Updated GoPro, now no live video [solved]

Jul 10, 2015
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Got my Solo last Friday and flew without any issues over the weekend, and yesterday. I saw there was an update for my GoPro so I updated. Trying to fly tonight I get a black video feed. The app seems to think it's getting video as I am able to fly like nothing is wrong. I've tried restarting everything, turning the GoPro on last. I've unplugged it numerous times, nothing seems to help. Has anyone else had this happen?

I have the GoPro 3+ Black with v3.11.03 firmware.

I don't have an adapter to check the HDMI out on the camera, will pick one up tomorrow. if I can.

i will say that you may just try pressing in the hdmi a bit further. I often think mine is in and get no video , but press it further in and you will feel a bit of a click, then you get it.
Does your GP record without being plugged into Solo? I mean have you tested the video capability of the GP as a stand alone device?
Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried pushing the connector in but it didn't change. Then the screen suddenly went all purple. I unplug the GoPro from solo and it goes black, plug it in, purple. This now happens consistently.

I unplugged the GoPro, turned it's wifi on, connected the GoPro app to the wifi and got a preview. I hit the record button and was able to record. So the camera is working.

Hope I can get this working... I wonder if I can go back the to previous firmware on the GoPro....
First post...

My screen went pink.

Unplugged camera. Turned everything off. restarted in order, Solo, Controller, Solo wifi, Solo App, then plugged in GoPro and turned on. It didn't work but I kept gopro plugged in and turned gopro off and back on a couple of times and it started.

No more Pink screen...

Thanks for the suggestions.

I tried pushing the connector in but it didn't change. Then the screen suddenly went all purple. I unplug the GoPro from solo and it goes black, plug it in, purple. This now happens consistently.

I unplugged the GoPro, turned it's wifi on, connected the GoPro app to the wifi and got a preview. I hit the record button and was able to record. So the camera is working.

Hope I can get this working... I wonder if I can go back the to previous firmware on the GoPro....
If this happens again my fast solution is delete Solo App and Re install. Just my two cents. Make sure that the Solo App setting is saved to your iphone photos setting.
Picked up the Gopro HDMI cable today to check the video out from my Gopro. Video worked just fine hooked up to my TV. Next I will try my wife's phone I think.
Today I flew and no video... just a dark scratchy static feed to iphone.
I guess it's time to contact 3dr support. I tried deleting the app, and tried my wife's phone, no luck. Can't think of anything else I can try.
When in Solo app, go to advace settings, turn it on ( swipe all options to right) and turn on your iphone photo access. Turn off turn on
Per 3DR, gumbal will ship end of July. It seems they are collecting all tech problems and improving SOLO. Like im Software Development world. ; )
I'll check those options, however I don't have have an iPhone. I'm using a Galaxy S6.
Got my Solo last Friday and flew without any issues over the weekend, and yesterday. I saw there was an update for my GoPro so I updated. Trying to fly tonight I get a black video feed. The app seems to think it's getting video as I am able to fly like nothing is wrong. I've tried restarting everything, turning the GoPro on last. I've unplugged it numerous times, nothing seems to help. Has anyone else had this happen?

I have the GoPro 3+ Black with v3.11.03 firmware.

I don't have an adapter to check the HDMI out on the camera, will pick one up tomorrow. if I can.

Try restarting your phone, that worked for me...
Took Solo home after flying and video worked. Restarted Solo app to get it working. Everything was turned on.. restarted app and video appeared.
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I've tried restarting everything to no avail. I am submitting a ticket to 3DR this morning. I hope they can help me out.

I did see another thread where someone found some messed up pins in the Solo's HDMI plug. I'll have to get out the magnifying glass tonight and take a look at mine.
I found the problem, and boy was it silly. After updating my GoPro I failed to realize the settings had been reset. When I set the FOV back to medium, the live video came back. I was surprised to learn that the live video does not work in wide FOV mode. Anyway, hope this helps someone else. Not sure if this is a problem on the GoPro Hero4, might just be a problem on the GoPro 3.
I found the problem, and boy was it silly. After updating my GoPro I failed to realize the settings had been reset. When I set the FOV back to medium, the live video came back. I was surprised to learn that the live video does not work in wide FOV mode. Anyway, hope this helps someone else. Not sure if this is a problem on the GoPro Hero4, might just be a problem on the GoPro 3.
Well, you got me thinking so I just checked my GP H4 Black. I get a live feed on every res/mode available. I went wide views and narrow on all from 720 to 4k Super and everything in between. And they all worked. One interesting thing I noticed that I hadn't before; as you are going through the settings you get the menus on the tablet. That was great since my eyes aren't what they used to be and it's hard to read the GP screen.
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Well, you got me thinking so I just checked my GP H4 Black. I get a live feed on every res/mode available. I went wide views and narrow on all from 720 to 4k Super and everything in between. And they all worked. One interesting thing I noticed that I hadn't before; as you are going through the settings you get the menus on the tablet. That was great since my eyes aren't what they used to be and it's hard to read the GP screen.
Agree! Even with my cheaters on...:D

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