Any cameras used other than a GoPro?

Oct 24, 2016
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just bought my SOLO this weekend, and did some playing around - having some trouble with the camera connection showing on my phone screen, but I did get that to work somewhat - I use it in Camera mode on my GoPro and the picture comes across, but I dont think that is completely correct

I was just wondering if anyone uses a camera other than a GoPro on their Solo? or is GoPro pretty much the only way to go
Welcome Bogey!

GoPro is the only camera that will fit the gimbal. There are a number of threads here about people experimenting with other cameras.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by using it in camera mode.
so I was having trouble with viewing the camera on my phone in the app - I read a lot of threads, so that seems to happen - the only way I could get the screen to show on my phone was to put my GoPro in Camera mode, where it would take pictures as opposed to video, then I could record video on my phone
I am sure that is not correct but it was all I could get to work and i was tired of messing with it
I would love to get the Sony UMC-R10C that 3dr says it will use for site scan, or something like it. Has anyone seen such a thing other than on the 3dr site?
I Was using a Garmin Virb. Not Mounted to Gimbal but mounted on basic GOPRO mount.
It would broadcast video via remote to Android device. I mostly used it on Timelaps where it would send a photo every x seconds depending on the garmin setting. Without Gimbal, GOPRO or any other camera there is no operation via remote so you set up camera and launch drone.

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