Abject failure so far

I most assuredly did try to do the update. The fact is the controller freezes up as soon as it boots up. I can't get to the point where it does the update. In short, the thing is junk.

Okay....and the complaint about the camera? You may be right, I've had a ton of problems with this platform and I've eaten a lot of dirt from a bunch of these guys. I get that it could totally be a fault of the system where your controller issues are involved. However, coming in out of the box complaining that you can't use a camera that wasn't meant for the system in the first place....

I had a similar controller issue and Best Buy replaced my unit without issue. Assuming you purchased this system from a reputable dealer, I'm sure they'll take care of you. Otherwise, 3DR will take care of you. It sucks if you got a bad controller but I'm sure that it will be resolved pretty quickly either way.
A lot of us have had defective products. Some defects are common like gimbal shake and poor gps others are less common. Since you've already tried the factory reset 3DR might be helpful to you. You'll have to send the drone if they do but you are definitely not on your own. I even have a spare controller coming to me in a few days. With a factory reset it could probably pair with yours. I'd just give it to you for the price of postage and shipping.

Where were you a few weeks ago? Hahaha!

I totally understand how he feels but it's a tough situation when he starts out by stating that he couldn't get his Hero 5 to work. It puts you in the mind set that this guy might have screwed up the controller all on his own.
Maybe your just over thinking this thing? It really couldn't be easier as long as you read the manual or at least the quick setup guide.
He stated that he reset it but I'm wondering if he also reset the main unit? I believe you have to do both? In any case, he should give it a quick rap on the bottom and see if that helps. It worked for mine! Hahaha!
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IIRC the controller showed 'update needed' when I first turned it on and didn't respond to input (except I could shut it off by holding the on/off button)... However, I was able to connect wirelessly from my Galaxy Tab and used the update feature of the solo app to download the update. You didn't indicate if you were able to connect via lan, or if you performed the update (or tried to perform it and got an error). Where did the Android(or iphone) app give you an error, what procedure did you follow. You're a software guy... you know the drill (one of the groups I manage are software guys... one of many things they can do well is define the steps used to generate the error).
I am a software developer by trade and I have spent many years with electronics as a hobby so I get it. The main reason I bought the Solo was because of the potential for customization and programming. But if the most basic functionality of the controller doesn't work out of the box, that's just a poor product. Simple as that. I'll take the hit for not checking the gimbal compatibility. Fine and good. But any product should perform its basic functions out of the box without hours and hours of trial and error configuration challenges. Apparently the bar is set pretty low for this product. If 3DR expects users to have to tinker with the thing in order to get it up and running that's fine but they should be a little more straightforward about it. I hope the 3DR community enjoys the experiences you all have but this is not the place for me.

I felt that way as well but I've come around. I think it's the way our minds are wired, I'm a mechanical engineer. I expect everything to work perfectly right out of the box every time.

I've had 4 units and have had problems with each one but in 3DR's slight defense, they've all worked to some degree and 3DR has stood behind them.

I'll tell you what guys told me, of course it's your choice but I'd wait and see what happens before making a final decision. Like I said before, I'm guessing that you can just exchange the dang thing, while you're at it, you can get the Hero 5 version for an extra $10...just kidding! Hahaha!

Actually, the fact that you have a Hero 5 would be my number one reason for returning it to be honest. You can get the Karma for $800 and it comes with the Karma grip!
My bet is still on him skipping steps and doing it wrong. He's given me no reason at all to believe he's doing anything right.
IIRC the controller showed 'update needed' when I first turned it on and didn't respond to input (except I could shut it off by holding the on/off button)... However, I was able to connect wirelessly from my Galaxy Tab and used the update feature of the solo app to download the update. You didn't indicate if you were able to connect via lan, or if you performed the update (or tried to perform it and got an error). Where did the Android(or iphone) app give you an error, what procedure did you follow. You're a software guy... you know the drill (one of the groups I manage are software guys... one of many things they can do well is define the steps used to generate the error).

I was wondering what steps he followed as well. Two days a week I get stuck training phone tech support operators and it gets frustrating hearing service techs actually call in and say "I turn it on and it no work".

Did you follow the start up procedure?
Did you download the app?
Did you connect to solo wifi?
After you "reset it", did you re pair the controller to the Solo?
When you first turn them both on, did it say "waiting for solo" and then "update" once they were connected?

There's a lot of steps here that we're missing if you want to get any help from the community. Just saying.
Yah, that guy was angry from the outset. Look at the title alone...........
Anyway, I am wondering if there is an issue with the last few solos that best buy has. I ordered another one (no idea why). When I went to test it, it turned out the controller wasn't sending out the wifi network/signal. Tried everything and then tried it with other controllers that did work. That is how I narrowed it down to the new controller. As I returned it to best buy, I noticed a tag on the box that I didn't see before. Looks like it had been to someone else before they sent it to me. I guess they just recycled it and sent it out again (to me). So, maybe most of the stock best buy has left is not the freshest of the batch. All the other ones I got worked perfectly out of the box. But, I got them a while ago. I think best buy must be about to run out of solos.
Still, wondering if we are scraping the bottom of the barrel of the supply that is left. They probably put the one I returned right back into circulation. LOL!
I hope the 3DR community enjoys the experiences you all have but this is not the place for me.

I suspect you've moved on, but if not, how about trying again with a little more emphasis placed on trying to determine the problem and less on just bitching and moaning about the fact that you're having a problem.

Everything in your first post sounds like someone who didn't bother to read even the quick start guide, just turned things on and wanted it to fly. You're a software developer, so you should darn well grasp that a system that consists of 3 separate components (controller, Solo, phone/tablet), that communicates over its own wifi network, that needs to update software on at least two of those components with a download from a third, and one that likely needs to switch to a different wifi network to access that download... just might have a specific procedure that needs to be followed. Turning some parts on, saying "huh, nothing is happening" and jumping straight to a factory reset sounds like jumping the gun to me.

I have 3 Solo's. They've all powered up and updated without issue out of the boxes... Following the simple steps listed in the manual.

As for needing modifications, while there are some that improve performance in some areas, none are absolutely necessary by any means.
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I know that, just seeing a whole bunch of people that expect a fly out of the box Solo, and like many have said, don't even take the time to look at the manual, etc. etc. then start the whining and bashing and complaining. Imagine if they had paid the original price!
Got my Solo yesterday. Unboxed it, charged up the batteries, and downloaded the app to my iPhone. First off, I couldn't even register on the 3DR site. It kept saying unsuccessful registration.

Secondly, and more problematic, the controller boots up to the preflight update screen and hangs. No way to turn it off except to remove the battery. Tried the factory reset procedure several times. Same result.

Finally, I tried to mount my GoPro Hero 5 Black in the gimbal. Found out it doesn't fit.

So far this whole experience has been a complete waste of time and very disappointing.

Push through.

Locked up controller

look at the above thread, 3dr may not be accepting sign ups, but you can send them help requests through the app, and they respond

I had the exact same issue that you have, and the instructions on that thread fixed the issue.
I know that, just seeing a whole bunch of people that expect a fly out of the box Solo, and like many have said, don't even take the time to look at the manual, etc. etc. then start the whining and bashing and complaining. Imagine if they had paid the original price!

I understand your frustration. However we have rules to keep this a civil place to discuss the solo. If you don't have anything nice to say then just move on to the next thread or "ignore" the OP.

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"Personal attacks on others will not be tolerated. Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully."
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