Solo loosing control in Manual.

Just flew 3 packs on Solex v1.3.4. Slid speed controls and messed with battery selections. Back to rock solid perfrmance!! Thanks again.
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I've been flying my Solo's (have 2 of them) since December in my backyard with no issues. I've gotten really comfortable flying them and fly in manual mode most of the time. I figured out early on that flying under tree canopies and loosing GPS signal made her a little squirrely as the signal faded and dropped.

Since then, when flying in the backyard, I've been getting a GPS lock in a clear area, taking her off and switching to manual immediately, flying in manual for the duration of the flight and have also been landing in manual.

On March 4th, I was flying in the backyard (in manual mode) and almost like a switch flipped, the solo got really squirrely and the response to control input was almost non existent. Controller did not indicate lost signal and the Solo was definitely not in return to home mode. There were no obstacles between me and the Solo and it was only about 15-20 away from me. I won't say I lost total control but the response to input was extremely delayed and felt really "mushy" to non existent.

When I realized that I had a problem, I immediately went to land and was able to get it to the ground, and held full down on throttle. Shortly after touching down, while full down on throttle was being held, it flipped onto it's back and shut down about 2 seconds after flipping.

This particular Solo has no camera and no gimble.

I went inside and started a ticket to 3DR. Have not heard back from them.

I flew it again yesterday on a different battery and experienced the same thing. About half the battery with no issues at all - rock solid. Then at about 60% flight battery left, as quickly as it did before, went back to extremely delayed / almost no response to controller input.

I did notice yesterday that right before loosing the control, that it seemed that the motors pulsed several times. Not bad and it really didn't change the altitude at all. Basically made the Solo twitch a couple of times, then it immediately, started with the uncontrollable wandering and loss of control. Got it down to the ground again and it almost flipped over. I was able to keep it from flipping but it got up on two legs several times and I had to give it full stick to keep it from flipping. Finally got it shut down.

Really bummed because right now because I really don't want to even fly it for fear of a flyaway or crashing it hard.

Any ideas as to what could be causing this or what I should be looking at?
Dude!! I had the same exact thing happen a few days ago. I was landing my solo, I was coming down in stages so that it could adjust to the altitude. Before landing I let it hover at about 5 feet for a few seconds and it got real squirrelly. I hit my A button which is set to full manual and I tried to gain altitude so I wouldn't hit anything in my backyard and just like you it didn't respond at all.

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