Help with Solo controller

Jun 24, 2015
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Good day to all. I have a question and it may sound dumb but I will ask anyway. Has any one else had a problem with the remote controller of solo not displaying the correct category regarding height and distance. I went into the app and changed from metric to imperial. The app shows distance in feet and the remote still shows distance in meters. I have rebooted the app and remote to see if that would work and thus so far no dice. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so were you able to fix it. Thanks!
There is no fix for that. The controller will continue to show metric. I hope they put out an update so that it matches the app selection of choice.
There is no fix for that. The controller will continue to show metric. I hope they put out an update so that it matches the app selection of choice.

@DodgeP thank you for the reply. I was beginning to worry if I had done something wrong. I am glad to know that I don't have a defective controller, and like you I hope that a fix is released soon. It is in a strange way helping me to understand how many feet are equal to meters. Got to look at the positive side of it!! LOL Once again thanks!!

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