Some questions from someone who is pretty clueless

Oct 17, 2016
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Hi all,

Im a landscape photographer who is quite interested in the 3DR Solo Fiilex AL250. Primarily to do aerial based light painting and stuff like that.

Now Ive never used a drone before, im unsure of their accuracy and what might happen if I crash it. So with that in mind would someone help me out with the following questions....Im genuinly pretty clueless, so sorry if these come over as idiotic!

1: I do lots of photography in the woods. Ideally I would like to use the Solo in a woodland environment. With that in mind how hard/realistic is it to accurately fly it directly up through a gap (say 10x10 foot) in the canopy up and above the trees with the light shining directly down?

2: Lets say I crash it - is it easy to fix, is it even fixable?

3: Do I need a gimbal to change the position of the light - is there any controllable movement on that light thats independent of the angle/direction of the drone?

4: Can I (with a gamble or not) pause the position of the drone and move the angle/tilt of the light independently?

5: I understand it has an orbit function - does this rely on GPS?

6: Regarding the orbit function - is it possible to orbit the drone, but point the light in a fixed place outside the center of the orbit circle?

I think thats it! cheers in advance
Light painting photography! Interesting idea.

Most flying with Solo depends on GPS aqusition (depends on the mode you're in). In wooded areas flying through small gaps, this maybe risky unless you upgrade the GPS module. From what ive read, GPS aqusition can be lost pretty easily under tree canopies. The copter can drift when this happens, or even crash unless you're swift enough to change it into manual mode (GPS is not needed in this mode) .

As for fixing, its really easy, if you have the spare components at hand. However, 3DR have stopped production on Solo and it's accessories (if I've understood the news correctly). So you better stock up on back-up components before the stock dries up.

Orbit relies on GPS.

As for directing the light, I have no idea on this one.
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3DR have stopped production on Solo and it's accessories (if I've understood the news correctly).

Oh, thats a bit of a worry - do you know if they have something new coming out?

and thanks for the reply too!
1. Flying straight up through a gap shouldn't be a big problem. Alot of it will depend on pilot skill though. Even with GPS you can still have some drift so prudent control would be necessary.
2. Cyberblitz addressed that one
3. The Fiilex AL250 attaches to a standard static gopro mount. Once in the air, there is no adjustment to it.
4. No. It attaches to a static mount. There is no ability to move it independent from the Solo.
5. Already addressed
6. You can point the light in any direction that you choose. This would just have to be done prior to take off as there is no adjustment of the light while in the air.
Oh, thats a bit of a worry - do you know if they have something new coming out?

and thanks for the reply too!

No, they're not. The competition in the drone market is great and they failed to make a mark (poor handling of marketing solo is to blame too; with delaying the Gimbal and not meeting expectations). Their efforts are directed instead to software and the commercial sector from what I understand.
Even with a GPS upgrade you'll have a very difficult time getting a GPS lock under a canopy. I'd fly it completely manually if I were you. Switching from GPS stabilized to manual in flight can be surprising and disorienting no matter what drone you fly.

When you start flying manually practice A LOT in an open field first.

A problem you're going to have is wind currents changing under the canopy, and your drone inducing currents.

It's going to be impossible to operate your drone and camera at the same time. But I figure you're already planning on mounting your camera and either opening the shutter or programming it to release every n seconds.

Go to the mall, buy a small toy drone that doesn't have any stabilization, then go fly it around in the woods before trying it with a larger drone.
Even with a GPS upgrade you'll have a very difficult time getting a GPS lock under a canopy. I'd fly it completely manually if I were you. Switching from GPS stabilized to manual in flight can be surprising and disorienting no matter what drone you fly.

When you start flying manually practice A LOT in an open field first.

A problem you're going to have is wind currents changing under the canopy, and your drone inducing currents.

It's going to be impossible to operate your drone and camera at the same time. But I figure you're already planning on mounting your camera and either opening the shutter or programming it to release every n seconds.

Go to the mall, buy a small toy drone that doesn't have any stabilization, then go fly it around in the woods before trying it with a larger drone.
One interesting note: I flew below a goodly amount of heavy coverage while testing the new GPS module. I never lost lock nor even came close to it, whereas the original GPS unit would drop off if you sneezed.
Obviously I didn't measure exact signal strengths, etc., but it's my opinion so far that this GPS unit is literally a game changer.
One interesting note: I flew below a goodly amount of heavy coverage while testing the new GPS module. I never lost lock nor even came close to it, whereas the original GPS unit would drop off if you sneezed.
Obviously I didn't measure exact signal strengths, etc., but it's my opinion so far that this GPS unit is literally a game changer.
That's really good to know. I've got two Solo's, the second one is a new gen. Thanks,
Is there an easy way to tell what gen you have?
You'll need to pull out the battery tray and remove the GPS cover - so not really. It's not at all difficult though. Just search the forum for instructions for the cardboard mod.
Old version had a green board, new is black. It seems that most Solos with the newer ones are the ones shipped with a pre-installed gimbal.
You'll need to pull out the battery tray and remove the GPS cover - so not really. It's not at all difficult though. Just search the forum for instructions for the cardboard mod.
Old version had a green board, new is black. It seems that most Solos with the newer ones are the ones shipped with a pre-installed gimbal.
This inspired me to check mine. BLACK BOARD!!!
One interesting note: I flew below a goodly amount of heavy coverage while testing the new GPS module. I never lost lock nor even came close to it, whereas the original GPS unit would drop off if you sneezed.
Obviously I didn't measure exact signal strengths, etc., but it's my opinion so far that this GPS unit is literally a game changer.

When you say New do you mean Rev B 3dr GPS or the new M8N from Jordi
I tired under the trees with my Rev B and sheild, and it ended poorly with a broken gimbal

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