can turn video/camera on/off with solo app (android)

Jun 5, 2016
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I can't control the camera with the solo app (android). Any suggestions where to look for solution?
A few days ago, you said you don't even own a GoPro because it doesn't meet your needs. So what camera are you even trying to control??
I personally don't own a gopro doesn't mean I don't have access to one.
Don't need every features, just need shutter and ability to switch video to photo or photo to video
. Very basic stuff.
Which model gopro? They don't all have 100% camera control from the app. H4 Black does.
Ok, but what model gopro are you using?

GP3+ Black (or GP4 Silver or Black) is the minimum requirement for camera control. 3+ Silver doesn't have it. Also, the GoPro firmware needs to be current.
Thanks. My goal is to understand the communication between solo snd gopro so that i don't need change anything within solo nor the solo app and still able to use my current cam setup.

Ok, but what model gopro are you using?

GP3+ Black (or GP4 Silver or Black) is the minimum requirement for camera control. 3+ Silver doesn't have it. Also, the GoPro firmware needs to be current.
And you still haven't told us which model gopro you are using lol. Not sure how anyone can help without that critical piece of information.
As I said, we are using our own cam. Just try to do min. work on solo and the app.
As I said, we are using our own cam. Just try to do min. work on solo and the app.
No you didn't, you said you have access to one which leads one to believe that's what you're using, not "your own cam" whatever that means.
I personally don't own a gopro doesn't mean I don't have access to one.

Solo was made for gopro. Of course it won't work for "your own cam" unless it implements the full (proprietary) GoPro Hero BUS (the slot with all of the connectors on the back of the gopro for external control).

This might be of some use to you though to show the hero bus pin mappings. You might be able to rig something to get some sort of functionality out of "your own cam" (whatever that is lol) via the 3DR app:
GoPro Hero HD bus interface | Ridax electronics blog
No you didn't, you said you have access to one which leads one to believe that's what you're using, not "your own cam" whatever that means.

Solo was made for gopro. Of course it won't work for "your own cam" unless it implements the full (proprietary) GoPro Hero BUS (the slot with all of the connectors on the back of the gopro for external control).

This might be of some use to you though to show the hero bus pin mappings. You might be able to rig something to get some sort of functionality out of "your own cam" (whatever that is lol) via the 3DR app:
GoPro Hero HD bus interface | Ridax electronics blog
I have the pinout, what I don't have is the communication methodology. do you know where can I find one.
Not specifically as it hasn't been something I've been interested in. I'd probably check their github and look in the solo firmware code. My guess is it's using MAVlink.
Maybe you'd be better off just using google on your own since you're not interesting in communicating with the people here that you expect to help you.
Not specifically as it hasn't been something I've been interested in. I'd probably check their github and look in the solo firmware code. My guess is it's using MAVlink.
The goal is to use off-the-shelf Solo, any change to the firmware is a deal breaker.

We were able to make some modifications to the Tower app to accomplish our needs. However, Tower app is not the official solo app.
I wasn't suggesting changing the firmware. I meant to look at it for clues on how the 3dr app might be communicating with gopro for camera control.
I wasn't suggesting changing the firmware. I meant to look at it for clues on how the 3dr app might be communicating with gopro for camera control.
Unlike the iris, solo is a closed system. I could do a RE to fish out the sign for the cam shutter. But with other UAV available, I can't justify the cost for a RE. I think I will do what I did in the past, put solo back in the box and put the box to the junk pile.
I don't own the junk, my company does. I don't think they will ever dispose any of their junks, AFAIK, other than those lost in flyaway test, they keep everything that were purchased or built by the team. The store room still keeps the first drone in the project + half dozen or so drone that were used in the crash tests.

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