ROOT PASS and Solo SSID name change

Apr 21, 2016
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Hi :) i'm new than ...
It is possibility to change SSID of Solo from SoloLink_xxxx to droneSolo?
It is possible to change root pass for Solo?
If yes than how to do it?
By default, no to both.

You probably could manually but it's just not worth it with all the headaches it will cause afterwards.

The best thing to do is to enter a very very long wifi password up to the max allowed (don't remember) with all the characters allowed (don't remember either).

Your only concern at that point would be WPS attacks against the Solo but that's still being researched.

Changing your SSID to something that is not obvious that it is a Solo wouldn't do much. You can still identify the Solo using the MAC address prefix. If it's just for preference, you could probably modify the hostAP settings yourself but not sure what would happen if you do this.

At the moment, so long as you have a very strong wifi password you should be safe. The risk of a compromise is just not realistic if that is what you are worried about.

However, if you REALLY still insist on doing what you suggested, it functions just like a regular Linux box so the same methods apply. Just SSH in and do your thing.
Are you worried about some brute forcing your WiFi password in flight? For the 15 minutes you're in the air, I don't think that's going to happen. The hassle and consequences are not worth the gain, which is nothing.
If you change the root pw the software/firmware won't be able to update itself any longer.

That's precisely one of the headaches I was referring to.

You will also have difficulty getting the logs out of the Solo when you want to send a support ticket.

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