New Update

Finally, I uninstalled the mobile app, reinstalled it and logged in, and it offered me that 2.1.1 update. I had heard it was pulled but reinstalling the 2.2 app kicked it over and after a somewhat longer update than usual, I am seeing the GoPro turn on and off as described. Which is good for gimbals everywhere. :)
Finally, I uninstalled the mobile app, reinstalled it and logged in, and it offered me that 2.1.1 update. I had heard it was pulled but reinstalling the 2.2 app kicked it over and after a somewhat longer update than usual, I am seeing the GoPro turn on and off as described. Which is good for gimbals everywhere. :)

it was pulled, but then released about a week later.

current versions
App 2.2.0
Firmware - Controller/Solo 2.1.1

i think 3dr pilots should make a sticky that is updated with the latest versions as this has been a point of confusion since solo was released.
I agree. With the number of updates coming out, it would be a help to know what the latest firmware numbers are. Especially for the new pilots coming aboard.
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+ the ones who just can't get the app to offer it might get the uninstall/reinstall trick noted in the sticky!
Is the "Plan Your Flight" thing part of the new update, or the last?

It shows me in a red zone for being 4.8 mile from an UltraLight airport I never new existed (and I've checked)....but it totally disregards Tulsa International...
Is the "Plan Your Flight" thing part of the new update, or the last?

It shows me in a red zone for being 4.8 mile from an UltraLight airport I never new existed (and I've checked)....but it totally disregards Tulsa International...
Last update- totally worthless IMHO.
Squire, is your avatar from an episode of the original Star Trek?
The no-fly stuff is worthless indeed. The eye clinic down the road where I got Laziks ten years ago is listed as a heliport.

I assume if an "airport" doesn't have active control, I don't have to inform its control tower if I intend to fly w/in five miles of it?

Yes, the avatar is from the episode of the same name. :)
The no-fly stuff is worthless indeed. The eye clinic down the road where I got Laziks ten years ago is listed as a heliport.

I assume if an "airport" doesn't have active control, I don't have to inform its control tower if I intend to fly w/in five miles of it?

Yes, the avatar is from the episode of the same name. :)
I thought dat guy looked familiar!
The no-fly stuff is worthless indeed. The eye clinic down the road where I got Laziks ten years ago is listed as a heliport.

I assume if an "airport" doesn't have active control, I don't have to inform its control tower if I intend to fly w/in five miles of it?

Yes, the avatar is from the episode of the same name. :)

I'm no pilot but the risk of flying near an airport is not the tower, but the aircraft. :) So when you call the airport and let them know you will be flying in their restricted airspace, I guess they just say "no, don't do that" and then stop air traffic until the law enforcement types give the all-clear?


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