Solo losing contact with controller.

Apr 4, 2016
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Anyone have issues with Solo and controller losing contact while flying. Had it happen the other day, Solo returned to home and landed safely. Was not able to reestablish the connection after many tries (including rebooting everything, changing battery, etc.). Was about to try to connect with another controller but gave it one more try and it connected with the original controller. Thought I was going to find either a bad controller or receiver in Solo. Just curious what would cause the intermittent problem with loss of signal.
happened to me twice.

don't know for sure the reason why I lost the signal in the first place (could be wi-fi interference, obstruction in the flight path, very low controller battery,...)

but never regained signal as Solo was returning home and not being able to control it, Solo landed on the roof of the house on one occasion and second time it happened I had to jump in the swimming pool to catch it as that's where Solo "thought" is its home. (not that I'm launching Solo from swimming pool or from the roof of the house, but the GPS can sometimes be inaccurate).

in first case I was able to reconnect to Solo after restarting controller (and launched from the roof to bring it down), second time I could not regain the signal even after multiple reboots of Solo, controller and the Solo app.

what fixed it for me in the end, was unplugging the controller battery for few seconds.

as far as not being able to regain the signal while Solo is returning home after loss of signal, there is a bug in the firmware causing this, it happens only sometimes, 3DR are aware if this bug and are working on it.
Anyone have issues with Solo and controller losing contact while flying. Had it happen the other day, Solo returned to home and landed safely. Was not able to reestablish the connection after many tries (including rebooting everything, changing battery, etc.). Was about to try to connect with another controller but gave it one more try and it connected with the original controller. Thought I was going to find either a bad controller or receiver in Solo. Just curious what would cause the intermittent problem with loss of signal.
Hi William- welcome to the forum!

Most loss of signal issues are caused by, like Pete said, interference with the wifi signal either from an obstruction or interference from another wifi user, cell tower, etc.

I've never heard of a "bad" Solo receiver or controller.

There are many threads here addressing the issue.:cool:

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