New iOS Solo App available on Apple App Store...

I had same when I turned on the bird after the FW update. I had left the GP on during the firmware update.... Try this order for turning everything on...worked for me.

Bird, pause to let it boot fully - to White/Red LEDs
turn on Controller, continue to GP even though controller is booting up
GP, should have charging light on at this point. Hit the ON button and should boot up.
Start App and connect to Solo WIFI

You should have the controller's screen indicate that it recognized the Gimbal and then will say Solo app connected.... if done in the above order. If not, I would insure the GP is properly installed and try again with above. Main thing, in my opinion, is to not start the GP prior to the bird being fully booted.

Good luck!
The blinking yellow light is the gimbal updating ...

When you go through the firmware update process it is important to wait until the gimbal light stops blinking before you power off the Solo.

If you power down while the light is still blinking, in theory it will attempt to update the gimbal next time you power up, but some people have bricked the gimbal and no amount of waiting and power cycling will fix it then...
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PAL users take care, changing resolution seems to be reverting the NTSC mode...
I did a 8200ft run this morning on the new app and fw. All good, returned back plenty of batt (no wind). The yaw seems smoother. I noticed that the home distance on the iOS did not update at all but was fine on the controller.

Anyone else get that? Or theirs fine? Might be as I took off in manual.

Love the GoPro controls. Would also like to see iso in future. I have a rectilinear lens and nd, so I have it set low. Like to be able to up it in golden hour on the fly
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hey guys,
have some problems with new update I think.
Since Ive updated the GoPro is not going into Record Mode (red blinking Led) even tough it shows it would be recording on my solo app. Also my gimbal is not responding (blinking led). Is that because of the update? and in case yes, how long does it take?

cheers guys
Had exactly same issue today. I did the update yesterday. Today was going to fly but couldn't, yellow blinking light, gimbal not responsive. Did power cycle several times no luck. Then accidentally touched gimbal paddle on the remote and all of a sudden everything went back to normal. Coincidence? Maybe, but no longer have that issue.
Solo sat for the night. When I tunred on everything now, in no particular order, yellow led changed to green in about 10 seconds and everything is working fine.

(Just for your Info 3DR Support said yesterday night I should try a factory reset)
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Does anybody know if your GoPro power button should be Off while doing a FW update on your Solo?...or does it matter?
And if your GoPro power button was On...would that affect the FW while updating in any way?

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