Solo Checklists & Flight Plan

Jun 30, 2015
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Hi there, everybody...

I put together a few checklists and a flight plan, and I'd like to share them with the community. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions.

It's 4 pages -- if you print it out, go double sided and, if possible, laminate it. If you do that, you can use a grease pencil to check items off on the checklists and fill in the flight plan.

I put a lot of time and energy into it, and I'm a big fan of the value for value model. If you gain value from it, you're welcome to share it, and you're welcome to donate to the cause. My PayPal is [email protected].


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Pretty nice Alex. Thanks for sharing! You put a lot of effort into that. Thanks again.
Yea good stuff would be great to have a similar document packaged inside with solo for everyone but new folks especially. Then any questions or issues, they have at least a short answer right there.
I would change the Takeoff Power sequence to GoPro, then Solo, then Controller, then app. I heard that you should not tilt the solo once its powered on. Not sure how true this is and what problems it could cause. Sometimes you can't quite reach the power button on the gopro depending on how much grass is under the solo and you might pick it up. Just my opinion and would love to hear everyone elses thoughts.
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That is the sequence I have used since I've had it. Turn on the GoPro, set the Solo down, power up, turn on controller, then connect to app. Works every time.
Yea good stuff would be great to have a similar document packaged inside with solo for everyone but new folks especially. Then any questions or issues, they have at least a short answer right there.
I agree.. They made it seem like you're ready to fly after watching them flight school videos in the app.
Well done!

Yea good stuff would be great to have a similar document packaged inside with solo for everyone but new folks especially. Then any questions or issues, they have at least a short answer right there.

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I agree.. They made it seem like you're ready to fly after watching them flight school videos in the app.

Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk
I would change the Takeoff Power sequence to GoPro, then Solo, then Controller, then app. I heard that you should not tilt the solo once its powered on. Not sure how true this is and what problems it could cause. Sometimes you can't quite reach the power button on the gopro depending on how much grass is under the solo and you might pick it up. Just my opinion and would love to hear everyone elses thoughts.

Yeah, that's how I did it until I had issues and contacted 3DR. Israel advised that sequence in the checklist, and I've had success with the sequence in the checklist since I had the problems with the video feed...

Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Yeah, that's how I did it until I had issues and contacted 3DR. Israel advised that sequence in the checklist, and I've had success with the sequence in the checklist since I had the problems with the video feed...

Thanks for the feedback, guys!

I wonder what their logic is for starting GoPro after the solo? Maybe its gimbal related? I swear I read a fly away story that the logs showed that the drone was moved after it powered on. Maybe it was DJI but still would love to know the reason why 3DR suggested to power on the GoPro after the solo. Seems like if its on first would be the safest bet. I know you said that works for you but you're sharing this list so maybe someone might have an issue with their drone where moving the thing around after its up could cause issues. I dont know.
Yeah, that's how I did it until I had issues and contacted 3DR. Israel advised that sequence in the checklist, and I've had success with the sequence in the checklist since I had the problems with the video feed...

Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Great effort! VERY complete!
I'm a pilot too, and I made my own checklist for my plane. The following will sound crappy and critical but its not meant to be, we are just different. Its interesting how different people organize tasks. My lists are very spartan. If there are too many checks, I will skip over them, not read them. I typically place only the absolutely necessary items on the list, and then make sure I read them. But I agree completely, we will all fly better if we have a check list.
Well done and safe flying, Alex!
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I wonder what their logic is for starting GoPro after the solo? Maybe its gimbal related? I swear I read a fly away story that the logs showed that the drone was moved after it powered on. Maybe it was DJI but still would love to know the reason why 3DR suggested to power on the GoPro after the solo. Seems like if its on first would be the safest bet. I know you said that works for you but you're sharing this list so maybe someone might have an issue with their drone where moving the thing around after its up could cause issues. I dont know.
You can turn on the GoPro without moving the drone, you have to crawl on your belly or so, but it can be done.
Great effort! VERY complete!
I'm a pilot too, and I made my own checklist for my plane. The following will sound crappy and critical but its not meant to be, we are just different. Its interesting how different people organize tasks. My lists are very spartan. If there are too many checks, I will skip over them, not read them. I typically place only the absolutely necessary items on the list, and then make sure I read them. But I agree completely, we will all fly better if we have a check list.
Well done and safe flying, Alex!

I agree that there's a lot in there -- it came from lots of instruction reading, forum reading, trial & error, many years of RC experience and looking at best practices throughout the aviation industry.

I've trained a lot of people over the years, and my background is all emergency medical services, news and film production, and utility industry related, with a heavy emphasis on safety throughout my whole career, and everything on the checklist is geared towards creating safe and satisfying flight experiences.

Many of the steps can be completed quickly. As new pilots gain experience, they may choose to take shortcuts or cut corners, or have a different way of doing things. I definitely don't have the only way, or the best way.

If we can convince new and inexperienced pilots to just go through a 2 page checklist before they get airborne, I think we'll see a lot of positive change in public perception AND better pilots.

There's also a huge difference between recreational flight and professional flights. Having a thorough checklist that's completed every time is one solid way to demonstrate professionalism, whether you've got your 333 and you're doing a high profile job or flying at the local park and answering a curious onlooker's questions.

I can knock out a preflight in just a couple minutes, and by following the checklist I've avoided having a dead GoPro because I forget to turn it off and a few other little inconveniences. I absolutely agree that too many items can be problematic, which is why I set it up with headings and subsections.

Thanks for your input -- I definitely don't feel like it's crappy or critical! I definitely encourage other pilots to fly safely, and if any part of the checklist can be modified for an individual pilot's needs while making them safer, then win-win...
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New to the forums, the Solo world, and drones/quads in general. My Solo and gimbal showed up yesterday, waiting on tablet. As I'm sitting around waiting I've been doing a lot of digging and reading here. I have to say this will come in very useful and DOES help with some of my unanswered questions. So, Thanks!

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