
  1. D

    Solo, Sitescan, and viability as an enterprise sUAS

    Background: I am a land surveyor, and I am implementing a sUAS and photogrammetry program with the goal of providing a sUAS for each crew as another tool in their toolbox. We are 100% Autodesk (ACAD) Civil 3D, so 3dr's Sitescan seemed like the perfect fit. We were about to pull the trigger...
  2. M

    PeauPro60 not taking all the photos

    Hello everybody! I am quite new to this forum so excuse me if I am replicating another thread. I am using my Solo, along with its gimbal and a PeauPro60 to take photos each 0,5 seconds (or less, I use the distance trigger command from MP). The camera is configured in single photo mode, and...
  3. franknitty69

    3DR Solo and Sony QX1 used in Landfill Surveys Case Study

    On February 20, 2016 McKim & Creed and Garrett & Moore conducted a pilot study at Buffaloe Landfill, a land clearing and inert debris (LCID) landfill south of Raleigh, North Carolina, to explore the efficacy of employing unmanned aerial system (UAS) technology (a.k.a., drones) for landfill...
  4. Ed Beck

    Sharing Pix4D Output

    I've been using Pix4D to create some survey images. Has anyone shared 3D images of Pix4D output (or other applications) online?