Factory Refurbished GoPro Hero 4 Black...$15.36 shipped on EBay...

Let me explain it to you as you assume I am to stupid to know this.

I realized the price was "to good to be true", but also had a brain that realized the price could of been a typo, maybe dropped a 0. This would of been fine, the seller could of e-mailed me and said so, and for $150 I still would of bought it.

But, this was my first use of eBay, and now that I see how easy it is for them to have hackers steal accounts from someone to scam people of their money I will never use them again. Even though they will recover my money, it is not worth the risk to do anything with them in the future.

So snowflake, get over yourself and realize some people are a lot smarter than you give them credit for...............

The VAST majority of transactions on eBay are legit, so don't let this experience scare you off. That being said, eBay isn't my first choice for many reasons but you can still find a gem.
this was my first use of eBay, and now that I see how easy it is for them to have hackers steal accounts from someone to scam people of their money I will never use them again. Even though they will recover my money, it is not worth the risk to do anything with them in the future.

So snowflake, get over yourself and realize some people are a lot smarter than you give them credit for...............

being labeled as a snowflake sure bruised my ego

my advice still stands, stick with Wal-Mart and cash only...because we know credit card info can be hacked! Better yet, keep it coins only, because legal tender can be dup'd.

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