Cause of position errors from GPS

May 10, 2016
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I'm having experiences where I have good GPS lock (10-12 sats) and as I fly close to objects or under trees, I'm not losing GPS but Solo flies agressively in one direction. Although I don't really know how to read logs, I do see some radio failsafe errors when I load the logs.

Two questions please:

What can cause the failsafe radio 1 error?

Can this be causing the behavior I'm seeing?

I have some dflash logs if anyone wants to take a peek.
The radio failsafe if because you're losing connection to the controller. And the GPS is is not designed to work under and around obstructions, which is why it's position becomes unreliable.
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Thank you. Funny that I'm losing connection because the controller (with me) is about 15 feet from Solo.

So I have good GPS HDOP and am within feet of Solo. Should I be expecting aggressive random movements from Solo and disconnects from the controller?

I'm not disputing what you say, Steve. I'm hoping to learn what's normal.

So I have good GPS HDOP and am within feet of Solo. Should I be expecting aggressive random movements from Solo and disconnects from the controller?

I'm not disputing what you say, Steve. I'm hoping to learn what's normal.
No you shouldn't. I'm not an expert on logs but you might find this useful if you haven't already read it.
Diagnosing problems using Logs — Copter documentation
Or this:
Downloading and Analyzing Data Logs in Mission Planner — Copter documentation
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two different systems
GPS and Connection to controller are not related
One uses and onboard GPS sensor
the other communicates over a wifi connection established in the controller
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Yes two separate issues happening coincidentally I suppose. Thank you.

No you shouldn't. I'm not an expert on logs but you might find this useful if you haven't already read it.
Diagnosing problems using Logs — Copter documentation
Or this:
Downloading and Analyzing Data Logs in Mission Planner — Copter documentation

I have downloaded the log on a Mac in terminal. Opening in MP on a Windows emulator I can't make heads or tails of them except that I see failsafe radio error 1, and I have plenty of sats and low HDOP throughout. I also don't see brake in the log although I hit pause several times.

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