.4" Galaxy Tab S was actually sitting on the table behind me, and the iphone was in the controller holder like I've done before.
The stock antennas are crap.

Some of the wifi config could have changed. But the stock antennas are still crap.
OK. No real good correlation with the bars vs distance. I have been 4200' with my Solo (the one I sent back) and it was in the red for the entire flight except the first 25%.

My point is the bars are not very trustworthy.
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OK. No real good correlation with the bars vs distance. I have been 4200' with my Solo (the one I sent back) and it was in the red for the entire flight except the first 25%.

My point is the bars are not very trustworthy.
Yep totally agree seems those in app are even worse than the ones on the controller itself I've never really looked at the controller bars much I assumed they were the same, this is not the case.
Yep totally agree seems those in app are even worse than the ones on the controller itself I've never really looked at the controller bars much I assumed they were the same, this is not the case.

I'd be rather surprised if the signal strength in the app reflects differently than what shows up on the controller. But I've never really checked.

And yea comparing bars can be vague, but that's why I was asking/suggesting using the "more info" view screen by tapping again on the top menu bar to show the actual signal strength in db.

Either way, sounds like there isn't a good way to track/compare this and no real set standard. Again just thought it was odd what I experienced today and obviously a bit of a disappointment. Just even more of a reminder I need to get in and change the RTH height vs stock.
Just went back out couldn't wait till morning to be sure mine got gps lock again and happy to say I'm back in the air, earlier was strange I couldn't get locked even at 12 sats now locked almost immediately at 7.

Also the controller signal said 4 bars the whole time while app meter went to two almost right after takeoff.

I am using the fpvlr setup and it's been great here were my lots wooded on 2 sides and a bit congested rf wise it helped a lot. It seems more responsive and the video is flawless out twice as far as with stock. I think my property had more to do with needing better antennas than anything else. I did take it to an open field and had great signal out over 1000 feet and up 300 or so. But I didn't even try my stocks there since they didn't do too well here at my home. But I fly Los so getting better short range signal is what I wanted from the upgrade and I got what I paid for. Also recieved these in two days and they really look like they came with the controller being the shiny black plastic.

I'll try to get to a place where it'll be safe to test long range this weekend probably Friday when I'm off if weather cooperates, it's been hortible around here latley raining almost every day and if not it's been too windy. So I'll post if I get to test these out vs stocks in the same area.
The stock antennas are crap.

Some of the wifi config could have changed. But the stock antennas are still crap.

I agree, for something so expensive they could at least give better antennas... This antennas make me remind the ones that come with the 5.8Ghz kits that are only good to throw away...
Seems it's very sensitive to most factors regardless of antenna upgrades as well yesterday as I posted my range seemed very limited but it was hazy and had stormed now today it's back to normal like before the update. I did do compass and level calibrations before flights today for the first time since update, maybe that helped, any way it goes range on solo is very much affected by your surroundings that's for sure.
I have one of DBS's antenna kits coming for mine. Its the same panel as the P3. He got 2.5 miles out of it on a Solo. Its flat and small and should work perfect. I watched a video where he went 1000' off the side of the antenna. So it must not be overly directionally.

I am always watching my antenna orientation and the solo OEMs are too easy to bump/rotate out of place. Regardless I am happy with the 4200 feet stock I got out of it.
Been experimenting with distances and locations. I live in a flat, open area, no buildings but about 1500' from me starts a large plat with multiple homes. When I fly toward the homes at 300+', I get about 1700' and lose controller signal and 9-10 sats. This morning I went to a large open area, no homes, golf course area. 2500+' @ 300' and still had 2 bars signal strength. Im sure I could have easily gone to over 3000. Maybe tomorrow. My conclusion: even what I might have thought would be just a small amount of interference seems to have a very large effect on distance. Also, I noted that the attitude of the controller (think antennas) also had a notable effect on signal strength. Even a slight change in attitude would produce at least 1 bar of signal strength
I cant say that interference ever bothers me but humidity sure does. Clear line of site is important and as you mentioned a little elevation of the controller helps. Sitting on steps vs standing can make a huge difference. Foliage on trees block RF so being in the clear helps.

Guys that can start high and flow straight out have a big advantage. Here in Iowa (and you in Florida) will never be able to get the numbers some of these guys in other countries are doing flying off a big mountain.

For the most part the battery is going to become the limiting factor. Maybe not with the Solo as the range is more limited but with the P3 for sure as it will go miles with a minor antenna upgrade.

I have learned to point over the years along with not responding to changing where I point too quickly. Getting to 10,000 with the vision + took a lot of practice.

Keep working at it David. You are getting there.
Interesting point about the humidity, hadn't really thought of that. Yesterday was certainly a very high moisture content in the air as it had recently rained through the day and just stopped in the evening which is when I went to fly.

Still though, obviously something that needs to be upgraded depending on how users choose to use the drone.
I have one of DBS's antenna kits coming for mine. Its the same panel as the P3. He got 2.5 miles out of it on a Solo. Its flat and small and should work perfect. I watched a video where he went 1000' off the side of the antenna. So it must not be overly directionally.

I am always watching my antenna orientation and the solo OEMs are too easy to bump/rotate out of place. Regardless I am happy with the 4200 feet stock I got out of it.
So you are giving it another chance i assume, I saw ur red description add on yesterday and assumed you weren't. Please let me know how you do with dbs I like his it looks and seems more durable at least to look at it. Not that the fpv kits not he's got a great mount for the spheres themselves where they have added support but I still worry they could be bent if hit between holes their mounted through. The panel would be easy enough to pack up bring square, if you have p3 version is it plastic or rigid foam, seem sturdy enough. Did you simply order the p3 version if it's the same or is the dbs solo kit out now. I saw testing and this was the first one I'd planned to get but fpvlr was ready and shipped right away, I'll be finding out this weekend if this will be enough or if a dbs is in my future.
You know the bad info coming out of 3DR never ends. So I really don't know if I have a replacement coming or not but I can assure you I am sick of dealing with them. I told them if its not coming to send me a RMA for a refund.

Yes just ordered the P3 kit for the Solo. Same antenna, same cables. Only thing you might need to do is work on the mount a little as the metal bracket was designed for P3.

Tony FPVLR has quality antennas but I don't like the mess hanging off the front of controller. I want a nice mount and compact antenna.
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but maybe the 1.0.5 update decreased SOLO's onboard WiFi link power to alleviate possible GPS interference from the WiFi spurious spectrum.
Fortunately I have saved 1.0.1 system image, so sooner or later this theory will be tested in the EMC RF lab with my SOLO - shall the poor bird survive...
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