Question about changing Parameters (Tower, Solo App, MP)

Apr 8, 2016
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Nashville, TN
I understand that the parameters can be changed and uploaded to the Solo via Tower, Solo App and Mission Planner, and I would assume many others.

Here is my question:
In tower, If I make a change to the default parameter for "lost signal" from "Return Home" to "Continue with Mission", what will happen when I go fly at another time with say the "Solo App" and I lose connection? Will it "Return Home" since there is no current mission or what will it do?

Just trying to figure out if this is a change that I will need to make every time I fly depending on what app I am using, etc.?

Also note, that when this debate was happening in the early days
an official statement was made that simply using tower or MP with solo would not void the warranty
but if you made parameter changes that resulted in a crash no warranty would apply

So you're saying that if the change I mention above was made for use within the Tower app, I should probably change it back when using another App (ie: Solo App) since "Continuing with Mission" really is not an option for the Solo App to default too. Correct?

I wonder what happens if you don't change it back? What will the Solo do if it cannot "Continue with Mission" since no mission exists? Loiter?
No idea, but I would not risk it. You can change it back in Tower or MP as soon as you are done with the mission
changing that tells solo to ignore RTH if the transmitter is lost
So I can only imagine if transmitter is lost it might not be good, esp in a smart shot since I think that is guided same as a mission no?
When using Tower and you run a mission that will take the solo out of range change setting so that it will complete mission. When using any other app with that setting and you go out of range your solo is lost.
Gotcha, that is what I was wondering.. So the best thing to do here would be to save stock Solo parameters to your device so that when you are flying with Solo App you can quickly load those up to the drone before flight. Same with Tower, save Params, so that when flying Tower you can quickly upload those to the drone.
When using Tower and you run a mission that will take the solo out of range change setting so that it will complete mission. When using any other app with that setting and you go out of range your solo is lost.
Not necessarily. That setting only applies while In guided mode. Normal failsafe settings would still apply in normal flight.
Another example that Colin used in one of his webinars... There is a parameter for the RTH speed. It's default is about 22 or 25mph. If you were to stupidly change it to zero or something too slow, and the battery dies in the sky because of it, you would not be covered.

Regarding the lost signal parameter for continue with mission in auto, it is indeed as Jubalr said. It will only ignore than signal loss if you are in AUTO mode. The only way the solo can be in auto mode is using Tower or Mission Planner to execute it. There is no mode in the solo app or solo controller that will put the thing into auto mode.

If the solo flies off on an auto mission that is out of range, and doesn't come home, never to be seen again, you're screwed. There will be no log data or physical evidence as to the cause of the crash/loss. You will not be covered by the warranty. On the other hand, if the solo flies off on an auto mission that is out of range, crashes, and you recover it, and you retrieve the log data that shows it experienced a motor pod or other mechanical failure that caused the crash, you might luck out. 3DR is pretty good about this stuff. The auto mission out of range really had nothing to do with the mechanical failure, and there's a good chance they'll cover it.

Now that said, you still need to use your brain. If you send the solo on an auto mission using Tower or MP, and you stupidly send it so far away that the battery dies before it can get home, you're a moron and also will not be covered :)
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smart shots are not "guided"?

Guided Mode is the mode the Pixhawk (Arducopter) is in. It means the solo's computer is feeding it directions (simple version). That is what most if not all the smart shots are. The parameter for continue mission in auto only applies auto mode. Auto mode on the pixhawk is a saved mission of waypoints from Tower or Mission Planner.
Whoa. I just noticed this in the release notes for 3DR's modified fork of Arducopter.

  • Added a feature that allows a GUIDED mission to continue without RC if FS_THR_ENABLED is set to 2
So that makes what Jubalr and I said about flying out of range in Guided mode no longer applicable. So if you have that parameter set to allow it to fly out of range in auto mode, it will apply in guided mode too. Which means smart shots can send the solo out of range, and you will have no control.

So lets say you make a zip line and press the button for it to just go. We'll in theory, it will keep going out of range if you let it. And keep going and going and going. Again in theory the battery failsafe will kick in and bring it home. But if it is too far away to make it home, kiss it goodbye.
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Whoa. I just noticed this in the release notes for 3DR's modified fork of Arducopter.

