Worth Investing In Still?

Dec 2, 2016
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Hello fellow 3DR owners - wanted to get your opinion on something?

I bought my Solo around 2016ish. I have a GoPro4, GImball, 2 batteries (actually 3 but one is dead), did the GPS mod (I think it was just a plate if I remember) and a bunch of spare propellers. (I picked them up when 3DR pulled out). ANYWAY, it has been sitting in my 3DR backpack and I just pulled it out. Discovered that the iOS app was finally gone, so I installed SidePilot and managed to update my controller and the copter to Open Solo 4.0. Did all the calibrations but haven't flown it yet (not comfortable with the SidePilot app yet). With all of that out of the way, is this worth investing in still? My neighbor was flying his DJI Mavic and I was like DANG - the simplicity was NICE. But I'm also like DANG, I love the fact that my 3DR is American made and is running on a open-source platform.

So, in effort to keep it going, my initial thought is to do the following:

1. Do the PixHawk upgrade, simply so it can use the proper voltage to the motors and get updated auto-pilot (I know the Open Solo 4 code adjusts for pixhawk 2.0 so this is low on the list)
2. Buy a cheap android tablet so I can go with Solex. (It *seems* more polished than SidePilot but I was happy to support the SidePilot author as well)

Is there anything else that is a must in your opinion? I *really wish* the 3DR had collision avoidance. Is this a doable mod that is supported by Open Solo 4.0? My fear is that I will be getting into "trying to bring my drone to 2021 territory" and that is probably not feasible. I'm OK with bringing it up to 2018 territory and maybe just getting a DJI (thinking the FPV because I like speed) to experience where technology is today.

Anyway, just wanted to get some thoughts from the community (as part of my research). Thank you!

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Hmm... Interesting query. In terms of Collision Avoidance I'd say this will be an odyssey of discovery, and still might not result in success. I personally detest all but 1 CA system [Skydio 2, if you're wondering] and won't buy a bird if I can't turn it off. There are times I need to get closer than 3 meters DJI! [yes, yes, I know the official stat is 2M] In short, unless you develop from scratch, collision avoidance isn't happening.

I still trust ONLY the Solo in high winds, Everything else just floats away [though the Evo 2 still hasn't been tested by me in this aspect]. Still haven't found another bird with MPCC... Still haven't found another with a comparable expansion bay...

I guess I do still think it is worth it. But YMMV.
Thank you for the insight! In my research, I did come across the Skydio 2 (which is impressive) and have basically come to the conclusion that the Solo "is what it is". I hate saying this but after going with 3DR and having that rug pulled out from underneath us (shortly after I had got mine), it has me leaning toward simply going with the 800lb gorilla. I hate that too, but I also don't like buying something and having it become immediately obsolete. Open Solo has provided hope though (so kudos to that whole team).

Anyway, I went ahead and posted it on eBay. I feel horrible doing it, but my wife gave me the business when I mentioned I wanted to get another drone and she sees the Solo in the corner ?
You’ll need to check your GPS chip. If it’s the green (version A), you need an upgrade. If it’s the black (version B), that’s much better but an mRo plug and play replacement is so much better than either.

Sidepilot is being updated now. I’m a beta tester and Tom has made several large improvements.
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