Check out this vid

Stunning work all round. Dare we assume Solo ? But, whatever, I just wish I had the thought processes to even think about making a short like that.
All I can say is, WOW!

My hat is off to all of you guys that create this kind of stuff. A year ago I would have watched that clip and have said "that was cool", or I may have watched part of it and moved on because mountain biking isn't my thing.

Today because of my involvement in this hobby, I'm awestruck! I can't pull myself away from it! The incredible amount of creativity, originality , skill, time, tools and labor that was utilized and expended to create a single four minute clip provides such an admiration and respect for what you guys do!

Even in my daily life, while watching TV or even commercials, I find myself seeing the many things that I never saw before. It's both a blessing and a curse as I can easily slip from comprehending the story to being drawn into the artistry of what I'm seeing and the techniques (while shooting and in post) that may have been deployed to create a particular clip.

To be honest, if I had met you a year ago and you told me that you shot and produced videos or commercials for a living, I wouldn't have thought much of it. My complete ignorance of this profession would have prevented me from providing an appropriate measure of respect.

Those of you that create such art have earned such incredible respect and admiration from me. Thank you for all that you do!

All I can say is, WOW!

I know this was posted in the Solo thread, but was it shot with a Solo? I couldn't find anything in the video description or on Secco's blog.
Beautiful film regardless.
I know this was posted in the Solo thread, but was it shot with a Solo? I couldn't find anything in the video description or on Secco's blog.
Beautiful film regardless.
Unknown. I just thought people here would enjoy it.
Very nice video. But I just felt sorry for the poor guy on the bike. It did look like he was missing a motor. :)
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