FAA register is back on....

I'm browsing the FAA website and it's very confusing. Lots of 2015/2016 info there. Even says that "first 30 days is free to register".
I'm guessing they rushed it...Trump signed the bill and they used the existing site...old info and all. I'm sure in time they will refresh everything to be current.
I love the way people just roll over for this stuff. I have several friends who also drank the kool aid.

This is what John A. Taylor had to say today:
"The most interesting aspect regarding the timing of the effective date is that they made no attempt to make the legislation retroactive - probably because that would make it an unconstitutional ex post facto law.

As such, registration was unlawful until the act was effective.

I have serious doubts that the law was effective even then. Congress has the power to legislate, but it has no power to simply overrule the court by "restoring" the regulation.

We have separation of powers in the is country. Only the judiciary can review regulations to determine if they are lawful. Simply "restoring" a regulation that a federal court found to be unlawful is not a legislative power. Supreme Court cases addressing that issue go back a couple of centuries now.

Poorly played on the part of whoever drafted that legislation as a remedy."
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I believe the simple fact is that special interests have no respect for the Constitution or the protective framework of separation of powers spelled out within. What we have is mob rule (a.k.a. "democracy") in action.

Politicians - yielding to special interests - constantly write laws that attempt to circumvent this system.
There is no consistency in our law-making process anymore. This makes it impossible to obey the law because it is impossible to know which laws are going to be upheld or enforced. Do you obey the "law" most recently decreed by this weeks rouge gov't agency? Or, do you respect the Constitution and the legislative framework that it spell out within. Is it the law of the land or not? If it doesn't apply completely and equally to everyone, what is the use of even acknowledging it? We should just burn it in plain sight instead of pretending that we are respecting it.

But, that won't happen. Politicians are in the game of smoke & mirrors and deception. They want you to believe they are protecting your rights and your freedom, while simultaneously working to limit them for the benefit of someone else.

These critters can't be trusted and should not be supported in any way, shape or form. The choice to obey or resist what you believe to be an unjust or unconstitutional law must be made by the individual. There are potential negative consequences in either case. One thing is certain however - failing to object to or to resist bad laws will only encourage politicians to create more of them. Eventually you will realize your mistake, but it may then be too late.

History shows very clearly exactly what happens in societies whose people did not have the wisdom to identify and the resolve to oppose creeping tyranny.
I love the way people just roll over for this stuff. I have several friends who also drank the kool aid.

This is what John A. Taylor had to say today:
"The most interesting aspect regarding the timing of the effective date is that they made no attempt to make the legislation retroactive - probably because that would make it an unconstitutional ex post facto law.

As such, registration was unlawful until the act was effective.

I have serious doubts that the law was effective even then. Congress has the power to legislate, but it has no power to simply overrule the court by "restoring" the regulation.

We have separation of powers in the is country. Only the judiciary can review regulations to determine if they are lawful. Simply "restoring" a regulation that a federal court found to be unlawful is not a legislative power. Supreme Court cases addressing that issue go back a couple of centuries now.

Poorly played on the part of whoever drafted that legislation as a remedy."
Very well put.
I believe the simple fact is that special interests have no respect for the Constitution or the protective framework of separation of powers spelled out within. What we have is mob rule (a.k.a. "democracy") in action.

Politicians - yielding to special interests - constantly write laws that attempt to circumvent this system.
There is no consistency in our law-making process anymore. This makes it impossible to obey the law because it is impossible to know which laws are going to be upheld or enforced. Do you obey the "law" most recently decreed by this weeks rouge gov't agency? Or, do you respect the Constitution and the legislative framework that it spell out within. Is it the law of the land or not? If it doesn't apply completely and equally to everyone, what is the use of even acknowledging it? We should just burn it in plain sight instead of pretending that we are respecting it.

But, that won't happen. Politicians are in the game of smoke & mirrors and deception. They want you to believe they are protecting your rights and your freedom, while simultaneously working to limit them for the benefit of someone else.

These critters can't be trusted and should not be supported in any way, shape or form. The choice to obey or resist what you believe to be an unjust or unconstitutional law must be made by the individual. There are potential negative consequences in either case. One thing is certain however - failing to object to or to resist bad laws will only encourage politicians to create more of them. Eventually you will realize your mistake, but it may then be too late.

History shows very clearly exactly what happens in societies whose people did not have the wisdom to identify and the resolve to oppose creeping tyranny.
Exactly. Boiling the frog and Stockholm Syndrome at play here.

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