  • Added a feature that allows a GUIDED mission to continue without RC if FS_THR_ENABLED is set to 2
So that makes what Jubalr and I said about flying out of range in Guided mode no longer applicable. So if you have that parameter set to allow it to fly out of range in auto mode, it will apply in guided mode too. Which means smart shots can send the solo out of range, and you will have no control.

So lets say you make a zip line and press the button for it to just go. We'll in theory, it will keep going out of range if you let it. And keep going and going and going. Again in theory the battery failsafe will kick in and bring it home. But if it is too far away to make it home, kiss it goodbye.
Same fix was documented slightly different in the rebase codeline. In that way it would make sense. Guess you would need to dig into the code to find out what exactly the behavior is now.

Nevertheless I would not use this failsafe setting ;-)
That's the complicated thing. Since the Solo's computer is the one feeding control input to the Pixhawk, we have actually no idea what it is programmed to do when it loses contact with the controller in smart shots. The newest Solo firmware seems to be using Guided Mode for RTH anyway, and is definitely using Guided Mode for RTM. So 3DR can program the computer to keep going ,to come home, or wait 13 seconds then come home, or or or or. The pixhawk is none the wiser to the controller status with the solo computer in between.
Whoa. I just noticed this in the release notes for 3DR's modified fork of Arducopter.

  • Added a feature that allows a GUIDED mission to continue without RC if FS_THR_ENABLED is set to 2
So that makes
what Jubalr and I said about flying out of range in Guided mode no longer applicable. So if you have that parameter set to allow it to fly out of range in auto mode, it will apply in guided mode too. Which means smart shots can send the solo out of range, and you will have no control.

So lets say you make a zip line and press the button for it to just go. We'll in theory, it will keep going out of range if you let it. And keep going and going and going. Again in theory the battery failsafe will kick in and bring it home. But if it is too far away to make it home, kiss it goodbye.

wow good catch Pedals!

can you post a link to the place where the parameter is?
Awesome!! Thank you for looking this far into it.. We indeed set the "FS_THR_ENABLED" setting to 2 in Tower so I will be sure to change that before a Solo App shot.. Like I said earlier, I think I am going to save configuration file while in Solo App and save configurations file while in Tower and just make it part of my workflow to update params with the appropriate file before while with whichever app.

Thanks everyone for the info..
Awesome!! Thank you for looking this far into it.. We indeed set the "FS_THR_ENABLED" setting to 2 in Tower so I will be sure to change that before a Solo App shot.. Like I said earlier, I think I am going to save configuration file while in Solo App and save configurations file while in Tower and just make it part of my workflow to update params with the appropriate file before while with whichever app.

Thanks everyone for the info..

That thought process is logical. However, I wouldn't actually do that. There are a number of parameters that change and adjust during normal flight. Using a set of saved parameters would continuously overwrite those. Some examples: Compass declination, throttle mid-points, AHRS leveling, etc. There are also parameters that change with the turtle/rabbit sliders, that adjust with smart shots, and that get overwritten on boot. The battery parameters are updated live from the smart battery. You would be better off making your workflow to check/set a fixed list of parameters.
Thats a great point! That is what I will do for sure. Or maybe I just buy another one to do only Tower work. haha they're so cheap now.

Thanks again.
That thought process is logical. However, I wouldn't actually do that. There are a number of parameters that change and adjust during normal flight. Using a set of saved parameters would continuously overwrite those. Some examples: Compass declination, throttle mid-points, AHRS leveling, etc. There are also parameters that change with the turtle/rabbit sliders, that adjust with smart shots, and that get overwritten on boot. The battery parameters are updated live from the smart battery. You would be better off making your workflow to check/set a fixed list of parameters.
OMFG!!! You are a hero! Tonight I was about to take my drone out for a sunset run, (it's FREEZING here so I was rushing) but right before walking out I flashed a backup parameter set, went out side, armed it, took off, and immediately things weren't right, high speed wobbles, drifting, prop pitch sounded wrong, countless other things I wasn't paying attention to while trying to manually get it back on the ground safely. It makes perfect sense, I flashed old data in with the parameters I wanted. There are only 4 main things I change, so after factory resetting the bird tomorrow I will change any parameters manually before each flight. To sum all this up, I'm going to respond to 3DRs auto response email and say I figured it out thanks to the internet, and precheck major parameter changes and never used saved ones. You have saved me HOURS aid googling

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